The University houses twenty-three state of the art research centres, which are actively involved in conducting hi-tech and hi-impact research. These centres are:

Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization
ORIC pursues to boost the environment of Research and Technology commercialization at University by supporting the university’s strategic research directions and policies to increase and diversify external research funding and grants and enhance the technology transfer mechanism to convert research into commercialized product for the public benefit.
Innovation and Intellectual Property
The following Patent applications were filed this year:
- Dr. Nuzhat Arshad, Department of Chemistry, Synthesis of Natural products-based crown ethers of Anticancer and Antidiabetic Potential.
- Dr. Rafia Usman Khan, Department of Chemistry, Synthesis of short chain Ethyl 1-6-Methyl-4 Phenyl-2,3,4-dihydropyrimidine-5Carboxylate stabilized silver Nanoparticles as unique Nano-hybrid with remarkable impact in Environment and Biological Applications.
- Dr. Shazia Perveen, Department of Chemistry, An inventive Scalable Method for the Production of High-Quality Graphene Oxide Nano-sheets.
- Dr. Shazia Perveen, Department of Chemistry, A Novel Scalable Electrochemical Method for Obtaining High Quality Reduced Graphene Oxide Nano-sheets & A Novel Characterization Method Thereof.
Research Activities
ORIC played an efficient role in encouraging faculty and researchers to actively participate in the funding and research grants available through national and international forums to transform their research into developed products for commercialization for making incremental improvements to the quality of life for consumers. In addition to the on-going projects, this year, following number of research proposal are already submitted and are in various stages of review.
- 49: National Research Programme for Universities (NRPU), which is a flagship Research Programme of HEC for funding research grants on competitive merit for high-level and promising scientific research projects that demonstrate strategic relevance and impact to local industry and society. As of now, 24 proposals have been awarded, making the acceptance rate at 49%.
- 14: The Grand Challenge Fund (GCF), a Project supported by the World Bank and implemented by the Higher Education Commission (HEC). The GCF is anticipated to promote research excellence in strategic sectors of the economy, and will provide funds to selected institutions based upon a competitive, peer-reviewed evaluation of proposals.
- 06: Local Challenge Fund, a Project supported by the World Bank and implemented by the Higher Education Commission (HEC). The LCF is anticipated to support research projects that address locally relevant socio-economic issues and may also address topics associated with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- 04: The Technology Transfer Support Fund (TTSF) is a key element of the Higher Education.
- Development in Pakistan Project supported by the World Bank and implemented by the Higher Education Commission (HEC). The TTSF is anticipated to support promising partnerships between academia and industry to facilitate the transfer of university developed technological research to industry and the commercial sector.
- 13: The CPEC- Collaborative Research Grant (CPEC - CRG) is one of the key components of recently launched HEC initiative namely "Academic Collaboration under CPEC Consortium of Universities". The overall objective of the said project is to understand and respond to the historic global geo-strategic and geo-economic transition and its impact on the region in general and Pakistan in particular, keeping in the view the broad Chinese Belt and Road Initiative and its Pakistan-specific component – CPEC. Of the 13 proposals submitted in this grant, one proposal was approved for funding, worth USD 313,000.
Activity Summary Graph
The following graph depicts the course offerings and other recent activities carried out at NED University of Engineering and Technology both at undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG), relevant to the requirements of sustainable development goal 8. A brief description of the same follows.

Undergraduate Courses
Following is the list of relevant courses currently being offered in different undergraduate programmes of the University. The credit hour detail of the same can be found in the University’s Undergraduate Prospectus, available at
1 | AR-431: Environmental Design and Systems-III |
2 | AR-442: Communication and Allied Skills-VI |
3 | AR-451: Construction and Materials-V |
4 | AR-461: Research Methodologies |
5 | AR-473: Studies in Critical Regionalism |
6 | AR-552: Construction and Materials-VI |
7 | AR-561: Professional Practice |
8 | AU-102: Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics |
9 | AU-112: Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics |
10 | AU-113: Introduction to Automotive Systems |
11 | AU-201: Automotive Power Plants |
12 | AU-203: Statistics & Quality Control |
13 | AU-212: Computer Programming and Applications |
14 | AU-222: Automobile Instrumentation |
15 | AU-225: Fundamentals of Analogue and Digital Electronics |
16 | AU-231: Manufacturing Engineering-I |
17 | AU-241: Automotive Propulsion |
18 | AU-311: Manufacturing Engineering II |
19 | AU-313: Combustion, Emission and Pollution |
20 | AU-314: Vehicle Dynamics |
21 | AU-315: Design of Machine Elements |
22 | AU-415: Vehicle Design |
23 | AU-416: Mechatronics |
24 | AU-422: Automotive Transmission & Drives |
25 | AU-431: Vehicle Thermal Management |
26 | AU-433: Automotive Health Safety and Environment |
27 | AU-441: Product Development and Operations Management |
28 | AU-442: FEM and FVM: Applications in Automotive Engineering |
29 | AU-444: Hybrid Vehicles & Drives |
30 | AU-499: Automotive Engineering Project |
31 | CE-102: Statics and Dynamics |
32 | CE-107: Engineering Drawing-I |
33 | CE-108: Engineering Materials |
34 | CE-109: Engineering Surveying-I |
35 | CE-110: Chemistry for Civil Engineers |
36 | CE-111: Introduction to Computing for Civil Engineers |
37 | CE-112: Fundamentals of Statics |
38 | CE-113: Surveying for Architects |
39 | CE-201: Engineering Surveying - II |
40 | CE-205: Mechanics of Solids -I |
41 | CE-212: Mechanics of Solids |
42 | CE-215: Fluid Mechanics |
43 | CE-219: Fluid Mechanics-I |
44 | CE-220: Geology for Engineers |
45 | CE-221: Structural Analysis-I |
46 | CE-222: Engineering Drawing-II |
47 | CE-223: Geology for Engineers |
48 | CE-252: Structure for Architects-I |
49 | CE-302: Transportation Engineering -I |
50 | CE-305: Soil Mechanics - I |
51 | CE-314: Structural Analysis - II |
52 | CE-319: Fluid Mechanics-II |
53 | CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I |
54 | CE-321: Construction Engineering |
55 | CE-322: Mechanics of Solids-II |
56 | CE-323: Quantity & Cost Estimation |
57 | CE-352: Structure for Architects-II |
58 | CE-403: Soil Mechanics - II |
59 | CE-409: Civil Engineering Project |
60 | CE-418: Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering-I |
61 | CE-420: Reinforced Concrete Design-II |
62 | CE-421: Design of Steel Structures |
63 | CE-422: Structural Design & Drawing |
64 | CE-423: Masonry Structures |
65 | CE-424: Essentials in Construction Project Management |
66 | CE-425: Modern Aspects of Construction Project Management |
67 | CE-426: Building Information Modeling |
68 | CE-427: Introduction to Entrepreneurship & Opportunity Assessment |
69 | CE-429: Geo-synthetics And Their Applications |
70 | CE-431: Geoinformatics Applications |
71 | CE-432: Transportation Engineering-II |
72 | CE-434: Procurement Management |
73 | CE-435: Construction Contract management |
74 | CE-438: Hydraulics and Water Resource Engineering-II |
75 | CE-439: Engineer and Society |
76 | CH-104: Chemical Engineering Principle |
77 | CH-107: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics-I |
78 | CH-202: Fluid Mechanics-I |
79 | CH-203: Chemical Process Industries |
80 | CH-206: Thermodynamics |
81 | CH-207: Fluid Mechanics-II |
82 | CH-209: Fluid Mechanics-I |
83 | CH-210: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics-II |
84 | CH-211: Fluid Mechanics-II |
85 | CH-212: Particulate Technology |
86 | CH-213: Chemical Process Industries |
87 | CH-302: Separation Processes |
88 | CH-306: Chemical Process Control |
89 | CH-309: Chemical Reaction Engineering |
90 | CH-401: Process Modeling and Simulation |
91 | CH-404: Chemical Process Optimization |
92 | CH-405: Industrial Safety & Maintenance Management |
93 | CH-407: Industrial Organization & Management |
94 | CH-414: Chemical Plant Design |
95 | CH-415: Transport Phenomena |
96 | CH-418: Industrial Organization & Management |
97 | CH-499: Chemical Engineering Project |
98 | CN-223: Fundamentals of Applied Economics for Engineers |
99 | CN-323: Constructions Contracts |
100 | CN-331: Construction Jobsite Engineering and Management |
101 | CN-333: Construction Economic Analysis |
102 | CN-336: Accounting and Financial Management |
103 | CN-416: Legal and Regualtory Environment in the Construction Industry |
104 | CN-427: Quality and Safety Aspects in Construction Engineering |
105 | CN-428: Sustainable Construction |
106 | CN-429: Building Information Modeling |
107 | CN-433: Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Opportunity Assessment |
108 | CN-434: Temporary Structures in Construction |
109 | CN-435: Systems in Building Construction |
110 | CN-436: Heavy Construction Equipment and Operations |
111 | CT-153: Programming Languages |
112 | CT-157: Data Structure Algorithms & Applications |
113 | CT-158: Fundamentals of Information Technology |
114 | CT-159: Data Structure Algorithms & Applications |
115 | CT-162: Discrete Structures |
116 | CT-173: Introduction to Computer Applications |
117 | CT-174: Fundamentals of Information Technology |
118 | CT-175: Programming Fundamentals |
119 | CT-251: Object Oriented Programming |
120 | CT-257: Database Management Systems |
121 | CT-258: Financial & Cost Accounting |
122 | CT-259: System Analysis & Design |
123 | CT-260: Object Oriented Programming |
124 | CT-261: Database Management Systems |
125 | CT-353: Operating Systems |
126 | CT-361: Artificial Intelligence & Expert System |
127 | CT-362: Web Engineering |
128 | CT-363: Design and Analysis of Algorithms |
129 | CT-364: Theory of Automata and Formal Languages |
130 | CT-365: Software Engineering |
131 | CT-367: Theory of Programming Languages |
132 | CT-376: Computer Communication Networks |
133 | CT-460: Network & Information Security |
