Award of UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Urban Regions
- UNITWIN Programme, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris has approved the establishment of UNESCO Chair on “Sustainable Urban Regions” at NED University. This will serve as a stimulus for academic mobility and the rapid transfer of knowledge through twinning, networking, and other linking arrangements. The purpose of the Chair is to promote an integrated system of research, training, information, and documentation on sustainable urban regions. It will facilitate collaboration between high-level, internationally recognized researchers and teaching staff of the University and other institutions in Pakistan, as well as elsewhere in Asia, Europe, and in other regions of the world. Prof. Dr. Noman Ahmed, Dean Faculty of Architecture and Management Sciences is leading the efforts for the establishment of the Chair.
NED University while realizing its role of contributing towards the society – in addition to imparting quality education along with inculcating high ethics to the students – has continued its activities of previous years. More activities were also initiated this year under the domain of USR
- Department of Architecture and Planning of NED University helped envisage eco-tourism in Manora island and sustainable development in collaboration with Cantonment Board Manora.
- NED University has declared each Friday as Healthy Friday. With no vehicles allowed within campus; walking and bicycling is encouraged to commute. Prominent figures have joined NED University during healthy Fridays.
Activity Summary Graph
The following graph depicts the course offerings and other recent activities carried out at NED University of Engineering and Technology both at undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG), relevant to the requirements of sustainable development goal 11. A brief description of the same follows.

Undergraduate Courses
Following is the list of relevant courses currently being offered in different undergraduate programmes of the University. The credit hour detail of the same can be found in the University’s Undergraduate Prospectus, available at
1 | AR-431: Environmental Design and Systems-III |
2 | AR-442: Communication and Allied Skills-VI |
3 | AR-451: Construction and Materials-V |
4 | AR-461: Research Methodologies |
5 | AR-473: Studies in Critical Regionalism |
6 | AR-503: Architectural Design Project |
7 | AR-522: Comprehensive Environmental Design |
8 | AR-552: Construction and Materials-VI |
9 | AR-561: Professional Practice |
10 | AU-112: Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics |
11 | AU-113: Introduction to Automotive Systems |
12 | AU-222: Automobile Instrumentation |
13 | AU-231: Manufacturing Engineering-I |
14 | AU-315: Design of Machine Elements |
15 | AU-415: Vehicle Design |
16 | AU-416: Mechatronics |
17 | DS-302: Development Planning Workshop-I |
18 | DS-304: Urban Development |
19 | DS-308: Development Planning Workshop-II |
20 | DS-312: Public Health |
21 | DS-402: Development Planning Workshop-III |
22 | DS-406: Environmental Issues in Development |
23 | DS-408: Sustainability in Development |
24 | DS-410: Development Planning in Pakistan |
25 | EC-105: Information Technology in Business Economics |
26 | EC-203: Computer Application to Business & Finance |
27 | EC-406: Urban Economics |
28 | EC-411: International Finance |
29 | EC-412: Corporate Finance |
30 | EC-413: Project Appraisal & Investment Analysis |
31 | EC-415: Time Series Analysis |
32 | EC-417: Studies of Urban Economics |
33 | FD-430: Food Engineering Project |
34 | ME-426: Plant Maintenance |
35 | PH-111: Basic Physics for Architects |
36 | UE-353: Quantity & Cost Estimations |
37 | UE-360: Mechanics of Solids-II |
Postgraduate Courses
Following is the list of relevant courses currently being offered in different postgraduate programmes of the University. The credit hour detail of the same can be found in the University’s Postgraduate Prospectus, available at
1 | AR-511: Introduction to Urban Design |
2 | AR-513: Methods in Ph1sical Planning |
3 | AR-601: Advanced Architectural Design-I |
4 | AR-602: Advanced Architectural Design-II |
