The University is offering a total of 105 programmes (27 teaching departments from six faculties, offering 29 undergraduate, 54 masters and 22 Ph.D. programmes), in which 12,209 students are enrolled. It is worth mentioning that 36% of the University population in female which is an encouraging indicator for an Engineering University. We are pleased that a total of 3,209 students graduated, while admissions were awarded to 3,806 students. This year the University awarded PhD degrees to eighteen (18) scholars. 52 international students from six different nationalities are currently enrolled in various undergraduate and postgraduate programmes of the University. These nationalities include Sri Lanka, Yemen, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, and Iraq. As COVID-19 is easing off, mobility programmes are back, with six students from NED University went to USA on outbound student exchange programme this year; and over 100 national and international students visited NED University as part of various inbound exchange visits.
NED University has decided to transform all undergraduate engineering programmes on outcome-based education (OBE). All undergraduate engineering programmes have already obtained OBE-based accreditation from Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC).
Providing financial accessibility to all students is an important hallmark of NED University. This year, NED University was able to fetch a record 2,708 scholarships and fellowships, worth over Rs. 207 million from alumni and industrial partners who generously supported in this endeavour. A total of 1,736 Internships were availed with 37 study tours and 350+ employment related activities happening on campus.
Community Service being mandatory part of curriculum, saw significant contributions by our students this year as well. In addition to already continuing Chinese language programme for the students, this year, the University has launched classes for Turkish language as well in collaboration with Turkey’s Maarif Foundation.
Applicants: 18,310 Admissions: 3,806 Enrollment: 12,209 Graduation: 3,209
International Industries Limited (IIL), Pakistan's leading manufacturer and exporter of steel, stainless steel and polymer pipes & fittings donated Rs. 5 million for the uplifting and renovation of Abul Kalam Library reading space as per international standards.

Activity Summary Graph
The following graph depicts the course offerings and other recent activities carried out at NED University of Engineering and Technology both at undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG), relevant to the requirements of sustainable development goal 4. A brief description of the same follows.

Undergraduate Courses
Following is the list of relevant courses currently being offered in different undergraduate programmes of the University. The credit hour detail of the same can be found in the University’s Undergraduate Prospectus, available at
1 | AR-442: Communication and Allied Skills-VI | |
2 | AR-461: Research Methodologies | |
3 | AR-473: Studies in Critical Regionalism | |
4 | AU-102: Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics | |
5 | AU-201: Automotive Power Plants | |
6 | AU-203: Statistics & Quality Control | |
7 | AU-222: Automobile Instrumentation | |
8 | AU-313: Combustion, Emission and Pollution | |
9 | CT-153: Programming Languages | |
10 | CT-157: Data Structure Algorithms & Applications | |
11 | CT-158: Fundamentals of Information Technology | |
12 | CT-159: Data Structure Algorithms & Applications | |
13 | CT-162: Discrete Structures | |
14 | CT-173: Introduction to Computer Applications | |
15 | CT-174: Fundamentals of Information Technology | |
16 | CT-175: Programming Fundamentals | |
17 | CT-251: Object Oriented Programming | |
18 | CT-257: Database Management Systems | |
19 | CT-258: Financial & Cost Accounting | |
20 | CT-259: System Analysis & Design | |
21 | CT-260: Object Oriented Programming | |
22 | CT-261: Database Management Systems | |
23 | CT-353: Operating Systems | |
24 | CT-361: Artificial Intelligence & Expert System | |
25 | CT-362: Web Engineering | |
26 | CT-363: Design and Analysis of Algorithms | |
27 | CT-364: Theory of Automata and Formal Languages | |
28 | CT-365: Software Engineering | |