134 | CT-461: E-Commerce |
135 | CT-463: Data Warehouse & Mining |
136 | CT-464: Modeling & Simulation |
137 | CT-465: Compiler Design |
138 | CT-481: Wireless Network and Mobile Computing |
139 | CT-484: Introduction to Cyber Security |
140 | CT-485: Natural Language Processing |
141 | CT-499: Software-Based Project |
142 | DS-103: Introduction to Accounting |
143 | DS-143: Computer Applications in Development-I |
144 | DS-204: Computer Applications in Development-II |
145 | DS-206: Statistical Applications in Development-I |
146 | DS-207: Statistical Applications in Development-II |
147 | DS-241: Introduction to Research Methodology-I |
148 | DS-242: Introduction to Research Methodology-II |
149 | DS-243: Computer Applications in Development-II |
150 | DS-244: Statistical Applications in Development-I |
151 | DS-245: Statistical Applications in Development-II |
152 | DS-246: Participatory Development |
153 | DS-251: Theory and Management of Organisations |
154 | DS-302: Development Planning Workshop-I |
155 | DS-304: Urban Development |
156 | DS-305: Management Organisation-II |
157 | DS-307: Agricultural Development |
158 | DS-308: Development Planning Workshop-II |
159 | DS-309: Linear Programming |
160 | DS-312: Public Health |
161 | DS-313: Political Economics |
162 | DS-316: Gender and Development |
163 | DS-401: Development Studies Project |
164 | DS-402: Development Planning Workshop-III |
165 | DS-404: Entrepreneurship |
166 | DS-405: Microfinance-I |
167 | DS-406: Environmental Issues in Development |
168 | DS-408: Sustainability in Development |
169 | DS-409: Microfinance-II |
170 | DS-410: Development Planning in Pakistan |
171 | DS-421: Corporate Social Responsibility and Applications in Development |
172 | EC-102: Principles of Accounting |
173 | EC-104: Financial Accounting |
174 | EC-105: Information Technology in Business Economics |
175 | EC-202: Cost Accounting |
176 | EC-203: Computer Application to Business & Finance |
177 | EC-207: Managerial Accounting |
178 | EC-208: Introduction to Business Finance |
179 | EC-209: Financial & Cost Accounting |
180 | EC-308: Business Research Methods |
181 | EC-309: Financial Management |
182 | EC-407: Industrial Economics |
183 | EC-412: Corporate Finance |
184 | EC-413: Project Appraisal & Investment Analysis |
185 | EC-415: Time Series Analysis |
186 | EC-417: Studies of Urban Economics |
187 | FD-305: Machine Design for Food Engineers |
188 | FD-306: Instrumentation& Measurement for Food Engineers |
189 | FD-411: Food Plant Layout and Design |
190 | FD-430: Food Engineering Project |
191 | IM-101: Computer Applications in Engineering |
192 | IM-105: Thermofluids |
193 | IM-203: Manufacturing Processes |
194 | IM-207: Computer Programming & Drafting |
195 | IM-208: Materials Engineering |
196 | IM-209: Mechanics of Materials |
197 | IM-211: Machine Design |
198 | IM-212: Computer Aided Engineering Design |
199 | IM-213: Metrology and Quality Control |
200 | IM-303: Production Management |
201 | IM-307: Advance Manufacturing Processes |
202 | IM-308: Operations Research |
203 | IM-310: Tool Design |
204 | IM-312: Applied Thermo Fluids |
205 | IM-320: Modeling and Simulation |
206 | IM-402: Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) |
207 | IM-405: Finite Element Analysis (FEA) |
208 | IM-408: Automation & Robotics |
209 | IM-409: Manufacturing Engineering Project |
210 | IM-411: Methods Engineering |
211 | IM-413: Plant Engineering |
212 | IM-416: Management Information System |
213 | IM-417: Health, Safety & Environment |
214 | IM-419: Project Management |
215 | ME-101: Engineering Mechanics |
216 | ME-104: Workshop Practice |
217 | ME-106: Statics |
218 | ME-110: Basic Mechanical Engineering |
219 | ME-111: Engineering Drawing |
220 | ME-112: Thermodynamics |
221 | ME-113: Computer Aided Drawing |
222 | ME-115: Statics |
223 | ME-116: Basic Mechanical Engineering |
224 | ME-202: Solid Mechanics - I |
225 | ME-204: Fluid Mechanics - I |
226 | ME-209: Materials and Metallurgy |
227 | ME-213: Dynamics |
228 | ME-214: Computer Programming & Applications |
229 | ME-217: Elements of Machine Dynamics & Design |
230 | ME-218: Solid Mechanics-I |
231 | ME-219: Mechanics of Machine |
232 | ME-220: Manufacturing Processes-I |
233 | ME-221: Fluid Mechanics-I |
234 | ME-222: Dynamics |
235 | ME-223: Engineering Mechanics Lab |
236 | ME-224: Internal Combustion Engines |
237 | ME-302: Solid Mechanics - II |
238 | ME-306: Mechanical Vibrations |
239 | ME-311: Manufacturing Processes |
240 | ME-313: Solid Mechanics - II |
241 | ME-314: Fluid Mechanics-II |
242 | ME-315: Heat & Mass Transfer |
243 | ME-316: Fluid Mechanics-II |
244 | ME-317: Manufacturing Processes-II |
245 | ME-318: Heat & Mass Transfer |
246 | ME-319: Refrigeration & Air Conditioning |
247 | ME-320: RAC and Heat Transfer Lab |
248 | ME-321: Power Plant Engineering |
249 | ME-322: IC Engine and Power Plant Lab |
250 | ME-323: Machine Design |
251 | ME-409: Mechanical Engineering Project |
252 | ME-417: Compressible Flow and Propulsion Systems |
253 | ME-419: Stress Analysis |
254 | ME-420: Operations Management |
255 | ME-421: Gas Turbine |
256 | ME-422: Nuclear Power |
257 | ME-423: Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing |
258 | ME-424: Clean Energy Technology |
259 | ME-425: Finite Element Analysis |
260 | ME-428: Health, Safety & Environment |
261 | ME-429: Water Treatment & Desalination |
262 | ME-430: Mechatronics |
263 | ME-431: Tribology |
264 | ME-432: Health, Safety and Environment |
265 | ME-435: Operations Management |
266 | ME-436: Mechanical Vibrations |
267 | ME-437: Machine Design and Vibration Lab |
268 | ME-438: AI and Internet of Things |
269 | MG-211: Strategic Management |
270 | MG-212: Technology Management |
271 | MG-312: Business Research Methods |
272 | MG-314: Operations Research & Management |
273 | MG-450: Principles of Supply Chain Management |
274 | MG-452: Information Technology for SCM |
275 | MG-453: Supply Chain Inventory |
276 | MG-454: Supply Planning & Control Systems |
277 | MG-455: Business Process Simulation |
278 | MG-456: Procurement Management |
279 | MG-480: Business Process Management |
280 | MG-499: Final Year Project |
281 | MM-102: Introduction to Engineering Materials |
282 | MM-201: Physical Metallurgy |
283 | MM-202: Production and Refining of Materials |
284 | MM-204: Engineering Ceramics and Refractory Materials |
285 | MM-205: Mechanics of Materials |
286 | MM-208: Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing and Foundry |
287 | MM-303: Inspection and Testing of Materials |
288 | MM-304: Heat Treatment of Materials |
289 | MM-305: Polymer and Composite Materials |
290 | MM-307: Joining of Materials |
291 | MM-308: Materials Characterisation and Analytical Techniques |
292 | MM-309: Construction Materials |
293 | MM-401: Materials Characterization Techniques |
294 | MM-402: Design and Selection of Materials |
295 | MM-404: Phase Transformations in Materials |
296 | MM-410: Materials Engineering Project |
297 | MM-411: Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology |
298 | MM-412: Surface Engineering |
299 | MM-414: Total Quality Management |
300 | MM-415: Material Deformations and Failures: Mechanism and Analysis |
301 | MT-273: Deffirential Equations & Linear Algebra |
302 | MT-332: Advanced Calculus & Linear Algebra |
303 | MT-333: Advanced Calculus & Fourier Analysis |
304 | MT-335: Probablity and Statistics |
305 | MT-336: Introduction to Linear Algebra and Programming |
306 | MT-337: Introduction to Statistics |
307 | MT-351: Operation Research |
308 | MT-352: Financial Management |
309 | MT-353: Discrete-Time Finance |
310 | MT-354: Financial Derivatives |
311 | MT-452: Financial Modelling |
312 | MT-454: Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic |
313 | MT-455: Econometrics |
314 | MT-458: Islamic Banking & Financial System |
315 | MY-101: Introduction to Metallurgical Engineering |
316 | MY-206: Furnaces and Refractories |
317 | MY-207: Mechanical Behaviour of Materials |
318 | MY-208: Mineral Processing |
319 | MY-209: Metal Forming and Shaping Processes |
320 | MY-210: Iron Making Processes |
321 | MY-211: Metallurgical Thermodynamics and Kinetics |
322 | MY-303: Foundry: Principles, Methods and Practice |
323 | MY-304: Metallurgy of Welding |
324 | MY-308: Polymer & Composite Materials |
325 | MY-309: Steel Making Processes |
326 | MY-310: Non-Ferrous Extractive Metallurgy |
327 | MY-402: Advanced Materials |
328 | MY-406: Powder Metallurgy |
329 | MY-407: Design, Selection and Characterisation of Engineering Materials |
330 | MY-408: Metallurgical Engineering Project |
331 | MY-409: Metallurgical Plants and Quality Control |
332 | MY-410: Fracture Mechanics and Failure Analysis |
333 | MY-411: Vacuum Metallurgy |
334 | MY-412: Metallurgy of Advanced Steels |
335 | PE-103: Fundamentals of Petroleum Engineering |
336 | PE-104: Applied Petroleum Geology |
337 | PE-105: Computer Programming & Application |
338 | PE-202: Petroleum Geology |
339 | PE-203: Reservoir Petrophysics |
340 | PE-205: Computer Programming & Applications |
341 | PE-206: Thermodynamics - I |
342 | PE-207: Drilling Engineering-I |
343 | PE-208: Reservoir Petrophysics |
344 | PE-209: Fluid Mechanics |
345 | PE-210: Thermodynamics-I |
346 | PE-211: Introduction to Data Sciences |
347 | PE-212: Reservoir Fluid Properties |
348 | PE-213: Drilling Engineering-I |
349 | PE-302: Reservoir Fluid Properties |
350 | PE-304: Reservoir Engineering-I |
351 | PE-306: Subsurface Production Engineering |
352 | PE-308: Petroleum Production Economics |
353 | PE-310: Natural Gas Engineering |
354 | PE-311: Fundamentals of Well Logging |
355 | PE-312: Drilling Engineering-II |
356 | PE-313: Structural Geology & Geophysical Exploration |
357 | PE-401: Reservoir Simulation |
358 | PE-402: Reservoir Engineering II |
359 | PE-406: Petroleum Refinery Engineering |
360 | PE-407: Petroleum Property, Env. and Safety Management |
361 | PE-408: Well Testing |
362 | PE-410: Petroleum Engineering Project |
363 | PE-411: Project Planning and Management |
364 | PE-412: Introduction to Unconventional Oil, Gas & Energy Resources |
365 | PE-413: Oil and Gas Field Production Facilities |
366 | PE-414: Water Flooding and Introduction to EnhPH-101: Mechanics & Properties of Matter |
367 | PH-104: Waves & Oscillations |
368 | PH-112: Applied Physics |
369 | PH-122: Applied Physics |
370 | PH-127: Applied Physics for Engineers |
371 | PH-201: Optics |
372 | PH-202: Modern Physics |
373 | PH-204: Introduction to Material Science |
374 | PH-205: Classical Mechanics |
375 | PH-301: Quantum Mechanics-I |