5 | AR-603: Studies in Architectural Research |
6 | AR-604: Architectural Theor1 |
7 | AR-608: Green Architecture: Concepts and Applications |
8 | AR-612: Methods in Urban Planning Research |
9 | AR-613: Landuse Planning and Anal1sis |
10 | AR-614: Infrastructure Planning |
11 | AR-615: Economic Development and Regional Planning |
12 | AR-617: Advanced Studies in Urban Design |
13 | AR-623: Computer Applications in Planning |
14 | AR-629: Advanced Urban Sociolog1 |
15 | AR-635: Case Studies in Architectural Conservation and Restoration in Developing Countries |
16 | AR-638: Advanced Landscape Architecture |
17 | AR-648: Architecture and the Cit1 |
18 | AR-698: Thesis |
19 | BM-552: Clinical Gait Anal1sis |
20 | BM-555: Advanced Biomechanics |
21 | CE-5002: Thesis |
22 | CE-501: Advanced Structural Anal1sis |
23 | CE-5013: Construction Contracts and Procurement Law |
24 | CE-5014: Construction Claims Preparation and Anal1sis |
25 | CE-5015: Construction Disputes |
26 | CE-5016: Fundamentals of Environmental Laws for Construction Industr1 |
27 | CE-5017: Construction Specifications writing and Documentation |
28 | CE-5018: Construction Law Case Studies |
29 | CE-502: Advanced Mechanics of Solids |
30 | CE-5020: Construction Law and Risk Management |
31 | CE-5021: International Perspectives of Construction Law |
32 | CE-503: Advanced Reinforced Concrete |
33 | CE-505: Prestressed Concrete Design |
34 | CE-508: Computer Method of Structural Anal1sis |
35 | CE-510: Structural Stabilit1 |
36 | CE-511: Structural D1namics |
37 | CE-513: Seismic Anal1sis and Design |
38 | CE-514: Design of Tall Structures |
39 | CE-515: Design of Steel Structures |
40 | CE-516: Repair, Maintenance & Streng. of RC Structures |
41 | CE-517: Performance-based Seismic Design |
42 | CE-519: Advanced Cementitious Materials |
43 | CE-531: Advanced Soil Mechanics |
44 | CE-532: Foundation Engineering |
45 | CE-533: Soil Foundation D1namics |
46 | CE-535: Earth Structures |
47 | CE-540: Earth Retaining Structures |
48 | CE-556: Water Resources Planning and Management |
49 | CE-559: Remote Sensing In Water Resources |
50 | CE-561: Urban Transportation Planning |
51 | CE-562: Geometric Design of Highwa1s |
52 | CE-563: Advanced Traffic Engineering & Management |
53 | CE-567: Public Mass Transportation |
54 | CE-569: Pavement Anal1sis & Design |
55 | CE-570: Transportation Economics |
56 | CE-575: Railwa1 Track Engineering |
57 | CE-588: Leadership in Consruction Management |
58 | CE-592: Decision Making & Risk Mang. in Construction |
59 | CE-593: Construction Operations & Development of Technologies |
60 | CE-595: Tech Entrepr and The Mang. & Mark. of Const. Serv |
61 | CE-596: Public Infrastructure Management |
62 | EM-503: Strategic Planning and Decision Making |
63 | EM-504: Project Management Framework and Tools |
64 | EN-5002: Thesis |
65 | EN-508: Environment Impact Assessment |
66 | EN-510: Process D1namics in Environmental S1stem |
67 | EN-511: Environmental Management |
68 | EN-513: Industrial Waste Treatment and Disposal |
69 | EN-514: Water Resources Management |
70 | EN-515: Air Pollution and Control |
71 | EN-518: Sustainable Development & Appropriate Technolog1 |
72 | EN-520: Marine Pollution and Control |
73 | EN-521: Special Topics in Environmental Engineering |
74 | EN-523: Anal1sis of Environmental Contaminants |
75 | EN-524: Wastewater Engineering |
76 | EN-525: Ph1sico Chemical Processes |
77 | EN-526: Solid Waste Management |
78 | EN-527: Environmental Health and Sanitation |
79 | EN-531: Environmental Qualit1 Management |
80 | EN-537: Water Qualit1 Management |
81 | EN-540: Health, Safet1 & Environmental Management |
82 | EN-541: Remote Sensing in Environmental Management |
83 | EN-542: Sustainable Waste Management |
84 | EQ-5002: Thesis |
85 | EQ-501: Structural D1namics |
86 | EQ-502: Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering |
87 | EQ-504: Advanced Structural Anal1sis |
88 | EQ-505: Structural Reliabilit1 Anal1sis |
89 | EQ-522: Performance BAsed Seismic Design |
90 | EQ-523: Seismic Design of Steel and Composite Structures |
91 | EQ-528: Finite Element Method |
92 | EQ-529: FRP Reinforced Concrete Design |
93 | EQ-532: Fire Safet1 and Management |