29 | CT-367: Theory of Programming Languages | |
30 | CT-376: Computer Communication Networks | |
31 | CT-460: Network & Information Security | |
32 | CT-461: E-Commerce | |
33 | CT-463: Data Warehouse & Mining | |
34 | CT-464: Modeling & Simulation | |
35 | CT-465: Compiler Design | |
36 | CT-481: Wireless Network and Mobile Computing | |
37 | CT-484: Introduction to Cyber Security | |
38 | CT-485: Natural Language Processing | |
39 | CT-499: Software-Based Project | |
40 | DS-141: Communication Skills for Development-I | |
41 | DS-142: Communication Skills for Development-II | |
42 | DS-143: Computer Applications in Development-I | |
43 | DS-203: Human Development | |
44 | DS-204: Computer Applications in Development-II | |
45 | DS-206: Statistical Applications in Development-I | |
46 | DS-207: Statistical Applications in Development-II | |
47 | DS-241: Introduction to Research Methodology-I | |
48 | DS-242: Introduction to Research Methodology-II | |
49 | DS-243: Computer Applications in Development-II | |
50 | DS-244: Statistical Applications in Development-I | |
51 | DS-245: Statistical Applications in Development-II | |
52 | DS-246: Participatory Development | |
53 | DS-316: Gender and Development | |
54 | DS-401: Development Studies Project | |
55 | EC-106: Principles of Management | |
56 | FD-430: Food Engineering Project | |
57 | HS-104: Functional English | |
58 | HS-105: Pakistan Studies | |
59 | HS-106: Pakistan Studies | |
60 | HS-107: Pakistan Studies (For Foreigners) | |
61 | HS-111: Functional English | |
62 | HS-114: Functional English | |
63 | HS-115: Academic Reading & Writing | |
64 | HS-117: Foundation of Education | |
65 | HS-118: Media Studies | |
66 | HS-119: Islamic Studies | |
67 | HS-120: Introduction to English Literature-I | |
68 | HS-121: Introduction to Linguistics | |
69 | HS-122: History of English Literature-I | |
70 | HS-123: Phonetics & Phonology | |
71 | HS-127: Pakistan Studies ( for Foreigners) | |
72 | HS-200: Community Service | |
73 | HS-201: Oral Communications | |
74 | HS-202: Business Communication | |
75 | HS-203: Organizational Behaviour | |
76 | HS-204: Human Rights & Citizenship | |
77 | HS-205: Islamic Studies | |
78 | HS-208: Business Communications & Ethics | |
79 | HS-210: Philosophy | |
80 | HS-211: Morphology & Syntax-I | |
81 | HS-212: Introduction to English Literature-II | |
82 | HS-213: History of English Literature-II | |
83 | HS-214: Academic Writing | |
84 | HS-215: Semantics | |
85 | HS-217: Visionary Discourse | |
86 | HS-218: Business Communication | |
87 | HS-219: Professional Ethics | |
88 | HS-224: German Language-I | |
89 | HS-226: French Language-I | |
90 | HS-228: Sociology and Development | |
91 | HS-230: Organizational Behaviour | |
92 | HS-231: Turkish Language-I | |
93 | HS-232: Turkish Language-II | |
94 | HS-301: Business Organizational Communication | |
95 | HS-304: Business Communication & Ethics | |
96 | HS-305: Morphology & Syntax-II | |
97 | HS-306: Sociolinguistics | |
98 | HS-307: Pedagogical Grammar | |
99 | HS-308: Lexical Studies | |
100 | HS-309: Discourse Analysis | |
101 | HS-310: Psycholinguistics | |
102 | HS-311: Logic & Critical Thinking | |
103 | HS-312: Translation Studies | |
104 | HS-314: World Englishes | |
105 | HS-315: Language in Education | |
106 | HS-318: Anthropological Studies | |
107 | HS-319: Introduction to Research | |
108 | HS-401: Project | |
109 | HS-402: Research Methods in Linguistics | |
110 | HS-406: Stylistics | |
111 | HS-407: Language, Culture & Identitiy | |
112 | HS-408: Genre Analysis | |
113 | HS-411: Second Language Acquisition | |
114 | HS-412: Language Teaching Methodologies | |
115 | HS-418: Pragmatics | |
116 | HS-421: Syllabus Designing & Testing | |
117 | HSK-1: Chinese Language | |
118 | HSK-2: Chinese Language | |
119 | IM-101: Computer Applications in Engineering | |
120 | IM-207: Computer Programming & Drafting | |
121 | IM-308: Operations Research | |
122 | IM-320: Modeling and Simulation | |
123 | MG-499: Final Year Project | |
124 | MT-001: Mathematics-1 | |
125 | MT-002: Mathematics-2 | |
126 | MT-100: Introduction to Mathematics | |
127 | MT-100: Introduction to Mathematics (for pre-medical students) | |
128 | MT-112: Mathematics for Architects | |