376 | PH-302: Laser Engineering |
377 | PH-303: Mathematical Physics-I |
378 | PH-305: Vacuum Science |
379 | PH-307: Mathematical Physics-II |
380 | PH-308: Quamtum Mechanics-II |
381 | PH-310: Solid State Physics-I |
382 | PH-313: Cosmology and Theory of Relativity |
383 | PH-401: Computational Physics |
384 | PH-403: Solid State Physics-II |
385 | PH-407: Applied Physics Project |
386 | PH-409: Atomic & Molecular Physics |
387 | PH-412: Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies |
388 | PH-413: Surface Science |
389 | PH-415: Statistical Mechanics |
390 | PH-417: Nuclear Physics |
391 | PP-104: Introduction to Polymer |
392 | PP-105: Introduction to Petrochemical |
393 | PP-202: Polymer Physics |
394 | PP-203: Principles of Chemical Processes |
395 | PP-205: Petroleum and Petrochemical Products |
396 | PP-207: Fluid Mechanics |
397 | PP-210: Polymer Processing |
398 | PP-211: Computer Programming & Applications |
399 | PP-212: Polymeric Materials & Their Characterization |
400 | PP-221: Polymer & Petrochemical Lab-I |
401 | PP-222: Polymer & Petrochemical Lab-II |
402 | PP-301: Process Control and Instrumentation |
403 | PP-307: Polymer Composites |
404 | PP-311: Chemical Reaction Engineering |
405 | PP-321: Polymer & Petrochemical Lab-III |
406 | PP-322: Polymer & Petrochemical Lab-IV |
407 | PP-323: Polymer & Petrochemical Lab-V |
408 | PP-402: Petrochemical Processes |
409 | PP-403: Plant Utilities & Safety |
410 | PP-406: Process Equipment Design |
411 | PP-408: Polymer & Petrochemical Engineering Project |
412 | PP-409: Advance Polymer Engineering |
413 | PP-410: Polymer Reaction Engineering |
414 | PP-411: Separation Processes |
415 | PP-413: Process Optimization |
416 | PP-421: Polymer & Petrochemical Lab-VI |
417 | PP-425: Polymer Rheology |
418 | PP-427: Rubber Technology |
419 | TE-111: Textile Chemistry |
420 | TE-113: Introduction to Textile Engineering |
421 | TE-203: Computer Programming and Applications |
422 | TE-207: Machine Design |
423 | TE-208: Material Science |
424 | TE-211: Textile Yarn Manufacturing Processes |
425 | TE-224: Polymer & Fibre Science |
426 | TE-234: Polymer & Fibre Science |
427 | TE-305: Quality Control In Textiles |
428 | TE-307: Utilities for Textile Industry |
429 | TE-312: Textile Fabric Manufacturing Processes |
430 | TE-313: Textile Product Evaluation-I |
431 | TE-318: Textile & Environment |
432 | TE-319: Heat & Mass Transfer |
433 | TE-326: Textile Dyeing |
434 | TE-406: Textile Production Management |
435 | TE-408: Textile Engineering Design Project |
436 | TE-413: Textile Product Evaluation-II |
437 | TE-424: Textile Printing |
438 | TE-451: Automation & Control in Textile |
439 | TE-452: Textile Finishing |
440 | TE-454: Textile Merchandizing & Management |
441 | TE-455: Advanced Garment Manufacturing |
442 | TE-461: Advanced Yarn Manufacturing Mechanism |
443 | TE-462: Advanced Fabric Manufacturing Mechanism |
444 | TS-102: Textile Raw Materials-I |
445 | TS-108: Textile Raw Materials-II |
446 | TS-109: Introduction to Textiles |
447 | TS-119: Introduction to Textiles |
448 | TS-205: Pre-Spinning Processes |
449 | TS-206: Yarn Production Processes |
450 | TS-207: High Performance Fibres |
451 | TS-208: Weaving Preparatory Processes |
452 | TS-209: Colour Science |
453 | TS-233: Textile Testing-I |
454 | TS-245: Pre-treatment in Textiles |
455 | TS-341: Advanced Yarn Production Processes |
456 | TS-343: Weaving Mechanisms |
457 | TS-354: Knitting Technology |
458 | TS-356: Textile Dyeing |
459 | TS-358: Textile Printing |
460 | TS-361: Textile Testing-II |
461 | TS-455: Advanced Fabric Manufacturing Technique |
462 | TS-458: Project |
463 | TS-470: Technical Textiles |
464 | UE-102: Statics and Dynamics |
465 | UE-151: Engineering Drawing-I |
466 | UE-152: Engineering Materials |
467 | UE-153: Engineering Surveying-I |
468 | UE-154: Chemistry for Civil Engineers |
469 | UE-155: Introduction to Computing for Civil Engineering |
470 | UE-201: Engineering Surveying - II |
471 | UE-218: Law and Regulatory Control Studies |
472 | UE-251: Mechanics of Solid-I |
473 | UE-252: Geology for Engineers |
474 | UE-253: Engineering Drawing-II |
475 | UE-254: Fluid Mechanics-I |
476 | UE-255: Structural Analysis-I |
477 | UE-270: Surveying and Geo informatics |
478 | UE-305: Soil Mechanics - I |
479 | UE-351: Reinforced Concrete Design-I |
480 | UE-352: Construction Engineering |
481 | UE-353: Quantity & Cost Estimations |
482 | UE-355: Essential in Construction Project Management |
483 | UE-356: Traffic Engineering and Management |
484 | UE-359: Structural Analysis-II |
485 | UE-360: Mechanics of Solids-II |
486 | UE-361: Planning & Design of Transportation System |
487 | UE-403: Soil Mechanics - II |
488 | UE-415: Urban Engineering Project |
489 | UE-435: Financial Resource Management |
490 | UE-451: Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Engineering-I |
491 | UE-452: Urban Mass Transportation |
492 | UE-453: Reinforced Concrete Design-II |
493 | UE-454: Design of Steel Structures |
494 | UE-455: Municipal Engineering and Urban Management |
495 | UE-460: Geoinformatics |
Postgraduate Courses
Following is the list of relevant courses currently being offered in different postgraduate programmes of the University. The credit hour detail of the same can be found in the University’s Postgraduate Prospectus, available at
1 | AR-511: Introduction to Urban Design |
2 | AR-513: Methods in Ph1sical Planning |
3 | AR-601: Advanced Architectural Design-I |
4 | AR-602: Advanced Architectural Design-II |
5 | AR-603: Studies in Architectural Research |
6 | AR-604: Architectural Theor1 |
7 | AR-608: Green Architecture: Concepts and Applications |
8 | AR-612: Methods in Urban Planning Research |
9 | AR-614: Infrastructure Planning |
10 | AR-615: Economic Development and Regional Planning |
11 | AR-617: Advanced Studies in Urban Design |
12 | AR-623: Computer Applications in Planning |
13 | AR-648: Architecture and the Cit1 |
14 | AR-698: Thesis |
15 | BM-450: Anatom1 and Ph1siolog1 for Engineers |
16 | BM-5002: Thesis |
17 | BM-541: Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation |
18 | BM-542: Finite Element Method |
19 | BM-543: Mechatronics S1stem Design |
20 | BM-544: Mathematical & Computer Modeling of Ph1siological S1stem |
21 | BM-545: Biomedical Ethics for Engineers |
22 | BM-547: Medical Robotics |
23 | BM-550: Advanced Medical Imaging |
24 | BM-553: Advanced Biomaterials |
25 | BM-554: Design of Implants/ Artificial Organs |
26 | BM-563: Advanced Digital Signal Processing |
27 | BM-565: Research Methodolog1 |
28 | BM-567: Regulator1 Framework for Medical Devices |
29 | CE-5002: Thesis |
30 | CE-501: Advanced Structural Anal1sis |
31 | CE-5012: Intellectual propert1 (IP) protection and Professional Ethics |
32 | CE-5013: Construction Contracts and Procurement Law |
33 | CE-5014: Construction Claims Preparation and Anal1sis |
34 | CE-5015: Construction Disputes |
35 | CE-5016: Fundamentals of Environmental Laws for Construction Industr1 |
36 | CE-5017: Construction Specifications writing and Documentation |
37 | CE-5018: Construction Law Case Studies |
38 | CE-502: Advanced Mechanics of Solids |
39 | CE-5020: Construction Law and Risk Management |
40 | CE-5021: International Perspectives of Construction Law |
41 | CE-5024: Tort in Engineering |
42 | CE-503: Advanced Reinforced Concrete |
43 | CE-504: Advanced Engineering Mathematics |
44 | CE-505: Prestressed Concrete Design |
45 | CE-506: Finite Element Method |
46 | CE-508: Computer Method of Structural Anal1sis |
47 | CE-510: Structural Stabilit1 |
48 | CE-511: Structural D1namics |
49 | CE-513: Seismic Anal1sis and Design |
50 | CE-514: Design of Tall Structures |
51 | CE-515: Design of Steel Structures |
52 | CE-516: Repair, Maintenance & Streng. of RC Structures |
53 | CE-517: Performance-based Seismic Design |
54 | CE-518: Mathematical Methods for Engineers |
55 | CE-519: Advanced Cementitious Materials |
56 | CE-532: Foundation Engineering |
57 | CE-533: Soil Foundation D1namics |
58 | CE-540: Earth Retaining Structures |
59 | CE-544: Quantitative Tools for Engineering Management |
60 | CE-545: Construction Claim Management |
61 | CE-548: Occupational Health & Safet1 in Construction |
62 | CE-550: Construction Productivit1 Management |
63 | CE-561: Urban Transportation Planning |
64 | CE-562: Geometric Design of Highwa1s |
65 | CE-563: Advanced Traffic Engineering & Management |
66 | CE-564: Probabilit1 and Statistics |
67 | CE-567: Public Mass Transportation |
68 | CE-569: Pavement Anal1sis & Design |
69 | CE-570: Transportation Economics |
70 | CE-575: Railwa1 Track Engineering |
71 | CE-585: H1draulic Structure Engineering / Advanced H1draulic Engineering |
72 | CE-588: Leadership in Consruction Management |
73 | CE-589: Suppl1 Chain Management in Construction Industr1 |
74 | CE-591: Cost Engineering & Control |
75 | CE-592: Decision Making & Risk Mang. in Construction |
76 | CE-593: Construction Operations & Development of Technologies |
77 | CE-595: Tech Entrepr and The Mang. & Mark. of Const. Serv |
78 | CE-596: Public Infrastructure Management |
79 | CH-498: Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering |
80 | CH-501: Chemical Thermod1namics - III |
81 | CH-502: Advanced Reaction Engineering |
82 | CH-503: Transport Phenomena |
83 | CH-504: Advanced Process Control |
84 | CH-505: Mathematical Methods |
85 | CH-506: Applied Chemical Thermod1namics |
86 | CH-507: Thermal Process Engineering |
87 | CH-508: Process Design Simulation |
88 | CH-509: Reactor Design and kinetics |
89 | CH-511: Pol1mer Processing |
90 | CH-512: Applied Statistics |
91 | CH-513: Advanced Composite Materials |
92 | CH-514: Petroleum Refining Engineering |
93 | CH-515: Computational Fluid D1namics |
94 | CH-517: Corrosion |
95 | CH-520: Advanced Heat Transfer |
96 | CH-521: Process D1namics and Control |
97 | CH-522: Advanced Refining and Gas Engineering |
98 | CH-523: Process Safet1 Management |
99 | CS-404: Computer S1stems Architecture & Organization |
100 | CS-407: Computing Essentials |
101 | CS-408: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence |
102 | CS-411: Computer S1stems Fundamentals |
103 | CS-412: Data Structures and Databases |
104 | CS-5002: Thesis |
105 | CS-503: Queuing Theor1 for Performance Modeling of Computer S1stems |
106 | CS-506: Advanced Computer S1stems Architecture |
107 | CS-5101: Advanced Artificial Intelligence |
108 | CS-5102: Machine Learning |
109 | CS-5103: Mathematics for Artificial Intelligence |
110 | CS-5104: Intelligent S1stems Design |
111 | CS-5105: Deep Learning |
112 | CS-5107: Computer Vision |
113 | CS-5115: Advanced Image Processing |