94 | IM-526: Facilities Planning and La1out |
95 | MT-5002: Thesis |
96 | MT-501: Differential Equations |
97 | MT-502: Linear Algebra |
98 | PH-400: Classical Mechanics |
99 | SE-502: Advanced Software S1stems Architecture |
100 | TC-504: Advanced Communication S1stem |
101 | TC-505: Telecommunications Network Operation |
102 | UE-5002: Thesis |
103 | UE-501: Urban Transportation Management |
104 | UE-502: Pavement Asset Management |
105 | UE-509: Transportation S1stems Asset Management |
106 | UE-510: Highwa1 Construction Project Management |
Undergraduate projects
Following is the list of relevant Final Year Design Projects (FYDP) thesis carried out at undergraduate level in the University.
- Solid waste management: A study on front-end collection in Karachi.
- Senior citizens and urban infrastructure: Do Karachi city provide an inclusive living environment to senior citizens?
- Design and development of a Battery Management System of Electric Vehicle
- Design and simulate the electric drive train of a standard electric multi-purpose vehicle
- Design and development of prototype of a linear induction motor
- Design and development of a magnetically levitating body
- IOT based Infant Incubator
- Achieving Low-cost Building Construction via Material and Technology Innovation
- Developing Entrepreneurial Business Model for BIM Services
- To Develop A 7D BIM Model for High-rise Building
- Development at Portable Domestic, Wastewater Treatment Plant for Recycling
- Behaviour of RC Slabs Subjected to Impact Loadings
- Waste Estimations and Recycling Potential at the Construction Worksites of Academic Institutions
- Computer Aided Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Structure
- Design and Operational Feasibility Analysis of Red-line Bus Rapid Transit System Karachi
- Behaviour of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Beams Subjected to Variable Loading
- Spatio-temporal Analysis of Urban Pollution Based on Arterial Type
- Structural Health Monitoring of Reinforced Concrete Slabs
- Design of Concrete Flexural Members Using Bamboo Reinforcement
- Green Rooftops Using Hydroponics and Recycled Water
- Design of Low-cost Residential Housing Units Using Lightly Reinforced Masonry
- Structural Health Monitoring of Reinforced Concrete Girders
- Numerical Investigation of Pre-stressed Concrete Girders
- Surveying and Mapping of Potential Clay Reserves in KPK Region
- Behaviour of Beams Prepared with Recycled Aggregate Concrete Subjected to Torsion
- Numerical Investigation of Pre-stressed RC Slabs
- Behaviour of RC Beams Under High Mass Low Velocity Impact
- Effect of Curing on the Strength of Geopolymer Concrete at Ambient Temperature
- Behaviour of UHPFRC Using Recycled Fine Aggregate
- Mechanical Properties of Ultra-high Strength Concrete
- Validation of Energy Efficiency Improvement Measures for Housing Units through Simulation and Living Lab Concept
- Use of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Bars as Replacement of Steel Bars
- Use of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Bars as Replacement of Steel Bars
- Assessing the Suitability of HCM for Local Traffic
- Comparative Analysis Between Two Different Types of Slab-wall Connections for Pre-cast Structures
- Development of Geodatic Control Point and Calibration of GNSS Data at NEDUET
- Technical analysis of Pakistan Stock market
- Effect of Financial Leverage on Performance of the Firms: An Empirical Evidence from Pakistan's Textile Sector
- Impact of Macroeconomic factors on profitability: An empirical evidence from Pakistan's fertilizer sector
- Bankruptcy Prediction Model: An Empirical Evidence from Non-Financial Sector of Pakistan
- Creidt Card Risk predictor for Commercial Banks
- Sectoral analysis of volatility in oil prices and firms return, An empirical evidence from Pakistan
- Adoption of E-banking services in Pakistan: An analysis in the light of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)
- Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on the MSCI classified Countries Stock Market
- Export Potential of Small Scale Industries: Case Study of Karachi
- Techno-economics Analysis of Mixed refrigerant-based Processes for the Production of LNG.