129 | MT-113: Business Mathematics | |
130 | MT-114: Calculus | |
131 | MT-151: Calculus-I | |
132 | MT-152: Calculus-II | |
133 | MT-156: Discrete Mathematics | |
134 | MT-171: Differenial & Integral Calculus | |
135 | MT-173: Calculus | |
136 | MT-214: Applied Statistics | |
137 | MT-215: Differential Equations & Complex Veriables | |
138 | MT-221: Linear Algebra & Ordinary Differential Equations | |
139 | MT-222: Linera Algebra & Odinary Differential Equations | |
140 | MT-223: Differential Equations & Fourier Series | |
141 | MT-223: Ordinary Differential Equations & Fourier Series | |
142 | MT-224: Complex Variables & Fourier Analysis | |
143 | MT-225: Linear Algebra & Ordinary Differential Equations | |
144 | MT-226: Multi Variable Calculus | |
145 | MT-227: Differential Equations | |
146 | MT-228: Complex Variables & Fourier Transforms | |
147 | MT-230: Statistics & Probability | |
148 | MT-231: Statistics Inference | |
149 | MT-251: Multivariate Calculus | |
150 | MT-252: Introduction to Probability & Statistics | |
151 | MT-254: Statistical Inference | |
152 | MT-255: Introduction to Mathematical Finance | |
153 | MT-272: Linear Algebra & Geometry | |
154 | MT-273: Deffirential Equations & Linear Algebra | |
155 | MT-315: Mathematical Methods | |
156 | MT-330: Applied Probability & Statistics | |
157 | MT-331: Probability & Statistics | |
158 | MT-332: Advanced Calculus & Linear Algebra | |
159 | MT-333: Advanced Calculus & Fourier Analysis | |
160 | MT-335: Probablity and Statistics | |
161 | MT-336: Introduction to Linear Algebra and Programming | |
162 | MT-337: Introduction to Statistics | |
163 | MT-351: Operation Research | |
164 | MT-352: Financial Management | |
165 | MT-353: Discrete-Time Finance | |
166 | MT-354: Financial Derivatives | |
167 | MT-355: Financial Risk Management | |
168 | MT-356: Stochastic Models in Finance | |
169 | MT-441: Advanced Mathematical Techniques | |
170 | MT-442: Numerical Method | |
171 | MT-443: Numerical Analysis | |
172 | MT-451: Continuous-Time Finance | |
173 | MT-452: Financial Modelling | |
174 | MT-454: Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic | |
175 | MT-455: Econometrics | |
176 | MT-456: Financial Engineering | |
177 | MT-458: Islamic Banking & Financial System | |
178 | MT-459: Actuarial Science | |
179 | MT-460: Computational Finance Project | |
180 | MT-471: Applied Numerical Methods | |
181 | PH-103: Physics Lab-I | |
182 | PH-106: Physics Lab-II | |
183 | PH-123: General Physics-I | |
184 | PH-124: General Physics-II | |
185 | PH-203: Physics Lab-III | |
186 | PH-206: Physics Lab-IV | |
187 | PH-311: Physics Lab-V | |
188 | PH-312: Physics Lab-VI | |
189 | PH-408: Physics Lab-VII | |
190 | PP-211: Computer Programming & Applications | |
191 | SE-201: Object Oriented Concepts & Programming | |
192 | SE-204: Database Managment Systems | |
193 | SE-206: Web Engineering | |
194 | SE-207: Software Engineering | |
195 | SE-208: Software Requirement Engineering | |
196 | SE-302: Human Computer Interaction | |
197 | SE-303: Operating Systems | |
198 | SE-307: E-Commerce | |
199 | SE-308: Software Design & Architecture | |
200 | SE-309: Software Quality Engineering | |
201 | SE-310: Software Project Management | |
202 | SE-311: E-Commerce | |
203 | SE-312: Software Construction & Development | |
204 | SE-313: Formal Method in Software Engineering | |
205 | SE-405: Modeling & Simulation | |
206 | SE-406: Distributed Computing | |
207 | SE-407: Data Warehousing & Mining | |
208 | SE-408: Design Patterns | |
209 | SE-409: Software Re-Engineering | |
210 | SE-410: Stochastic Processes | |
211 | SE-484: Software Testing Strategies & Techniques | |
212 | SE-487: Mobile Application Development | |
213 | SE-488: Computer Vision Fundamentals | |
214 | SE-489: Cloud Computing | |
215 | SE-499: Software Engineering Project | |
216 | TE-113: Introduction to Textile Engineering | |
217 | TE-203: Computer Programming and Applications |
Postgraduate Courses
Following is the list of relevant courses currently being offered in different postgraduate programmes of the University. The credit hour detail of the same can be found in the University’s Postgraduate Prospectus, available at
1 | AR-612: Methods in Urban Planning Research |
2 | AR-629: Advanced Urban Sociolog1 |