114 | CS-5124: Pattern Recognition |
115 | CS-514: Performance Evaluation of Computer S1stems |
116 | CS-517: Digital Communication Theor1 |
117 | CS-523: Routing and Switching |
118 | CS-531: Advanced Operating S1stems |
119 | CS-538: Information Theor1 and Cr1ptograph1 |
120 | CS-539: Computer Securit1 |
121 | CS-540: Computer Network Protocols |
122 | CS-541: Stochastic Processes for Computer Networks |
123 | CS-542: C1ber Securit1 |
124 | CS-543: Internet Securit1 |
125 | CS-544: Vulnerabilit1 Assessment and Ethical Hacking |
126 | CS-551: Advanced Database S1stems |
127 | CS-552: Data Anal1tics |
128 | CS-553: Information S1stems Management |
129 | CS-554: Data Securit1 and Audit |
130 | CS-555: Distributed S1stems |
131 | CS-562: Big Data Computing |
132 | CS-563: Business Intelligence |
133 | CS-564: Cloud Computing |
134 | CS-565: Data Encr1ption |
135 | CS-566: Data Mining |
136 | CS-568: Decision Support S1stems |
137 | CS-569: E-Business Management |
138 | CS-570: Enterprise Resource Planning |
139 | CS-572: Internet Traffic Engineering and Management |
140 | CS-573: Network Securit1 |
141 | CT-491: Operating S1stems |
142 | CT-492: Object Oriented Programming |
143 | CT-493: Data Structure and Algorithms Design |
144 | CT-494: Introduction to Databases |
145 | CT-5002: Thesis |
146 | CT-501: Software Project Management |
147 | CT-502: Theor1 of Automata |
148 | CT-503: Operations Research & Optimisation |
149 | CT-504: Advanced Numerical Anal1sis |
150 | CT-505: Financial Management |
151 | CT-506: Advanced Anal1sis of Algorithms |
152 | CT-508: Cr1ptograph1 |
153 | CT-509: Distributed S1stems |
154 | CT-510: Algebra and Number Theor1 |
155 | CT-512: Principles of Marketing |
156 | CT-524: Knowledge Based S1stems |
157 | CT-527: Image Processing and Computer Vision |
158 | CT-528: Advance Database Techniques |
159 | CT-530: Data Mining |
160 | CT-532: Information S1stem Audit |
161 | CT-534: Software Qualit1 Assurance |
162 | CT-539: Advanced Computer Networking |
163 | CT-542: Information Securit1 Management |
164 | CT-544: C1ber Crimes and Securit1 |
165 | CT-545: Digital Forensics |
166 | CT-554: Ethical Hacking |
167 | CT-555: Cloud Securit1 |
168 | CT-556: Intrusion Detection |
169 | CT-558: Distributed Blockchain Technologies |
170 | CT-560: Deep Learning |
171 | CT-561: Natural Language Processing |
172 | CT-562: Machine Learning |
173 | CT-563: Business Intelligence |
174 | CT-564: Web Intelligence and Big Data |
175 | CT-569: Virtualization and Cloud Computing |
176 | CT-574: Information Privac1 and Securit1 |
177 | CT-575: Cr1ptograph1 |
178 | CT-576: Advanced Operating S1stem |
179 | CT-577: Advanced Theor1 of Automata |
180 | CT-581: Statistics & Probabilit1 for Data Science |
181 | CT-583: Tools and Techniques for Data Science |
182 | CT-589: Social Media Anal1sis |
183 | CT-590: Data Visualization |
184 | CT-592: Big Data Anal1tics |
185 | CT-593: Data Warehousing |
186 | CT-597: Time Series Anal1sis & Forecasting |
187 | CT-599: Speech Processing |
188 | C1-402: Ph1sical Chemistr1 |
189 | C1-403: Instrumental Methods and Techniques |
190 | C1-404: Separation Techniques |
191 | C1-415: Mathematics and Statistics |
192 | C1-5002: Thesis |
193 | C1-501: Unit Operations |
194 | C1-502: Advanced Chemical Kinetics |
195 | C1-503: Chemical Thermod1namics |
196 | C1-504: Industrial Chemical Anal1sis |
197 | C1-506: Electroanal1tical Techniques |
198 | C1-507: Advanced Chromatographic Techniques |
199 | C1-511: Research Methodolog1 |
200 | C1-512: Drug and Heteroc1clic Chemistr1 |
201 | C1-513: Organic S1nthesis |
202 | C1-517: Corrosin Chemistr1 |
203 | C1-522: Water Treatment |
204 | C1-523: Nano Chemistr1 |
205 | C1-524: Laborator1 Qualit1 Assurance |
206 | EC-403: Introduction to Accounting |
207 | EC-505: Financial Accounting |
208 | EC-509: Investment Anal1sis and Porfolio Management |
209 | EC-524: Research Methodolog1 |
210 | EE-5002: Thesis |
211 | EE-501: Linear Control S1stems |
212 | EE-502: Optimal Control S1stems |
213 | EE-503: Random Variables and Stochastic Processes |
214 | EE-504: Adaptive Control S1stems |
215 | EE-505: Digital Control S1stem |
216 | EE-512: Advanced Digital Signal Processing |
217 | EE-521: Power S1stem Anal1sis-I |
218 | EE-522: Power S1stem Anal1sis-II |
219 | EE-523: Power S1stem Protection |
220 | EE-524: Electrical Power Distribution S1stem Engg.-I |
221 | EE-525: Electrical Power Distribution S1stem Engg.-II |
222 | EE-526: Electrical Power Transmission S1stem Engineering |
223 | EE-527: Power S1stem Stabilit1 |
224 | EE-528: Computer Methods in Power S1stem Anal1sis |
225 | EE-529: Power S1stem Reliabilit1 |
226 | EE-531: Embedded Power Generation |
227 | EE-532: Reactive Power Control |
228 | EE-543: Solid State DC Drives |
229 | EE-561: Power Generation Economics |
230 | EE-562: Energ1 Audits |
231 | EE-563: Energ1 Conservation |
232 | EE-564: Power S1stem Restructuring |
233 | EE-565: Distributed Generation |
234 | EE-566: Reliabilit1 Engineeering |
235 | EE-567: Energ1 Planning |
236 | EE-570: Advanced Electrical Power S1stems |
237 | EE-571: Advanced Power Electronics |
238 | EE-572: S1nchrophasor Technolog1 |
239 | EE-573: Smart Grid Technologies and Applications |
240 | EE-574: Data Anal1tics for Smart Grid |
241 | EE-575: Electricit1 Markets |
242 | EE-576: Communication S1stem for Smart Grid |
243 | EE-577: Energ1 Storage S1stems |
244 | EE-578: Renewable Energ1 Integration with Electrical Networks |
245 | EE-579: Smart Grid S1stem Securit1 |
246 | EL-402: Introduction to Mechatronics |
247 | EL-403: Introduction to Power Electronics |
248 | EL-5002: Thesis |
249 | EL-501: Solid State Materials and Devices |
250 | EL-502: Analog Integrated Circuits |
251 | EL-503: Advanced Digital Electronics & Interfacing Techniques |
252 | EL-504: Electronics Design Automation |
253 | EL-507: Fuzz1 Logic and Intelligent Electronics Control S1stems |
254 | EL-511: Digital VLSI Design |
255 | EL-512: Analog VLSI Design |
256 | EL-514: Light wave Engineering |
257 | EL-521: Measurement & Calibration of Electronic S1stems |
258 | EL-523: Industrial Control S1stems |
259 | EL-524: Advanced Power Electronics |
260 | EL-525: Sensors and S1stems |
261 | EL-526: Robotics and its Application of Industrial Electronics |
262 | EM-501: Organisational S1stems |
263 | EM-502: Accounting and Financial Management |
264 | EM-503: Strategic Planning and Decision Making |
265 | EM-504: Project Management Framework and Tools |
266 | EN-5002: Thesis |
267 | EN-502: Environmental Applied Science |
268 | EN-508: Environment Impact Assessment |
269 | EN-510: Process D1namics in Environmental S1stem |
270 | EN-511: Environmental Management |
271 | EN-513: Industrial Waste Treatment and Disposal |
272 | EN-514: Water Resources Management |
273 | EN-515: Air Pollution and Control |
274 | EN-518: Sustainable Development & Appropriate Technolog1 |
275 | EN-520: Marine Pollution and Control |
276 | EN-521: Special Topics in Environmental Engineering |
277 | EN-523: Anal1sis of Environmental Contaminants |
278 | EN-524: Wastewater Engineering |
279 | EN-525: Ph1sico Chemical Processes |
280 | EN-526: Solid Waste Management |
281 | EN-527: Environmental Health and Sanitation |
282 | EN-531: Environmental Qualit1 Management |
283 | EN-537: Water Qualit1 Management |
284 | EN-540: Health, Safet1 & Environmental Management |
285 | EN-541: Remote Sensing in Environmental Management |
286 | EN-542: Sustainable Waste Management |
287 | EQ-5002: Thesis |
288 | EQ-501: Structural D1namics |
289 | EQ-502: Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering |
290 | EQ-504: Advanced Structural Anal1sis |
291 | EQ-505: Structural Reliabilit1 Anal1sis |
292 | EQ-522: Performance BAsed Seismic Design |
293 | EQ-523: Seismic Design of Steel and Composite Structures |
294 | EQ-528: Finite Element Method |
295 | EQ-529: FRP Reinforced Concrete Design |
296 | EQ-532: Fire Safet1 and Management |
297 | HS-503: Research Methodolo1 in Applied Linguistics |
298 | HS-504: Quantitative Tools for Research |
299 | HS-528: Technolog1 in Language Teaching & Learning |
300 | IM-5002: Thesis |
301 | IM-501: Suppl1 Chain Management |
302 | IM-503: Maintenance Management |
303 | IM-506: Business Process Re-engineering |
304 | IM-513: Six Sigma Methodologies |
305 | IM-515: Agile & Lean Manufacturing |
306 | IM-526: Facilities Planning and La1out |
307 | IM-552: Logistics Management |
308 | IM-554: Procurement Management |
309 | IM-557: Managing Suppl1 Chain Inventor1 |
310 | IM-559: International Trade |
311 | IM-563: Warehouse Management and Ph1sical Distribution Network |
312 | MC-5002: Thesis |
313 | MC-501: Electrical and Electronic for Mechanical Engineers |
314 | MC-502: Introduction to A.I & Computer Architecture |
315 | MC-503: Elements of Machine D1namics and Design |
316 | MC-504: Mechanics of Materials and Processes |
317 | MC-505: Thermo Fluidics |
318 | MC-511: Sensors and Actuators |
319 | MC-513: Control Theor1 & S1stems |
320 | MC-514: Kinematics & Rigid Bod1 D1namics |
321 | MC-515: Industrial Automation & Robotics |
322 | MC-523: Mechanical Design of Mechatronics S1stems |
323 | MC-537: Reliabilit1 Engineering |
324 | MC-539: Micro-& NAno-Electromechanical S1stem |
325 | MC-541: Digital Image Processing & Machine Vision |
326 | MC-546: Data Acquisition and Microcontroller |
327 | MC-547: Mechatronics S1stem Design |
328 | ME-5002: Thesis |
329 | ME-501: Engineering Design |
330 | ME-502: Advanced Stress Anal1sis |
331 | ME-503: Computer Aided Design |
332 | ME-504: Finite Element Anal1sis |
333 | ME-505: Mechanical Vibrations |
334 | ME-507: Power Plant Design |
335 | ME-521: Automation & Controls |
336 | ME-522: Computer Aided Manufacturing |
337 | ME-523: Operations Research |
338 | ME-524: Reliabilit1 & Qualit1 Engineering |
339 | ME-525: Advanced Manufacturing Processes |
340 | ME-527: Human Factor Engineering |
341 | ME-530: Maintenance Engineering |
342 | ME-541: Advanced Thermod1namics |
343 | ME-542: Energ1 Management |
344 | ME-544: Advanced Heat Transfer |
345 | ME-545: Renewable Energ1 |
346 | ME-547: Advanced Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration |
347 | ME-548: Advanced Fluid Mechanics |
348 | ME-550: Numerical Methods in Heat Transfer |
349 | ME-551: Introduction to Computational Fluid D1namics |
350 | ME-555: Advanced Thermod1namics |
351 | ME-556: Renewable Energ1 S1stems |
352 | ME-557: Energ1 Economics, Polic1 and Assessment |
353 | ME-558: Energ1 Modelling and Forecasting |
354 | ME-559: Process and Energ1 Integration |
355 | ME-560: Energ1 Management and Conservation |
356 | ME-562: Photovoltaic S1stems |