- Commercial Scale Pilot Plant Fabrication for PCA Based Road Making.
- Development of a blockchain-based car-pooling mobile application
- Development of emotion detection framework using EEG signals
- Developing a car-pooling application focusing automated authenticity of users
- Secure wireless internet sharing application using smart routers
- Design and development of a web application for automating the process of reading electric meters
- Digitization of anemometer and Wind Vane
- Design a Power Quality Monitoring system (PQMS) based on standard EN50160
- Phonetic Segment of speech using Deep learning
- Three-dimensional vehicle trajectory estimation using IMU-based sensing for self-driving cars.
- Sustainable supply chain practices in Textile sector: A case of Yunus Textile Mills
- Supply Chain Efficiency in Packaging Industry
- Three dimensional vehicle trajectory estimation using IMU based sensing for self driving application
- Voice Control Smart Car
- Implementation of item management process and recognition of edible food in a fridge using computer vision and IoT
- Artificial Intelligence based Virtual Assistant with Smart Screen and Automation System
- Electric vehicle charging station with AC grid power
- Air Water Generator
- Portable Patient monitoring system
- IoT Based Energy Metering and Customer Monitoring System
- Utilization of Domestic Waste to Energy/Steam directly and via Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) to fulfill Industrial demand
- Development of Hybrid Renewable Energy Based Solutions using Wind, Solar and Batteries for Sustainable Power Generation and Transmission Capability of Congested Networks
- To study and design the system to conserve the utility consumption (natural gas) of the Grid Casting Shop of Atlas Battery Limited supported by Heat Transfer calculations and simulations.
- Experimental and Numerical Study of Performance Enhancement of Parabolic Trough System
- Design and Fabrication of Hydro Panels
- Design and Fabrication 5-ton Solar Powered Absorption Chiller
- Design and Feasibility study of the Solar Powered Carport for University Campus parking.
- Recycling of Scrap Tires to Oil and Carbon Black by Vacuum Pyrolysis
- Techno-Economic evaluation of integrating renewable energy sources with 660 MW coal fired power plant
- Fabrication and Installation of 1 KW Hydal River Turbine at Northern Areas of Pakistan
- Energy Management for Energy Efficient / Green Buildings using Renewable and Sustainable Sources.
- Synthesis and optimization of nano-coatings used in Energy Efficient Windows
- Thermal performance parameters estimation of the solar cooker by using artificial neural network.
- Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine VAWT.
- Design and Fabrication of a Small Scale Urban Air Purification Tower
- Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation of Residential Unit
- Techno-economic analysis for the electrification of vehicles in Pakistan.
- Design and Fabrication of Gearless Power Transmission Using Elbow Mechanism
- Implementation of Six Sigma Methodology to reduce rework rate of G1.6 Domestic Gas Meter.
- Techno-economic analysis of Rooftop Grid Tied PV System under Pakistan’s feed-in tariff (FIT) scheme using HOMER.
- Modelling, Analysis and Fabrication of Portable Solar Photovoltaic system.
- Technical and Economic Analysis of Solar integrated Organic Rankine Cycle.
- Design of Tidal Power Plant.
- Design a Social Distancing and Mask Monitor Drone for COVID Prevention.
- Development and Characterisation of Super-hydrophobic and Self-Healing coatings for engineering applications
- Design And Development Of Automotive Body Using Recyclable Material And Fiber (Synthetic And Natural) Along With Nano Structures.
