The IT Department is responsible for providing, managing and planning all IT services at NED. We locally host complete data centre and private cloud, offering IT services to all campuses. These services include Enterprise Resource Planning software, Learning Management Systems, secured email service and various research journals fully automated management software.
Endeavoring to provide cutting-edge technology solutions for enhancing the teaching methodology and support research. The ITD offers the following services:
- 24 x 7 Network Operations
- Various web-based services (Web, DNS, and email etc.)
- Infrastructure development and enhancement
- Indigenous Software development services
- Complete support and guidance
As the world has transformed during the past year, ITD has addressed the presented challenges with confidence and high commitment. There are several highlights of the year – some are presented below:
GSUITE for Education
- NED has acquired a subscription for Google’s cloud-based productivity, collaboration services and tools for businesses and Educational Institutions, offering feature packed application suite with humongous limits.
- Some features are 1) Institution-wide email through Gmail, 2) Shared calendars, 3) Classroom collaboration with Google Classroom, 4) Video and voice conferencing, 5) Unlimited cloud storage, 6) Documents, spread sheets, presentations, and forms, 7) Easy to create sites, and 8) 24/7 support by phone, email, and online.
Smart University Wi-Fi with EDUROAM
- The Main and LEJ campuses of NED have blanket Wi-Fi coverage under the HEC’s Smart University Project, which is further being extended to City Campus. Facilitated by EDUROAM service users can access with same credential through all member institutions.
- The PERN connectivity and bandwidth has been further enhanced this year with whopping speeds at all three campuses as well TIEST as under:
Smart Classroom
- Smart classrooms have been built with the collaboration with HEC in the Department of Civil Engineering and TIEST in an effort to transform the teaching methodology with distant learning focusing on each individual student.
Hybrid Conferences
- Throughout the year, IT Department extended support to various international conferences and other events have been organized which were participated online by scholars and speaker. The events were also streamed online.
Faculty Capacity Building
- ORIC director and Managers are actively involved in capacity building exercise of researchers and faculty members and as part of the initiative conducted an extensive training for nominated faculty ORIC representatives. Topics related to IP & legal services, business and startup management, research grant management, and ORIC policies were covered in the training.
Research Grants
- A total of 223 research projects worth Rs. 1,704 million have either won, on-going or completed in 2021-22.
- 117 projects are internally funded worth Rs. 126 million; whereas, 106 projects are externally funded worth 1,579 million, which is 91% of the total funding acquired.
- Similarly, Rs. 310 million (18%) funding is international whereas Rs. 1,394 million (82%) is from national sources including HEC GCF, HEC TTSF, HEC NRPU, HEC CPEC CRG, PSF and National Centres etc. It is worth mentioning that 26 projects worth Rs. 303 million are in the industrial consultancy category, which reflects the strong industrial linkage of NED University.
Activity Summary Graph
The following graph depicts the course offerings and other recent activities carried out at NED University of Engineering and Technology both at undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG), relevant to the requirements of sustainable development goal 16. A brief description of the same follows.