357 | ME-563: Wind Energ1: Design and Integration |
358 | ME-564: Design of Wind Turbines |
359 | ME-574: Fluid D1namics |
360 | ME-585: Reliabilit1 and Asset Management |
361 | ME-586: Health Safet1 and Environment |
362 | ME-587: Building Services Engineering |
363 | MM-5002: Thesis |
364 | MM-501: Phase Transformation in Solids. |
365 | MM-502: Production of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Materials. |
366 | MM-503: Deformation Behaviour and Failure Anal1sis of Materials. |
367 | MM-504: Heat Treatment and Microstructure Evolution in Metals. |
368 | MM-505: Advanced Materials Characterisation Techniques. |
369 | MM-506: Practical/Laborator1/Industrial Visits with short reports |
370 | MM-531: Surface Engineering and Coating Techniques. |
371 | MM-532: Ceramic Engineering. |
372 | MM-534: Nanotechnolog1. |
373 | MM-539: Corrosion Engineering |
374 | MM-540: Modern Composite Materials |
375 | MT-500: Scientific Computing |
376 | MT-501: Differential Equations |
377 | MT-502: Linear Algebra |
378 | MT-504: Numerical Methods and Applications |
379 | MT-505: Operations Research and Optimisation |
380 | MT-511: Advanced Engineering Mathematics |
381 | MT-512: Advanced Discrete Mathematics |
382 | MT-513: Finite Element Anal1sis |
383 | MT-514: Numerical Methods in Heat Transfer |
384 | MT-515: Transforms and their Applications |
385 | MT-517: Computational Fluid D1namics |
386 | MT-519: Fuzz1 Logic and Neural Networks |
387 | MT-520: Graph Theor1 |
388 | PH-400: Classical Mechanics |
389 | PH-501: Advanced Computation Ph1sics |
390 | PH-502: Advanced Quantum Mechanics |
391 | PH-503: Advanced Statistical Mechanics |
392 | PH-505: Advanced Experimental Methods in Ph1sics |
393 | PH-511: Magnetic Properties of Materials |
394 | PH-521: Optical Ph1sics and Lasers |
395 | PH-524: Nanotechnolog1 |
396 | PH-525: Medical Radiation |
397 | PP-512: Advanced Pol1mer Processing |
398 | PP-513: Pol1mer Reactor Engineering |
399 | PP-514: Rheolog1 of Complex Fluids |
400 | PP-515: Pol1mer Structure-Propert1 Relationships |
401 | PP-525: Advanced Pol1mer Composites |
402 | PP-527: Pol1mer Adhesives and Coatings |
403 | PP-531: Pol1mer Characterization |
404 | PP-532: Pol1mer Degradation, Stabilit1 and Rec1ling |
405 | PP-533: Process Safet1 and Loss Prevention |
406 | SE-501: Advanced Requirements Engineering |
407 | SE-502: Advanced Software S1stems Architecture |
408 | SE-503: Software Testing and Qualit1 Assurance |
409 | SE-504: Software Measurement and Metrics |
410 | SE-508: Agile Software Development Methods |
411 | SE-510: Advanced Software Project Management |
412 | TC-5002: Thesis |
413 | TC-501: Probabilit1 and Random Processes |
414 | TC-503: Digital Communication Theor1 |
415 | TC-504: Advanced Communication S1stem |
416 | TC-505: Telecommunications Network Operation |
417 | TC-506: Information S1stems |
418 | TC-507: Analog and Digital Communication |
419 | TC-508: Data Communication and Networks |
420 | TC-509: Telecommunication Policies and Regulation |
421 | TC-510: Telecommunication Management |
422 | TC-511: Communication Network |
423 | TC-512: Microwave S1stems |
424 | TC-513: Principles of Radar |
425 | TC-514: Mobile Telephone S1stem |
426 | TC-515: Advanced Digital Signal Processing |
427 | TC-516: Satellite Communication |
428 | TC-517: Communication Securit1 |
429 | TC-521: RF Communication S1stem |
430 | TC-522: Data Securit1 |
431 | TC-523: Wireless S1stem and Networks |
432 | TC-524: Optical Communication |
433 | TC-547: Optical Networks |
434 | TE-5002: Thesis |
435 | TE-505: Advanced Statistics |
436 | TE-516: Suppl1 Chain Design & Management |
437 | TE-553: Textile Brand Managemental and Marketing |
438 | UE-5002: Thesis |
439 | UE-501: Urban Transportation Management |
440 | UE-502: Pavement Asset Management |
441 | UE-509: Transportation S1stems Asset Management |
442 | UE-510: Highwa1 Construction Project Management |
Undergraduate projects
Following is the list of relevant Final Year Design Projects (FYDP) thesis carried out at undergraduate level in the University.
- Design and simulate the electric drive train of a standard electric multi purpose vehicle
- Design of Sunvisor's wire bending operation for industrial automation
- Design and development of prototype of a linear induction motor
- Design and development of a magnetically levitating body
- Adjustable Arm Support
- Design and Development of a Mobile Patient Transfer Lift
- Design and Development of Postural Supports for Wheelchair
- Comparative study of Novel Silicate and Borate Bioglass Hydrogels for Skin Tissue Regeneration.
- Neuromodulation for Essential Tremors
- Designing and Testing of Dynamic Podoscope for Kinematic Analysis of Gait
- Integrating Construction Process Simulation in BIM
- nD BIM Modelling for Infrastructure – A Case Study of Airport
- Construction Risk Management Through BIM
- Achieving Low-cost Building Construction via Material and Technology Innovation
- Developing Entrepreneurial Business Model for BIM Services
- Augmented Reality Information Modelling Integrated Construction Project Progress Monitoring
- Development at Portable Domestic, Wastewater Treatment Plant for Recycling
- Behaviour of RC Slabs Subjected to Impact Loadings
- Computer Aided Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Structure
- Design and Operational Feasibility Analysis of Red-line Bus Rapid Transit System Karachi
- Behaviour of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Beams Subjected to Variable Loading
- Structural Health Monitoring of Reinforced Concrete Slabs
- Design of Concrete Flexural Members Using Bamboo Reinforcement
- Green Rooftops Using Hydroponics and Recycled Water
- Design of Low-cost Residential Housing Units Using Lightly Reinforced Masonry
- Structural Health Monitoring of Reinforced Concrete Girders
- Numerical Investigation of Pre-stressed Concrete Girders
- Surveying and Mapping of Potential Clay Reserves in KPK Region
- Behaviour of Beams Prepared with Recycled Aggregate Concrete Subjected to Torsion
- To Study the Rutting Susceptibility of Flexible Pavement Using Recycled Concrete Aggregates
- Numerical Investigation of Pre-stressed RC Slabs
- Developing Decision Support System for Stormwater Management for an Urbanized Area
- Behaviour of RC Beams Under High Mass Low Velocity Impact
- Effect of Curing on the Strength of Geopolymer Concrete at Ambient Temperature
- Mechanical Properties of Ultra-high Strength Concrete
- Assessing the Suitability of HCM for Local Traffic
- Development of Geodatic Control Point and Calibration of GNSS Data at NEDUET
- Algorithmic trading Model
- Portfolio optimization through time series analysis; its evaluation and comparison with mutual funds and stocks
- Technical analysis of Pakistan Stock market
- Sectoral analysis of volatility in oil prices and firms return, An empirical evidence from Pakistan
- Adoption of E-banking services in Pakistan: An analysis in the light of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)
- Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on the MSCI classified Countries Stock Market
- Expected Credit Loss Calculator
- Export Potential of Small Scale Industries: Case Study of Karachi
- Forecasting of Risk and Return of top trading Industries listed in PSX using Stochastic Models
- Solvent De-Asphalting for 200,000 Barrels per day Refining based on DAS (UAE) Blend Crude
- Energy, Exergy, Economic and Enviro-Economic (4Es) Analyses of CO2 Capture from Natural Gas
- Using Hybrid Physical and Chemical Solvents - A Simulation Study and Intelligent Modeling.
- Municipal Solid Waste Gasification with CO2 Capture via Process Simulation Approach-Karachi Based Study.
- Secondary Condensate Recovery System Using Hydro-cyclones
- Techno-economics Analysis of Mixed refrigerant-based Processes for the Production of LNG
- To Simulate and Design a Control Technique for Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM) Processing Plant
- Foam Assisted Lift (FAL) in Water-Loaded Gas Wells
- Designing and Fabrication of Temperature Control Unit (ICU)
- Commercial Scale Pilot Plant Fabrication for PCA Based Road Making
- Evaluation of the Feasible Process Scheme for CO2 Capture from Acid Gas and its Successful Utilization in Industrial Processes Or its Environmental-Friendly Disposal in geological formation
- A Blockchain Based Data Privacy Protection And Sharing For Electronic Medical Records
- Traceability And Verifiability Of Vaccination Record Using Blockchain
- Development of metaverse based workspace for remote collaboration
- Handwritten text OCR for banking documents
- Development of emotion detection framework using eeg signals
- Recruitment web application for organization using natural language processing (nlp) techniques
- Automated generation of data (designs and patterns) for textile industry using generative adversarial networks (GANS)
- Secure wireless internet sharing application using smart routers
- Computer vision assisted drive-thru web store with on-chain transactions
- Design of a framework for analysis of EEG signals by using brain computer interface
- Retailers product forecasting
- Design and development of a web application for automating the process of reading electric meters
- Preparation and characterizations of Dihydro pyrimidine based hetero cycles of bio-interest via coupling reactions.
- Modification and characterizations of bio-interesting Dihydro pyrimidines of Biginelli type via coupling reaction
- Synthesis, characterization and Applications of curcumin stabilized metallic nanoparticles.
- Production of Highly Potential
- Standardized Herbal Extract of
- Adhatoda vasica
- Low cost Fire Extinguishing System for Enhanced Industrial Safety.
- Machine Learning Based Power Distribution System Reliability Improvement
- Speed Control Optimization for Electric Vehicle based on PI Controller
- Closed Electric Market Fabrication at NED University with Restructured Optimized
- An effective machine learning diagnosis and fault prevention of induction motor
- Design a Power Quality Monitering system (PQMS) based on standard EN50160
- Modified ABC algorithm to optimally place UPFC controller for transmission efficiency enhancement
- Phonetic Segment of speech using Deep learning
- Fabrication and design of solar based air purifier for improving air quality index
- Hybrid Power System
- Electric Power Generation using wind turbine by applying the concept of Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) where constant power output is achieved in variable wind conditions
- Designing & Analysis of a reliable, protected and efficient industrial Power system.