3 | BM-543: Mechatronics S1stem Design |
4 | BM-545: Biomedical Ethics for Engineers |
5 | BM-547: Medical Robotics |
6 | BM-550: Advanced Medical Imaging |
7 | BM-552: Clinical Gait Anal1sis |
8 | BM-555: Advanced Biomechanics |
9 | BM-563: Advanced Digital Signal Processing |
10 | BM-565: Research Methodolog1 |
11 | CE-504: Advanced Engineering Mathematics |
12 | CE-518: Mathematical Methods for Engineers |
13 | CE-544: Quantitative Tools for Engineering Management |
14 | CE-564: Probabilit1 and Statistics |
15 | CE-588: Leadership in Consruction Management |
16 | CH-505: Mathematical Methods |
17 | CH-512: Applied Statistics |
18 | CS-404: Computer S1stems Architecture & Organization |
19 | CS-407: Computing Essentials |
20 | CS-408: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence |
21 | CS-411: Computer S1stems Fundamentals |
22 | CS-412: Data Structures and Databases |
23 | CS-5002: Thesis |
24 | CS-503: Queuing Theor1 for Performance Modeling of Computer S1stems |
25 | CS-506: Advanced Computer S1stems Architecture |
26 | CS-5101: Advanced Artificial Intelligence |
27 | CS-5102: Machine Learning |
28 | CS-5103: Mathematics for Artificial Intelligence |
29 | CS-5104: Intelligent S1stems Design |
30 | CS-5105: Deep Learning |
31 | CS-5107: Computer Vision |
32 | CS-5115: Advanced Image Processing |
33 | CS-5124: Pattern Recognition |
34 | CS-514: Performance Evaluation of Computer S1stems |
35 | CS-517: Digital Communication Theor1 |
36 | CS-523: Routing and Switching |
37 | CS-531: Advanced Operating S1stems |
38 | CS-538: Information Theor1 and Cr1ptograph1 |
39 | CS-539: Computer Securit1 |
40 | CS-540: Computer Network Protocols |
41 | CS-541: Stochastic Processes for Computer Networks |
42 | CS-542: C1ber Securit1 |
43 | CS-543: Internet Securit1 |
44 | CS-544: Vulnerabilit1 Assessment and Ethical Hacking |
45 | CS-551: Advanced Database S1stems |
46 | CS-552: Data Anal1tics |
47 | CS-553: Information S1stems Management |
48 | CS-554: Data Securit1 and Audit |
49 | CS-555: Distributed S1stems |
50 | CS-562: Big Data Computing |
51 | CS-563: Business Intelligence |
52 | CS-564: Cloud Computing |
53 | CS-565: Data Encr1ption |
54 | CS-566: Data Mining |
55 | CS-568: Decision Support S1stems |
56 | CS-569: E-Business Management |
57 | CS-570: Enterprise Resource Planning |
58 | CS-572: Internet Traffic Engineering and Management |
59 | CS-573: Network Securit1 |
60 | CT-492: Object Oriented Programming |
61 | CT-493: Data Structure and Algorithms Design |
62 | CT-494: Introduction to Databases |
63 | CT-5002: Thesis |
64 | CT-501: Software Project Management |
65 | CT-502: Theor1 of Automata |
66 | CT-503: Operations Research & Optimisation |
67 | CT-504: Advanced Numerical Anal1sis |
68 | CT-506: Advanced Anal1sis of Algorithms |
69 | CT-509: Distributed S1stems |
70 | CT-510: Algebra and Number Theor1 |
71 | CT-524: Knowledge Based S1stems |
72 | CT-528: Advance Database Techniques |
73 | CT-530: Data Mining |
74 | CT-560: Deep Learning |
75 | CT-561: Natural Language Processing |
76 | CT-562: Machine Learning |
77 | CT-576: Advanced Operating S1stem |
78 | CT-577: Advanced Theor1 of Automata |
79 | CT-581: Statistics & Probabilit1 for Data Science |
80 | CT-589: Social Media Anal1sis |
81 | CT-597: Time Series Anal1sis & Forecasting |
82 | CT-599: Speech Processing |
83 | C1-404: Separation Techniques |
84 | EC-524: Research Methodolog1 |
85 | EE-5002: Thesis |
86 | EL-402: Introduction to Mechatronics |
87 | EL-5002: Thesis |
88 | EL-503: Advanced Digital Electronics & Interfacing Techniques |
89 | EL-504: Electronics Design Automation |
90 | EL-507: Fuzz1 Logic and Intelligent Electronics Control S1stems |
91 | EL-526: Robotics and its Application of Industrial Electronics |
92 | EQ-5002: Thesis |
93 | EQ-501: Structural D1namics |
94 | EQ-504: Advanced Structural Anal1sis |
95 | HS-410: Introduction to Linguistics |
96 | HS-411: Second Language Acquisition |
97 | HS-412: Language Teaching Methodologies |
98 | HS-416: Sociolinguistics |
99 | HS-420: Discourse Anal1sis |
100 | HS-421: S1llabus Designing & Testing |
101 | HS-500: Applied Linguistics & Language Studies |
102 | HS-5002: Thesis |
103 | HS-501: Second Language Learning & Language Teaching |
104 | HS-502: Curriculum Development in Language Teaching |
