Pedestrian Path Policy on Campus
- Railings and supports.
- Street lamps for pedestrian in night.
- Ramps and guiding blocks which have suitable design for pedestrian having physical disabilities.

Activity Summary Graph
The following graph depicts the course offerings and other recent activities carried out at NED University of Engineering and Technology both at undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG), relevant to the requirements of sustainable development goal 10. A brief description of the same follows.
Undergraduate Courses
Following is the list of relevant courses currently being offered in different undergraduate programmes of the University. The credit hour detail of the same can be found in the University’s Undergraduate Prospectus, available at
1 | AR-473: Studies in Critical Regionalism |
2 | DS-131: Concept in Development Studies |
3 | DS-141: Communication Skills for Development-I |
4 | DS-142: Communication Skills for Development-II |
5 | DS-162: Sociology of Development |
6 | DS-201: Field Survey Methods-I |
7 | DS-202: Theory and Practice of Development Work |
8 | DS-203: Human Development |
9 | DS-206: Statistical Applications in Development-I |
10 | DS-207: Statistical Applications in Development-II |
11 | DS-208: Participatory Development |
12 | DS-209: Theory and Management of Organisations-I |
13 | DS-210: Field Survey Methods-II |
14 | DS-211: Development Economics |
15 | DS-231: Theory and Practice in Development Work |
16 | DS-241: Introduction to Research Methodology-I |
17 | DS-242: Introduction to Research Methodology-II |
18 | DS-243: Computer Applications in Development-II |
19 | DS-244: Statistical Applications in Development-I |
20 | DS-245: Statistical Applications in Development-II |
21 | DS-246: Participatory Development |
22 | DS-251: Theory and Management of Organisations |
23 | DS-302: Development Planning Workshop-I |
24 | DS-303: Legal Issues in Development |
25 | DS-304: Urban Development |
26 | DS-305: Management Organisation-II |
27 | DS-307: Agricultural Development |
28 | DS-308: Development Planning Workshop-II |
29 | DS-309: Linear Programming |
30 | DS-312: Public Health |
31 | DS-313: Political Economics |
32 | DS-316: Gender and Development |
33 | DS-401: Development Studies Project |
34 | DS-402: Development Planning Workshop-III |
35 | DS-404: Entrepreneurship |
36 | DS-405: Microfinance-I |
37 | DS-408: Sustainability in Development |
38 | DS-409: Microfinance-II |
39 | DS-410: Development Planning in Pakistan |
40 | DS-421: Corporate Social Responsibility and Applications in Development |
41 | EC-101: Microeconomics-I |
42 | EC-103: Macro Economics-I |
43 | EC-106: Principles of Management |
44 | EC-201: Microeconomics-II |
45 | EC-204: Macro Economics-II |
46 | EC-204: Macroeconomics-II |
47 | EC-205: Development Economics |
48 | EC-206: Economy of Pakistan |
49 | EC-208: Introduction to Business Finance |
50 | EC-211: Principles of Economics |
51 | EC-301: Political Economics |
52 | EC-302: Mathematical Economics-I |
53 | EC-303: Econometrics-I |
54 | EC-304: Money and Banking |
55 | EC-305: Comparative Economic System |
56 | EC-306: Mathematical Economics-II |
57 | EC-307: Econometric-II |
58 | EC-401: Public Finance |
59 | EC-402: International Trade Theory |
60 | EC-403: Applied Economics |
61 | EC-404: Islamic Economics |
62 | EC-405: Project |
63 | EC-406: Urban Economics |
64 | EC-407: Industrial Economics |
65 | EC-411: International Finance |
66 | EC-412: Corporate Finance |
67 | EC-413: Project Appraisal & Investment Analysis |
68 | EC-415: Time Series Analysis |
69 | EC-417: Studies of Urban Economics |
70 | FD-430: Food Engineering Project |
71 | HS-116: Anthropology |
72 | MG-112: Introduction to Sociology |
73 | MG-228: Sociology and Development |
74 | MG-499: Final Year Project |
75 | MT-153: Principles of Economics |
76 | MT-253: Microeconomics |
77 | MT-256: Macroeconomics |
78 | MT-471: Applied Numerical Methods |
79 | PE-210: Thermodynamics-I |
80 | TE-453: Garment Manufacturing |
81 | TE-454: Textile Merchandizing |
Postgraduate Courses
Following is the list of relevant courses currently being offered in different postgraduate programmes of the University. The credit hour detail of the same can be found in the University’s Postgraduate Prospectus, available at
1 | AR-612: Methods in Urban Planning Research |
2 | AR-615: Economic Development and Regional Planning |
3 | AR-629: Advanced Urban Sociolog1 |
4 | AR-648: Architecture and the Cit1 |
5 | BM-541: Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation |
6 | BM-545: Biomedical Ethics for Engineers |
7 | BM-547: Medical Robotics |
8 | BM-552: Clinical Gait Anal1sis |
9 | BM-554: Design of Implants/ Artificial Organs |
10 | BM-555: Advanced Biomechanics |
11 | BM-565: Research Methodolog1 |
12 | CE-5011: Fundamentals of Law and Legal Structures |
13 | CE-564: Probabilit1 and Statistics |
14 | EC-401: Principles of Economics |
15 | EC-501: Microeconomic Theor1 |
16 | EC-524: Research Methodolog1 |
17 | EL-5002: Thesis |
18 | EM-502: Accounting and Financial Management |
19 | EM-505: Operations Research |
20 | EM-511: Total Qualit1 Management |
21 | EM-512: Project Evaluation and Feasibilit1 Anal1sis |
22 | EM-513: Research Methods in Engineering Management |
23 | HS-410: Introduction to Linguistics |
24 | HS-411: Second Language Acquisition |
25 | HS-412: Language Teaching Methodologies |
26 | HS-416: Sociolinguistics |
27 | HS-420: Discourse Anal1sis |
28 | HS-421: S1llabus Designing & Testing |
29 | HS-500: Applied Linguistics & Language Studies |
30 | HS-5002: Thesis |
31 | HS-501: Second Language Learning & Language Teaching |
32 | HS-502: Curriculum Development in Language Teaching |
33 | HS-503: Research Methodolo1 in Applied Linguistics |
34 | HS-504: Quantitative Tools for Research |
35 | HS-511: English for Specific Purposes |
36 | HS-512: Teaching English for Academic Purposes |
37 | HS-514: Globalization and Spread of English |
38 | HS-515: Pragmatics & inter-cultural communication |
39 | HS-517: Language Teacher Education & Development |
40 | HS-519: Advanced Academic Reading and Writing |
41 | HS-526: Materials Development & Adaptation in ESL |
42 | HS-528: Technolog1 in Language Teaching & Learning |
43 | HS-529: Corpus Linguistics |
44 | IM-559: International Trade |
Undergraduate projects
Following is the list of relevant Final Year Design Projects (FYDP) thesis carried out at undergraduate level in the University.