- Modeling and Voltage Stability analysis of hybrid Microgrid in the Presence of Electric Vehicle Charging Station
- Designing of Smart Power Protection System for Gaba Sons and Initiation of Battery Energy Storage System as an approach towards Energy Storage in Industry.
- Design and Control of DC Microgrid ith integration of renewables and BESS
- To Design a Network Communication Algorithm for Teleoperation Setup Over Wide Area Network (WAN).
- Design and Development of a Quadruped Robot for Disaster Management
- Design and implementation of 3-axis CNC machine for Electrical Panel Foaming at Accrescent Engineers (Pvt) Ltd.
- Smart Design of 5-Axis CNC Machine for Industrial Applications
- Design of Low Cost, Medical, Portable Oxygen Concentrator
- Humanoid Robotic Arm
- Design of a Gait Control Algorithm for Humanoid Robot
- Design and analysis of improved oxygen percentage of low cost oxygen concentrator
- Smart robot for social interaction in a commercial enterprise
- Design of a gait control algorithm for a Quadruped Robot
- Design of a Network Jitter regulator for advance Tele-robotic System
- Design and development of CPAP/BiPAP respiratory assistive device
- Artificial Intelligent based modeling for detection of FoG and monitoring in Parkinson's patients using neural networks.
- Smart Monitoring And Fault Detection System For Power Transmission Lines Using Digital Sensor
- Modelling, Analysis and Protection of Carbon free AC Microgrid
- Designing and Simulations of Fixed and Variable Tilted Solar Panel
- The Wireless Integrated Building Infrastructure Automation system
- Optimal energy resource management for electric vehicle integrated power grid
- Machine Learning based charge scheduling of electrical vehicle with minimum waiting time.
- Fault Detection of Induction Motor Using Simulink and Machine Learning
- Smart Headset for Epileptic Monitoring Device
- Optimal planning of distributed generation and capacitors to improve the loadability of the grid.
- Prospects for sustainable procurement practices – A case of Martin Dow
- Relationship between Supply Chain Management Practices and Firm Performance: An investigation on the economic benefits of retail businesses from consumer perspective
- Research and marketing strategies for the relaunch of Chicky Meal
- Analysing the supplier’s reliability and lead time of manufacturing firm
- The impact of social media marketing on consumer behaviour
- ABC classification of suppliers and materials – A case of Tri-Pack films
- Sustainable supply chain practices in Textile sector: A case of Yunus Textile Mills
- The possible wats of e-billing and its acceptability in customers – A case of SSGC
- Prevalent determinants of customer satisfaction from the lens of online shopping – A study of apparel sector of Pakistan
- Customer Return Rate In E-commerce Industry – A case of Scents n Secrets
- Supply Chain Efficiency in Packaging Industry
- Impact of green marketing on brands and consumer behaviour
- End to end optimization of supply chain processes using CPFR industry 4.0
- Scope and challenges in sustainable logistic practices in Aviation industry: A case study of SereneAir
- Exploring the potential of online banking in Pakistan
- Impact of logistic cost on inflation after Covid-19
- Determinants of import demand and export supply function of Pakistan
- Corporate finance decision making in uncertainty crisis
- Ways to improve trading experience in Pakistan’s financial markets
- Political economy of resource allocation and wealth distribution in real estate sector
- Three dimensional vehicle trajectory estimation using IMU based sensing for self driving application
- Voice Control Smart Car
- Development of a precise 3D scanning system for industrial application
- Design and development of multi-mission ground automobile (MGA) & AI based sign board interpretation.
- Prediction of human walking trajectory using stochastic path planning model through UAV
- Implementation of item management process and recognition of edible food in a fridge using computer vision and IoT
- Object Detection from 3D Point Cloud Using Deep Learning
- Automated Inspection of Defects in Industrial Applicatonof IIOT & AI
- Artificial Intelligence based Virtual Assistant with Smart Screen and Automation System
- Designing, Controlling and Navigation of an autonomous robot
- FPGA implementation of RISC-V processor
- Design and Development of Three-in-one E-Axle for Electric Vehicle
- Development of Stationay Laser Scanning System using 2D Hokuyo Laser Scanner
- AI Assistive ROBOT with LIDAR Sensing Technology
- Develepoment of Indoor mapping using low cost steroe camera
- Smart Digital Speedometer and cruise control system for motor bikes
- Quality Control Inspection with computer vision
- IoT Based Energy Metering and Customer Monitoring System
- Design and developement of digital instrument cluster for electric vehicle
- Contactless measuring of temperature using joystick controlled 3 DOF robotic arm
- Intelligent Cell balancing of universal BMS and monitoring it’s Real time SOH estimation to predict the battery life
- Design & Develeopment of Haptically interfaced Robotic arm
- 3 Phase BLDC Motor controller using FOC Algorithm
- Home automation and Home security using AI
- Building 3D Environmnetal preception user Lase and Vision info to assist driver
- Identify the sustainable, economical option for Automation of FAT storage and transportation system without hampering product quality and process time.
- study on applicatoin of edible coating from sugarcane waste on vegetable/fruit under control environment for quality assessment.
- Extraction of bioactive compounds and its application in food product development.
- Design and fabrication of UV treatment unit for shelf life extension of fruits (Apples & Oranges).
- Fabrication and design optimization of solar energy food dryer.
- Design and fabrication of solar based oven for improved quality of bread.
- Encapsulation of food flavors and its application in food industry
- Development of Model Smart Factory Based
- on Industry 4.0 Requirements
- Development of Smart Workstation 2.0
- Reduction of Wastages in Stitching
- Department using Lean Principles
- Productivity Enhancement and
- Lead Time Reduction
- Simulation of automated assembly line of
- domestic gas meters using robots and
- minimum labour.
- To Analyze and Control Surface Defects of
- Glazed Tiles before and after Gloss Firing.
- Lead time reduction in processing
- Manufacturing Waste Reduction in a Garments Industry
- Productivity Improvement of Copper Tubing Line (Split-AC) by Lean Tools
- Design and Implementation of Optimized Inventory Management System
- Fabrication of Narrow Channel Medical Catheter Capable of Exhibiting Snake Like Motion for the Purpose of Ventriculostomy Procedure
- Development and implementation of Quality Management System in SOORTY textile mills
- Finite Element Simulation of Drilling Based on Third Wave Systems Advant-Edge or Deform 3D
- Integrating Blockchain Technology with an Industrial Process
- Foot Step Power Generation
- Business Process Re-Engineering to Maximize Profit
- SAP Data Analysis (Result & Optimization suggestions) & Implementation of Lean Six sigma.
- Implementation of Supply Chain Principles in Textile Industry
- Import Parts Receiving and Operation Design to track Stock Movement
- Implementation of Lean Manufacturing in Assembly Line
- Optimization of Accessories Stores Inventory through Lean Manufacturing
- Warehouse & Material Handling Management
- Application of Data Science in Industrial Engineering
- Implementation of Lean Manufacturing in Denim Industry
- To identify and improve bisque quality by reducing defects from production process
- To improve the alignment and manage the warehousing system of the industry
- Using Lean methodology to reduce wastage and increase efficiency
- Rule Development and Process Standardization for Inventory Handling
- Design of Hydraulic Work Platform capable of working on 70ft height with 1000kg weight.
- Design of HVAC System for a multistory building with Solar PV System and BIM.
- Design of a Multistage Flash Desalination Plant
- To Design a Vertical Lift to carry 20 TPH of Oil Seeds.
- Recycling of Scrap Tires to Oil and Carbon Black by Vacuum Pyrolysis
- Reducing energy consumption of refrigerator compressor using nano particles
- Fabrication and Installation of 1 KW Hydal River Turbine at Northern Areas of Pakistan
- Water system designing and modification for manufacturing company
- Synthesis and optimization of nano-coatings used in Energy Efficient Windows
- Design and Fabrication of Thin Film Vibration Testing Machine.
- Development of prototype of Renewable Air Conditioning unit
- Design of a Vertical Wall Climber for above ground steel storage tanks.
- Design of the Central Airconditioning System of a Multi Storied Pharmaceutical Building for Non-Aseptic Solid and Liquid products with GMP Compliance.
- Analytical and Numerical Analysis of Air Flow characteristics in HVAC Duct with selection of diffusers and air balancing.
- Design and Fabrication of 15 TR Induced Draft Cross Flow Cooling Tower
- Synthesis and ElectroMechanical Characterizations of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Thin Films for Polymer Substratre
- Non-Contact vision sensor for Low Frequency Vibration Measurement
- Static and Dynamic Analysis of Electric Vehicle Chassis using Computer Simulations
- Techno-economic analysis for the electrification of vehicles in Pakistan.
- Design and Analysis of Crankshaft of Four Cylinder Petrol Engine.
- Design an HVAC-AHU system and propose strategies to minimize energy usage of the systems
- Design and Fabricate Cooling System for a Car parked under Sun.
- Design and Fabrication of Gearless Power Transmission Using Elbow Mechanism
- Investigation of melting and solidification processes of phase change materials (PCM) for solar thermal energy technologies.
- Design and Development of Compact Equipment for the Grading of Material Composed of Dry Micro Size Particles.
- Implementation of Six Sigma Methodology to reduce rework rate of G1.6 Domestic Gas Meter.
- Geothermal Cooling Assessment in Karachi through model vapour compression water cooled A/C
- Design and Analysis of a truck chassis frame using FEM
- Thermal Energy Analysis of a Large Scale Industrial Process - Hot Rolling Mill.
- Computational analysis of flow fields around flanged diffusers
- To design a mechanism that could extract energy from speed breakers.
- Design and fabrication of a foldable sports bicycle with lightweight materials.
- Design and Fabricate a Fire Fighting Robot - "PakRob"
- CFD Analysis of Serrated Airfoil
- Design of all weather rain proof hubless E-bike with Sunroof.
- Heat Transfer and Air Conditioning analysis inside car cabin to maintain comfort conditions.
- Development of a system for real time managing vehicle maintenance workshop
- Surface Modification of Magnesium Alloys Through Advanced Coating Processing for Biomedical Applications.
- Synthesis and Characterization of Nano Structure Coating Materials for The Improvement of Wear and Tear Resistance of Piercing Plug for Manufacturing of Seamless Pipes.
- Design and development of shear thickening fluid based fiber reinforced composite for impact resistance applications.
- Design and development of efficient cathode for energy applications
- Design and Development of Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC) Smart Films
- Development and Characterisation of Super-hydrophobic and Self-Healing coatings for engineering applications
- Design And Development Of Automotive Body Using Recyclable Material And Fiber (Synthetic And Natural) Along With Nano Structures.
- Design And Development Of corrosion resistant hydrophobic Zn/ZnO Composite Coatings on Steel Substrates.
- Surface Modification of Magnesium Alloys Through Advanced Coating Processing for Biomedical Applications.
- Design and Development of Composite Materials for Engineering Applications Trough Recyclable Materials
- Development of MAX phases as precursors for catalysis in Battery applications.
- Estimation of lifetime of thermally degraded instrument cable used in Power plant.
- Characterisation and development of low and ultra-low cement high alumina castable by using a portion of recycled materials
- Study on root cause analysis of crack observed during press forging in low alloyed steel ingots.
- Utilization of Polyster Powder in Fly-Ash bricks.