105 | HS-503: Research Methodolo1 in Applied Linguistics |
106 | HS-504: Quantitative Tools for Research |
107 | HS-511: English for Specific Purposes |
108 | HS-512: Teaching English for Academic Purposes |
109 | HS-514: Globalization and Spread of English |
110 | HS-515: Pragmatics & inter-cultural communication |
111 | HS-517: Language Teacher Education & Development |
112 | HS-519: Advanced Academic Reading and Writing |
113 | HS-526: Materials Development & Adaptation in ESL |
114 | HS-528: Technolog1 in Language Teaching & Learning |
115 | HS-529: Corpus Linguistics |
116 | IM-5002: Thesis |
117 | MC-5002: Thesis |
118 | MC-501: Electrical and Electronic for Mechanical Engineers |
119 | MC-502: Introduction to A.I & Computer Architecture |
120 | MC-541: Digital Image Processing & Machine Vision |
121 | MT-5002: Thesis |
122 | MT-502: Linear Algebra |
123 | MT-503: Applied Statistics |
124 | MT-512: Advanced Discrete Mathematics |
125 | MT-515: Transforms and their Applications |
126 | MT-520: Graph Theor1 |
127 | MT-534: Statistical Method and Data Anal1sis |
128 | PH-401: Electromagnetic Fields-I |
129 | PH-406: Modern Ph1sics - I |
130 | PH-407: Modern Ph1sics - II |
131 | PH-500: Mathematical Ph1sics |
132 | PH-5002: Thesis |
133 | PH-525: Medical Radiation |
134 | SE-501: Advanced Requirements Engineering |
135 | TC-5002: Thesis |
136 | TC-501: Probabilit1 and Random Processes |
137 | TC-503: Digital Communication Theory 1 |
138 | TE-505: Advanced Statistics |
139 | TS-556: Research Methodology 1 |
Undergraduate projects
Following is the list of relevant Final Year Design Projects (FYDP) thesis carried out at undergraduate level in the University.
- Increasing dependency of informal education system in Karachi: exploring the dynamics, reasons and impacts.
- Influence of visual and auditory stimuli on default mode network dynamics
- Energy, energy, economic and enviro-economic (4Es) Analyses of CO2 capture from natural gas using hybrid physical and chemical solvents - a simulation study and intelligent modeling
- Designing and fabrication of temperature control unit (ICU).
- Development of metaverse based workspace for remote collaboration
- To develop an electrical power system model of K-E feeder with arc flash boundaries
- Design a power quality monitoring system (PQMS) based on standard EN50160
- Formulating various neural network models for phtovolataic fault detection and their performance bcomaprision
- How the trials of the gig economy have shaped the workforce of Pakistan
- Factors influencing choice of discipline of study – A case study of NED University of Engineering and Technology
- A corpus-based investigation of the use of Pakistani English in tertiary classrooms at a public university in Karachi
- Integrating fundamental laws of natural science and technology to tackle space debris catastrophe
- Synthesis of nickle ferrites by co precipitation method
- Analysis of FSO communication using principles of quantum mechanics
- The verification of monitor unit calculation of 3D conformal radiotherapy for various cancer sites
- To study the effect of field geometry on the dose delivery with different field area
- Careful review of conventional and multiple fields 3D CRT planning for various pelvic malignancies
- Measurement of gross gamma activity and dose rate of soil samples for Karachi beach
- The effect of scattered radiation on the junction areas of different tissue types with 6MV photons
- Structural and magnetic properties of transition metals doped magnesium aluminum ferrites
- UNIPRO- A social community application
- Industrial Academia Coordination System
- KidsTech
- Library mobile application
- Qualified -An employee up skilling platform
- Tutor finding system
- Virtual school- A real time AI supported teaching platform
- Heat transfer analysis of functional composites
- Fabric simulation by using CGI
- Hand-gesture controlled, textile actuator glove for rehabilitation applications
- Development of sensing platform embedded Shirt for ambulatory monitoring of vital signs
- Design and implementation of automated customized class timetable
Postgraduate Projects
Following is the list of relevant thesis carried out at postgraduate level in the University.