- Rising trend of domestic help in Karachi: Exploring the reasons and its impacts on socio spatial dimension.
- Increasing dependency of informal education system in Karachi: exploring the dynamics, reasons and impacts.
- Senior citizens and urban infrastructure: Do Karachi city provide an inclusive living environment to senior citizens?
- Adjustable Arm Support
- Design and Development of a Mobile Patient Transfer Lift
- Design and Development of Postural Supports for Wheelchair
- Development of Degradable Polymeric films mimicking cartilage tissue
- Hardware implementation and remote monitoring of solar charging station for an electric vehicle
- Impact of inflation on standard of living in Pakistan
- Electrophoretic deposition of bioactive layer on Ti alloy.
- Game based on Blockchain with NFTs
- KidsTech
- Virtual School- A real time AI supported teaching platform
Postgraduate Projects
Following is the list of relevant thesis carried out at postgraduate level in the University.
- Cost Effective School Architecture – Learning from the experiences of non-profit organizations working in education sector of Pakistan
- Impact of Print Media in Urban Planning Decisions
- Impact of Binaural beats on dementia patients
- Beta neurofeedback for attention enhancement
- Non-invasive acoustic stimulation for mental health
- Evaluation of Chair-Mounted Passive Trunk Orthosis through Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensor
- Representation of Multilingual identities of ESL fiction writers: Nativization of English language
Externally Funded Research Projects
Following is the list of relevant research projects funded by external agencies, which are currently being carried out in the University.
- Working women mobility and employability
- Community based inventorying of intangible cultural heritage in Tharparkar, Sindh
- Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education
- Security & Threat Intelligence Platform for the Capital Market of Pakistan
- National Center for Cyber Security
- Technology Enabled Performance Monitoring and Virtual Digitization of CPEC Infrastructure for Sustainable Maintenance Decision-Making
- Collection & Analysis of Malnutrition facts in Tharparkar using ML
- Pakistan English Access Microscholarship Program Award: SPK33018CA0018; Project No.: 102427.001.033
- Engineering Soft skills Training of Final Year (Bachelor of Engineering) Students to Meet Employment Challenges after Graduation
- PUAN Master Class in Creative Writing
- Disaster Resilience Improvement in Pakistan (DRIP)
- Bringing Urdu in Digital Age
- Hi-STEM FabLab
- Radiographic Detection of traumatic chest injuries by Machine Learning Tool Versus conventional radiologist in Emergency Department, a cross-sectional study
- Pak France Peridot Research Project
- Water Condensation from Tropospherical Humidity for Water Insecurity via Hydro-Solar Nexus
- Exploring Invisible Diversity in the City of Lights
- Modernization of curriculum of Textile Engineering and Textile Technology in Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan (SMARTEX)
- Development of Reactive Inks for Digital Printing
- Recycling of Polymeric Materials; plastics and elastomers
- Development of Smart Shirt for Ambulatory Monitoring of Human Body Vital signs
- Assessing introduction and impact of TCV into routine immunization in GAVI eligible African and Asian Countries
Events and Curricular Activities
A number of relevant activities are being carried out from time to time in the University, both by the departmental administrations and the students. Some significant activities are as follows.
- Youm-e-Hussain (RA)
- Habib Girls School students visit to NED University
- programme on Women Empowerment
- The NED International Cricket Tournament - Peace Tolerance and Inclusivity in Society
- Blood Donation camp
- An awareness program against the Harassment of Women at Workplace - Act 2010
- Outreach Session for PhD Scholarship Program
- The Qalandars (Meet & Greet)
- The programme Outreach USA - Life after Graduation
- The Power of Passion - Women’s Day
- organized a stall on Orientation Day
- soft skills workshop
- 77. IEEE Day/NED Orientation'22
- AI Club ki Baithak II
- AI Fest 4.0
- Seminars held on various topics including:
- Effective Interviews
- Importance of Software Skills in Chemical Engineering
- Interpersonal Skills Seminar
- Occupational Health and Safety Seminar
- Safe transportation of Hydrogen
- Use of accelerating rate calorimeter