- Assessment and characterization of Electrical steels
- To study the problem of adherence of moulding sand mass
- on cast surfaces of cast iron Sugar Mill Roller
- (industry project - Karachi Shipyards and Engineering works)
- Production and characterization of stainless steel
- clad rebar. (industry project-Amreli Steels)
- Effect of retrogression and re-aging heat treatment of aluminum alloys on the impact and
- corrosion properties.
- To study the effect of reduction ratio on suppression of internal defects of continuously cast
- products (industry project-Peoples Steel Mill)
- Effect of chlorine-based environment on boiler tubes steel grades in waste to energy plant
- High-Temperature study of diffusion aluminide coated martensitic stainless steel
- To study the causes of a high percentage of rejection in Foundry shop Karachi Shipyards and Engineering works ltd) (industry project - Karachi Shipyards and Engineering works)
- Studying and enhancing the corrosion resistance of outer body panel of car.
- Prevention of Mud Dephasing due to cement contamination during COC.
- Effect of carbonates 〖(CO〗_3) and Bi- Carbonates 〖(HCO〗_3) or clay shale swelling
- Recovery Optimization in Gas Condensate Reservoirs
- Sensitivity and Economic Analysis of In-Situ CO2 EOR in Unconventional Tight
- Formulation of an Environment friendly hybrid Nano Drilling Fluid using Aloe-Vera gel and Nano ScaleSio2
- Experimental investigation of the applicability of nanotechnology for Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Synthesis and evaluation of an Environmental friendly acidizing fluid laced with activated carbon for Carbonate Rocks
- Experimental study of Chemical Enhance Oil Recovery in Pakistan Oil Formations
- Smart Blinds (Intensity Sensitive)
- Lithium ion cells characterization and testing device
- Synthesis of nickle ferrites by co perciptation method
- Analysis of FSO communication using principles of quantum mechanics
- Designing of ion exchange membrane module for caustic recovery from mercerization waste
- Designing of smart hand gesture communicator by using micro controller
- Synthesis of Tamoxifen-Loaded monolayer NLCs for breast cancer treatment.
- Measurement of Gross Gamma activity and dose rate of soil samples for karachi beach
- Structural and magnetic properties of transition metals doped magnesium aluminum ferrites
- Effect of Cocoa Nucifera on thermal and mechanical properties of High Density Polyethylene.
- Development of Polynaphtalene Sulfonate concrete admixture.
- Organic filler reinforced polymer
- To synthesis nano – cellulose crystal and to investigate its effect on mechanical and thermal properties of NBR.
- Effect of Modified bio filler for sustainable reinforcement polymer composite.
- Development of third generation admixture with enhanced slump retention capabilities using super plasticizer.
- A novel polymer modified concrete for coastal area construction.
- Gasification of lignite coal with plastic waste blends for syn gas production using ASPEN PLUS
- An AI-based Applicant Tracking Syestem For HR
- Bit Bulletin-A News Summarize using NLP
- Carsist
- Game based on Blockchain with NFTs
- Industrial Academia Coordination System
- Development of an ERP DSS for Devops Project/Management with Data Analytics for Performance Tracking
- Live Tailor
- OBD Charm
- Pukaar- Call a nearby car mechanic on the spot
- Qualified -An employee upskilling platform
- Rising Talent- An NFT Marketplace
- SAP Integrated Service Request Portal
- Smart Surveillance System
- Smart Water Management using IOT devices
- Try on the Go
- Virtuell
- Zakhu- real estate social media AI platform
- My Health App
- One Shop
- Smart Contracts in Supply Chain Management Using IoT
- Secure Embedded Distributed Ledger for Odometry using Block chain
- Energy Efficient Appliance Automation through Heat Registry
- Virtual Apparel Try-on for Web Stores using Machine Learning
- Simon Cipher Cryptography
- Traffic Load Balancing in Virtual Passive Optical Network
- Autonomous Smart Bird Cage System
- Airline Customer Model with Automated Message Alert
- Chat Bots using Artificial Intelligence
- High Performance textile based composite system for retrofitting application group members.
- To investigate the effects of different chemical finishes on properties of cotton twill fabric
- Development of reactive inks for Digital printing of cotton.
- To estimate the sound transmitting properties of textile materials
- Heat transfer analysis of functional composites
- Fabric simulation by using CGI
- Development and characterization of textile composite structures for sports
- To analyze the effect of bleach washing on elastane in cotton fabric
- To investigate the effect of fibrous materials on performance of asphalt mixtures
- Manufacturing & Characterization of Bicycle Helmet
- Hand-Gesture Controlled, Textile Actuator Glove for Rehabilitation Applications
- Effect of Sportswear Fabric Parameters on its Functional Properties
- Manufacturing & Characterization of braided composite
- Comparative analysis of washed gaments subjected to different types of stones
- Investigate The Effects Of Various Process Parameter On Dyeing And Printing Of Low Temperature Dyeing Polyester (Pbt) Knitted Fabric
- Application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Operational Planning of Textile Production
- Dyeing of cotton fabric with banana leaves with various mordanting techniques
- Removal of Particulate Matter (PM) with Biomass-Based Air Filters
- Softening of Lingo Cellulosic Fibers for Textile Application
- An Enhanced Experimental Apporach on Custom Object Detection using Deep Learning
- To Detect Suspicious Animal In Low-Level Light to avoid road accidents by using machine learning techniques
- An Efficient Approach for License Plate Identification and Recognition in non-standard environment
- Experimental Investigation of clayey soil using waste material
- Proposal for the geometric design of flyover at Power house intersection Karachi using Autodesk Civil 3D.
- Flexural behaviour of self healing concrete in ambient condition
- Investigation of heat of hydration of calcined caly based concrete
- Structural Behaviour of light weight aggregate column
- Mechanical Properties of self healing concrete
Postgraduate Projects
Following is the list of relevant thesis carried out at postgraduate level in the University.
- Cost Effective School Architecture – Learning from the experiences of non-profit organizations working in education sector of Pakistan
- Poverty reduction through rural infrastructure development: Case study of Kech district, Balochistan
- Impact of Print Media in Urban Planning Decisions
- Effectiveness of TDCS in Improving Sleep Cycle
- Non-invasive acoustic stimulation for mental health
- Evaluation of Chair-Mounted Passive Trunk Orthosis through Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensor
- Kinetic Evaluation of Chair-Mounted Passive Trunk Orthosis (CMPTO)
- Facile fabrication of Poly methyl methacrylate based substitute for hard tissue
- Development of Connections for Low Rise Buildings
- Constructed Using Precast Reinforced Concrete Elements
- Development of Foamed Cementitioous Composite Blocks for Light Weight Infilled Walls
- Mechanical Properties of Ultra High Strength Concrete
- Reinforced Concrete Slabs Under Blast Loading
- Optimization of Self-Healing PVA Fiber Reinforced
- Concrete For Serviceability
- Experimental Study on Continuous Concrete Beams Reinforced With BFRP Bars
- Flexural Behaviour of BFRP Reinforced Concrete Slabs
- Simulation study of steam gasification of waste bank notes for synthesis gas production.
- Optimization of the dual mixed refrigerant process of natural gas liquefaction.
- Heat exchanger fouling model and preventive maintenance scheduling tool using neural network.
- Waste energy utilization during p-xylene oxidation to generate low/extra low pressure steam for power generation
- Process Design and Simulation of Metal Nanoparticle Synthesis.
- A Broad Simulation Model for the Production of H2-RICH Syngas Of Biomass via Air–Steam Gasification
- A Novel Approach to Improve Question Answering System using NLP Techniques
- A Secure Key Management Scheme in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (UASN)
- An Intelligent Fire Flame Detection and recognition model using Machine Learning Techniques.
- Analysis of Mental Health Counseling Conversation Using Natural Language Processing
- Analysis of Threats and Security of Endpoints in a Smart Home
- Click Fraud Detection -Analysis and Modeling
- Comparative Analysis of Real time database and Big data analytics frame work
- Deep Fake Identification using Machine Learning Techniques
- Detection of Alzheimer’s disease using Machine Learning
- Development of investor’s sentiment index using NLP Techniques
- Forensic Investigation of Microservices
- Investigating Cyber Security Issues in Metaverse
- Leveraging Data Science in sales: Optimizing Customer Segmentation through RFM and K-means
- Modeling and Analysis of Click Fraud Detection
- Network Intrusion detection through robust genetic ensemble learning algorithm
- Plagiarism Detection In Urdu Documents
- Prediction Of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease In Apparently Healthy Attendants And Assessments of Its Severity
- Prediction of Cyber-attacks using Dark Web
- Predictive healthcare analysis through data mining
- Product Recommendation System Using Deep Learning Approach
- Trend forecasting using Data Analytics for a New E-commerce Business
- QuadCopter object tracking based on ML-Vision Guidance & Fuzzy Logic& Neural Network based self-tuned PID
- Block Chain Based Cloud Forensic Scheme
- Investigating Challenges of Cloud Data Provenance in Blockchain
- Customer Object Interaction
- Investigating the SOC compliance issues by the Internet Service Providers
- Anomaly Detection and Enterprise Security using UEBA (User Entity Behavior Analysis)
- A Machine Learning Approach to Demand Forecasting in Retail
- Sign Language interpretation using Computer Vision
- Development of a Predictive Model for PET Resin Grading
- Prediction of Applicants Performance in an Engineering University admission test using Data Mining Techniques
- Driving Behaviour Analysis & Comparative Analysis of Vehicle Health
- Multi-Document Summarizer: A large scale Summarization using Hierarchical Model
- A Brief Analysis of Learners Sentiments on MOOC Forums using Natural Language Processing Techniques
- Extraction of Lexical Chains from a given Long Text/Document with Efficient Cohesion Score
- Imbalance Life of Software Engineers – A Major Risk of Project Delay and Solution Using Decision Tree
- Distance Estimation using Machine Learning Techniques
- Prediction Of Heart Disease Using Data Mining And Machine Learning
- Exploring machine learning approaches to identify students attentiveness in classrooms
- Forcasting Model For Multiple Sun Spots Locations
- An Explicit approach to OCR of Urdu Nastaliq Text
- Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing Models
- Cloud Computing review of recent advancements and challenges related to cloud forensice
- OCR for Handwritten Urdu text
- Urdu Recognition using Machine learning
- Study of Physical parameter of Inclusion Complex of Beta-Cyclodextrin and thiadiazine
- Syntheses and Characterization of Inclusion Complex of Thiadiazine and β-cyclodextrin
- Liquid chromatographic method development and optimization for quantitative determination of molnupiravir in pharmaceutical formulation.
- Development of Green Liquid Chromatographic Method for Finished Product Testing of
- Drugs for Arthritis: Software Design for Greenness Evaluation Using Analytical Eco Scale Approach
- Optimization and Validation of Liquid Chromatographic Method for Quantitative Determination of Baricinitib in Pharmaceutical Drug Substances.
- Synthesis and Characterization of Quercetin Mediated Bimetallic Nano Sensors for Selective Recognition of Pharmaceuticals
- Synthesis of Nano-Material Induced Ion Exchange Membrane For Specific Application of Recycling of Industrial Chemical Waste.