Undergraduate Courses
Following is the list of relevant courses currently being offered in different undergraduate programmes of the University. The credit hour detail of the same can be found in the University’s Undergraduate Prospectus, available at
1 | AR-442: Communication and Allied Skills-VI |
2 | CN-416: Legal and Regulatory Environment in the Construction Industry |
3 | DS-246: Participatory Development |
4 | DS-251: Theory and Management of Organisations |
5 | DS-302: Development Planning Workshop-I |
6 | DS-303: Legal Issues in Development |
7 | DS-305: Management Organisation-II |
8 | DS-306: Public Administration |
9 | DS-308: Development Planning Workshop-II |
10 | DS-312: Public Health |
11 | DS-313: Political Economics |
12 | DS-316: Gender and Development |
13 | DS-401: Development Studies Project |
14 | DS-402: Development Planning Workshop-III |
15 | DS-404: Entrepreneurship |
16 | DS-405: Microfinance-I |
17 | DS-409: Microfinance-II |
18 | DS-410: Development Planning in Pakistan |
19 | DS-421: Corporate Social Responsibility and Applications in Development |
20 | EC-301: Political Economics |
21 | EC-304: Money and Banking |
22 | EC-308: Business Research Methods |
23 | EC-309: Financial Management |
24 | EC-401: Public Finance |
25 | EC-404: Islamic Economics |
26 | EC-405: Project |
27 | EC-407: Industrial Economics |
28 | EC-411: International Finance |
29 | HS-105: Pakistan Studies |
30 | HS-106: Pakistan Studies |
31 | HS-107: Pakistan Studies (For Foreigners) |
32 | HS-116: Anthropology |
33 | MG-215: Business Law & Policy |
Postgraduate Courses
Following is the list of relevant courses currently being offered in different postgraduate programmes of the University. The credit hour detail of the same can be found in the University’s Postgraduate Prospectus, available at
1 | AR-604: Architectural Theory |
2 | AR-629: Advanced Urban Sociology |
3 | BM-545: Biomedical Ethics for Engineers |
4 | BM-555: Advanced Biomechanics |
5 | BM-565: Research Methodology |
6 | CE-5011: Fundamentals of Law and Legal Structures |
7 | CE-5012: Intellectual propert1 (IP) protection and Professional Ethics |
8 | CE-5013: Construction Contracts and Procurement Law |
9 | CE-5014: Construction Claims Preparation and Analysis |
10 | CE-5015: Construction Disputes |
11 | CE-5018: Construction Law Case Studies |
12 | CE-5020: Construction Law and Risk Management |
13 | CE-5021: International Perspectives of Construction Law |
14 | CE-5024: Tort in Engineering |
15 | CE-545: Construction Claim Management |
16 | CE-592: Decision Making & Risk Mang. in Construction |
17 | CS-538: Information Theory and Cryptography |
18 | CS-539: Computer Security |
19 | CS-542: C1ber Security |
20 | CS-543: Internet Security |
21 | CS-544: Vulnerability Assessment and Ethical Hacking |
22 | CS-554: Data Security and Audit |
23 | CS-565: Data Encr1ption |
24 | CS-573: Network Security |
25 | CT-508: Cr1ptography |
26 | CT-542: Information Security Management |
27 | CT-544: C1ber Crimes and Security |
28 | CT-545: Digital Forensics |
29 | CT-554: Ethical Hacking |
30 | CT-555: Cloud Security |
31 | CT-556: Intrusion Detection |
32 | CT-574: Information Privacy and Security |
33 | HS-416: Sociolinguistics |
34 | HS-420: Discourse Analy1sis |
35 | TC-505: Telecommunications Network Operation |
36 | TC-517: Communication Security |
37 | TC-522: Data Security |
Undergraduate projects
Following is the list of relevant Final Year Design Projects (FYDP) thesis carried out at undergraduate level in the University.
- Development Of Emotion Detection Framework Using Eeg Signals
- Digitization of anemometer and Wind Vane
- Mask oncluded face recognition using Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)
- Hate Speech in Pakistani Social Media: Perceptions of University Students of Karachi using Social Media
Postgraduate Projects
Following is the list of relevant thesis carried out at postgraduate level in the University.
- Efficacy of Arbitration as an ADR Mechanism in
- Resolution of Construction Projects Disputes in Pakistan
- Bibliometric Analysis of Research in Forensic Linguistics: An interdisciplinary field of language and Law
Externally Funded Research Projects
Following is the list of relevant research projects funded by external agencies, which are currently being carried out in the University.
- Security & Threat Intelligence Platform for the Capital Market of Pakistan
- National Center for Cyber Security
- Prototype development of high dimensional quantum key distribution system for a highly secure free-space communication system
- Engineering Soft skills Training of Final Year (Bachelor of Engineering) Students to Meet Employment Challenges after Graduation
- Exploring Invisible Diversity in the City of Lights
Events and Curricular Activities
A number of relevant activities are being carried out from time to time in the University, both by the departmental administrations and the students. Some significant activities are as follows.
- Youm-e-Hussain (RA)
- A Lecture on Peace, Tolerance and Inclusivity in Society was delivered by Mr. Raja Zia ul Huq
- The programme on Impact of social media on Youth
- The NED International Cricket Tournament - Peace Tolerance and Inclusivity in Society
- The Anti-Corruption Week
- Anti-Corruption Walk
- Zaawiya
- NED Debate Cup