Cost effective school architecture – Learning from the experiences of non-profit organizations working in education sector of Pakistan
- Competency framework for construction managers in Pakistan.
- Investigating the relationship between trait emotional intelligence, English self-efficacy and English language performance of undergraduate ELLs at an Engineering University in Pakistan
- Socio-economic class and its impact on academic excellence of university students
- A hybrid approach to measure the satisfaction level of students on YouTube educational videos
Externally Funded Research Projects
Following is the list of relevant research projects funded by external agencies, which are currently being carried out in the University.
- Working women mobility and employability
- Community based inventorying of intangible cultural heritage in Tharparkar, Sindh
- Capacity building in the field of higher education
- Smart City Lab, National Center for Artificial Intelligence
- Pakistan English access microscholarship program award: SPK33018CA0018; Project No.: 102427.001.033
- Establishment of national centre of robotic and automation (DF-1009-31)
- PUAN master class in creative writing
- English for workforce development in Pakistan (Award SPK33018CA0037 FHI 360 Project No. 102479.001.002.025)
- Bringing urdu in digital age
- Hi-STEM FabLab
- Modernization of curriculum of textile engineering and textile technology in Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan (SMARTEX)
- Development of reactive inks for digital printing
- Neurocomputation lab, National Center for Artificial Intelligence
Events and Curricular Activities
A number of relevant activities are being carried out from time to time in the University, both by the departmental administrations and the students. Some significant activities are as follows.
- Mega project exhibition & robotics competition (MPERC’22)
- Orientation and carnival programme 2022-23
- Habib Girls School students visit to NED University
- A lecture on peace, tolerance and inclusivity in society was delivered by Mr. Raja Zia ul Huq
- NED book fair
- The programme on ‘Impact of social media on youth’
- theatre play “Rise the curtain 2.0"
- Tech-talk technology workshop
- The anti-corruption week
- Outreach session for phd scholarship program
- The Qalandars (meet & greet)
- The programme outreach USA - Life after graduation
- Anti-corruption walk
- Beyond the horizon 2.0 speaker session and theatre
- Zaawiya
- NED debate cup
- Sports event “Olympiad”
- Federal minister Prof. Ahsan Iqbal visited NED University
- D-Raju institute (girls) students visit to NED University
- A motivational session by Dr. Farhat Hashmi
- Meeting was arranged for Afghan students for documentary contest
- D-raju institute (boys) students visited NED University
- Feroze Textile staff members visited NED University
- The programme on Fulbright MS & PhD Scholarship
- Inter-University bilingual declamation competition 2023
- Event EID Greeting Party for International students
- Graphics workshop
- Photography Challenge
- SOFE Locals
- Ignite 7.0
- A day in the life of an engineer working at Unilever
- A day in the life of an engineer working at Get Pharma
- A day in the life of an engineer working at Microsoft
- Participation in the ASME EFx 2023
- A day in the life of an engineer working at Artistic Mills
- A day in the life of an engineer working at KIA
- RC car workshop
- CAD competition
- Engineering carnival
- PLC wiring workshop
- Higher education counseling session in the US
- Soft skills workshop
- The Mendix Workshop
- IEEE Day/NED Orientation'22
- IEEE's Envision'22 event
- The data integration bootcamp
- Robotrix
- AI club was granted 50 datacamp licensed accounts through the datacamp donates program, which were distributed amongst deserving members
- AI Club ki Baithak II
- AI Fest 4.0
- Webinars on "The process and importance of FYDP for TE Students" and "ETAP Training Session"
- Blogathon 3.0, a competition for bloggers
- Bazm e Chemies
- Seminars held on various topics including
- Effective Interviews
- Importance of Software Skills in Chemical Engineering
- Interpersonal Skills Seminar
- Occupational Health and Safety Seminar
- Safe transportation of Hydrogen
- Use of accelerating rate calorimeter
- Team AATCC Provided Volunteering Services to the 5th NED International Textile Conference 2022
- Visit to TIP