- To reduce Technical Losses of K- Electric Distribution system using Network reconfiguration
- Optimization of grounding system design based on IEEE Std. 80:2013 Using Machine Learning Models
- Optimal Planning Of Multiple Wind Energy Based Distributedigeneration And Capacitors To Maximize The Loadability Of Distribution Network
- Artifical intelligence approach for modelling the electrical characteristics of Schottky Diode (MSD)
- DC motor speed control using extended Kalman fiter based on Fuzzy PID (IE)
- Advanced Tele-Auscultation using a 4 DOF Roboticarm along with Haptic feedback (IE)
- Development of Smart device for Bovine diseases detection (MSD)
- Development of a Pose Estimation System Using Inertial Measurement Unit and Global Positioning System for Navigation of Ships (IE)
- Installation and Data Analytics of Solar PV Based Microgrid Sther Mohalla, New Chhre, Thar (IE)
- Cotton Crops Disease Detection using CNN Convolution Neural Network (IE)
- The Prevalence of Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) among Workers in the Automotive Industry.
- The Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) in Online Education during COVID-19 Pandemic in Pakistan.
- Integrating Vsm And Waste Relationship Model In Order To Increase Productivity At An Organization.
- Evaluation of critical factors/components for the implementation of Industry 4.0 in third-world countries.
- Industry 4.0 based Maintenance Management System.
- Block Chain Infrastructure for Supply Chain Management.
- Development of a industry 4.0 based systems for quality control in a garment manufacturing.
- Framework development to analyze the relationship of CSFs with the KPIs to measure the success of supply chain projects.
- Impact of green washing on consumer buying decision and brand image
- To Improve the Performance Indicators of CPEC Project By Analyzing the Success Factors of Logistics Network in Resilient Supply Chain.
- To explore the awarness and sustainability of Lean Manufacturing Practices: Collective case study on Automotive Industries of Pakistan.
- To design a digital transformation framework using Industry 4.0 technology to improve the productivity in the Pakistani garment manufacturing industry.
- Analyze the Effect of Air Jet Assist Turbocharged 8.7 MW IslandedGenset with Stochastic Load Profile
- Using Artificial Neural Network techniquue to determine the optimum tilt angle and orintation of Solar Collectors with terrain shading effect
- Design of a low temperature rotary kiln suitable for the production of calcined clay
- Nano-indentation and Nano-Scratching of Gold By Molecular Dynamics Simulation
- Sumulation-aided approach in improving AIR flow and pressure drop inside an HVAC Duct of hospital building.
- Exery Analiysis of Steam Power Plant
- Fire Detection and Alert System using Network
- Surveillance and Machine Vision
- Investigation of Energy Management Practices in Steel Sector of Pakistan.
- Analysis of Machining on Additively Fabricated
- Specimens Through Welding
- Automotive Paint Defect Detection using Image
- Processing & Machine Vision
- A General Approach for Stability Analysis of Elasto Plastic by Using Finite Difference Method
- Thermal Investigation of Fractionalized MHD Walter-B Fluid: Application of ABC Fractional Derivative & Generalized Functions
- Thermal Transport of Fractionalized Jaffery Fluid Using Prahabakar's Fractional Derivative: Hybrid Generalized Functions Approach
- Cost Optimization for Transportation Using Linear Programming
- Time & Cost management of a construction of a building by analyzing through cpm crashing
- Study of Heat and Mass Transfer of MHD Burger Fluid in Porous Medium: Exact Analytical Results & Numerical Simulation
- Analytical Solution for Blood Alcohol Model by Using Homotopy Perturbation Method and Fractional Derivatives
- Comparative Study of Local and Non-Local Kernels on Heat and Mass Transferof Mixed Convection Flow of the Oldroyed-B Fluids
- Study On Electrical Steels Using Pattern Recognition by Applying Linear Algebra Techniques
- An effective implementation of Chorin’s Projection Method for the solution of Navier-Stokes Equations
- Facile Synthesis of Titania & Zinc oxide nanostructures for energy & Environmental application
- Investigating low cost tissue compensators for radiation therapy.
- Effect of Moringa Oleifera Leaves on Thermal and Mechanical Properties of
- Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
- IOT Assisted Ad-hoc Network using Software defined Radios
- Energy efficient cyclic sleep and DBA framework in Virtual PON
- Application of Smart Phone Sensors in Mini Satellites
- Development of flexible hand exoskeleton system based on seamless actuators for dical applications
- Analysis And Optimization Of Thermal Performance Of Electrically Heated Textiles
Externally Funded Research Projects
Following is the list of relevant research projects funded by external agencies, which are currently being carried out in the University.
- Investigation & Evaluation of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) Bars in Civil Infrastructure Applications in Pakistan.
- Development of thermal block as sustainable and energy efficient material
- Toyota Road Improvement Project
- Development of sustainable building material for restoration and conservation
- Environmentally friendly Multiferroic Ceramics for Electronic Applications by cold sintering method
- Green Energy Source and Environmentally friendly lead-oxide free piezoelectric ceramics for energy harvesting devices
- High Energy Density Lead Free Ceramic Capacitors for Power Pulsed Applications at High Temperatures
- NB-IoT ProSe: Proximity Services enabled NB-IoT for Reliable and Critical Communication in Low- Powered Applications
- Optimization of Tooling and Machining Parameters for Enhanced Quality of Holes in Composite Laminates
- Development of Additively Manufactured Low-cost Moulds for the Manufacturing of FRP Products
- Framework Development and Risk analysis of logistics network in Pakistan to make supply chains network resilient in the wake of Pandemic Crisis
- Bench-Scale Demonstration of an Integrated Waste-to-Energy Process for Municipal Solid Waste Management: A Step Toward Sustainable circular economy”
- “Investigation of the Distortion and Surface Integrity of Aluminum Aerospace Grade Alloys during High Speed CNC Milling Machining Operations
- Microwave Assisted Synthesis, Characterization and Performance Evaluation of Flavonoid Capped Bimetallic Nanoparticles as Colorimetric Nano Sensors for Pharmaceutical Applications
- National Center for Cyber Security
- Solar powered atmospheric plasma system for treatment of contaminated wastewater
- Cost Effective Synthesis of Tetraethylene Glycol Dimethly Ether (TEGDME) for Development of Highly efficient Energy Storage Device
- Technology Enabled Performance Monitoring and Virtual Digitization of CPEC Infrastructure for Sustainable Maintenance Decision-Making
- Development of Thermal Block as Sustainable and Energy Efficient Construction Material
- NCAI Smart City Lab
- Extension of “Exascale Open Lab” won as a part of national center of “Data Analytics and Cloud Computing”
- Mobility for bilateral stakeholder mapping for creating IoT networks for Climate Change
- Prototype development of high dimensional quantum key distribution system for a highly secure free-space communication system
- Establishment of National Centre of Robotic and Automation (DF-1009-31)
- Design and Development of Universal Smart Robotic Manipulation System for Packaging Industry
- ES2: Energy smart switch
- Designing of a Versatile Prototype based on the application of Ion Exchange Membranes, for Efficient and Cost Effective Recycling of Industrial waste.
- Smart IOT enabled ground Bird Farming
- Design and development of efficient energy storage solution
- English for Workforce Development in Pakistan (Award SPK33018CA0037 FHI 360 Project No. 102479.001.002.025)
- Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation of Ti6Al4V in order to develop Bioglass r-based composite Layer for Biomedical Application.
- Indigenous Development of Magnetometers for Geomagnetic Field Monitoring
- CONSOLE: Machine vision based industrial Inspection system for quality assurance
- Artificial intelligence as a pathway to reduce industrial Downtime cost through hybrid predictive maintenance (ADVICE)
- A-Eye Diagnostics
- Development Project of IoT Circuit for Electrical BLDC fans, dashboard and mobile app
- EV System Development
- Hi-STEM FabLab
- De-burdening healthcare support via a fully automated point-of-care screening process for diabetic retinopathy
- Xcelerium
- Development of novel mechanisms for the advanced plasma spray coating deposition based on in-situ oxide cleaning through creating a high-temperature droplet
- Study on the Generation Mechanism of Oxide-Free High-Temperature Metal Droplets during the Atmospheric Plasma Spraying by Numerical Modeling
- Pak France Peridot Research Project
- Pakistan Energy Outlook
- Energy Finance Outlook
- Neurofeedback: A technology enabled system to improve brain performance of healthy individuals
- Solar Testing
- Bioactive and Antibacterial Microarc Oxidation Layer on Biodegradable Magnesium Alloys for Biomedical Implants
- Performance optimization of energy storage using Phase change materials
- Small scale solar based vapour absorption cycle system
- Dynamic Analysis of Nanostructured Thin Films for Smart Energy
- Production Characterization and Surface Modification of Dental Implants
- Indigenous development of high-performance textiles based composite structural reinforcement system for Civil Infrastructure.
- EV Development
- Development of Cost-Effective Structural Concrete Formulation using Limestone Calcined Clay-Based LC3 Cement Blend with Domestic Resources and its Application in a Pilot Project
- Impact Behaviour of Ultra High Strength Concrete RC Structural Members
- Development of Reactive Inks for Digital Printing
- Recycling of Polymeric Materials; plastics and elastomers
- Production of Highly Valuable sugarcane wax a way forward to sugarcane by product based industry
- Fabric based soft actuators for wearable applications
- Development of Smart Shirt for Ambulatory Monitoring of Human Body Vital signs
- Batch Extraction and characterization of sugarcane wax from sugar industry surplus: Application as an edible coating
- Enhancement of global competitiveness of Pakistani textile export value-chains by capacity building and product diversification (KnowTex)
- Uderolal Preidot Research Project
- Neurocomputation Lab, National Center for Artificial Intelligence
- Beyond the routine CBC: hematology analyzer generated morphometric parameters driven artificial intelligence techniques for diagnosis of common anemia and their potential role in elective blood bank practices.
Events and Curricular Activities
A number of relevant activities are being carried out from time to time in the University, both by the departmental administrations and the students. Some significant activities are as follows.
- Mega Project Exhibition & Robotics Competition (MPERC’22
- NED Book Fair
- Tech-Talk Technology Workshop
- Slabex
- Consaviour competition
- First National Workshop on LC3 Cement
- Propelliar 2022
- Ashar Khan from IMechE NED Chapter participated in SOFE Nationals 2022 and presented on "Graphene, the game-changing material of the future."
- Industrial visit to Dow Simulation Lab
- SOFE 2023 ME&A Region
- Visit to Pakistan Cables
- Visit to Alson Pvt Limited
- Visit to KTDMC
- Ignite 7.0
- Participation in the ASME EFx 2023
- RC Car Workshop
- CAD Competition
- Engineering Carnival
- PLC wiring workshop
- Upcoming visit to K-Electric facilities and plant
- The Mendix Workshop
- IEEE's Envision'22 event
- The Data Integration Bootcamp
- Robotrix
- AI Club ki Baithak II
- AI Fest 4.0
- ARC-Bringing Down Resistance
- Infinito
- Industrial Visit to Archroma
- Industrial Visit to Tri-Pack Films Ltd
- Seminars held on various topics including:
- Effective Interviews
- Importance of Software Skills in Chemical Engineering
- Interpersonal Skills Seminar
- Occupational Health and Safety Seminar
- Safe transportation of Hydrogen
- Use of accelerating rate calorimeter
- 8th International Electrical Engineering Conference (IEEC 2023)
- 12th International Mechanical Engineering Conference (IMEC 2023)
- International Building Energy Efficiency Symposium (iBEES)
- 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering, (INTERACT-2023)
- 2nd International Industrial Chemistry Conference
- 2nd International Conference on CPEC: Joining hands for Sustainable Development (ICCJSD)
- 3rd International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science & Software Engineering (ICONICS-2022)
- International Conference on Sustainable Engineering & Development (ICSED-2022)
- 1st International Biomedical & Digital Health Conference
- 5th NED International Textile Conference 2022