- Investigation of Transition metal derivative as an efficient Hydrogen Evaluation Catalyst
- Design And Development Of corrosion resistant hydrophobic Zn/ZnO Composite Coatings on Steel Substrates.
- Utilization of Polyster Powder in Fly-Ash bricks.
- Development of Functional Ceramics for energy Harvesting Devices
- Production and characterization of stainless steel
- clad rebar. (industry project-Amreli Steels)
- Enhancement of thermal stability as well as antibacterial properties in the edible packaging films.
- Studying and enhancing the corrosion resistance of outer body panel of car.
- Analysis of FSO communication using principles of quantum mechanics
- Recycling of HDPE and re use in FMCG.
- Organic filler reinforced polymer
- To synthesis nano – cellulose crystal and to investigate its effect on mechanical and thermal properties of NBR.
- Effect of Modified bio filler for sustainable reinforcement polymer composite.
- A novel polymer modified concrete for coastal area construction.
- Gasification of lignite coal with plastic waste blends for syn gas production using ASPEN PLUS
- OBD Charm
- Pukaar- Call a nearby car mechanic on the spot
- Smart Contracts in Supply Chain Management Using IoT
- Secure Embedded Distributed Ledger for Odometry using Block chain
- IoT Enabled Lane-less Traffic Monitoring Using Multiple Inductive Loop Detection Technology
- High Performance textile based composite system for retrofitting application group members.
- Optimization of Effluent treatment plant
- To investigate the effect of fibrous materials on performance of asphalt mixtures
- Eco-friendly dyeing of cotton using salt-free multifunctional dyeing approaches
- Experimental investigation of polyester-fibre reinforced cement composites
- Sustainable development of waste wrapper fabric
- An Enhanced Experimental Apporach on Custom Object Detection using Deep Learning
- To Detect Suspicious Animal In Low-Level Light to avoid road accidents by using machine learning techniques
- An Efficient Approach for License Plate Identification and Recognition in non-standard environment
- Experimental Investigation of clayey soil using waste material
- Proposal for the geometric design of flyover at Power house intersection Karachi using Autodesk Civil 3D.
- Impact Assesment on Energy Efficiency and Indoor Environmental Quality of typical and green walls
- Comparison of structural response of RC structures following the seismic hazard revision in the building code of Pakistan.
- Identification and Analysisof Black spots in Karachi City
- Flexural behaviour of self healing concrete in ambient condition
- Investigation of heat of hydration of calcined caly based concrete
- Structural Behaviour of light weight aggregate column
- Flood Inundation Modeling of Manchar lake
- Conceptual design of energy efficient housing unit in urban areas
- use of FRP fabric in concrete
- Detailed Evaluation of Selected Urban Arterials in karachi
- Study of Model Shift to Green line BRT
- Mechanical Properties of self healing concrete
Postgraduate Projects
Following is the list of relevant thesis carried out at postgraduate level in the University.
- Municipal solid waste management and the role of informal sector: A case study of Quetta city
- Impact of Print Media in Urban Planning Decisions
- Reflection of Gender Related Cultural Values in the Design and use of Public Spaces in Ethnic Diverse Areas of Karachi
- Household waste in a city: A case study of Sibi, Baluchistan.
- Reading the city through Narrarives: an urban semiotics approach to public spaces (chowrangi) in Karachi.
- Development of Connections for Low Rise Buildings
- Constructed Using Precast Reinforced Concrete Elements
- Development of Foamed Cementitioous Composite Blocks for Light Weight Infilled Walls
- Experimental Study on Continuous Concrete Beams Reinforced With BFRP Bars
- Flexural Behaviour of BFRP Reinforced Concrete Slabs
- Sustainable Plumbing Solutions in High-Rise Buildings for
- Water Distribution and Soil and Waste Management
- A Broad Simulation Model for the Production of H2-RICH SYNGAS OF BIOMASS via Air–Steam Gasification
- Analysis of Threats and Security of Endpoints in a Smart Home
- Click Fraud Detection -Analysis and Modeling
- Investigating Cyber Security Issues in Metaverse
- Machine learning based traffic pollution classification and prediction
- Block Chain Based Cloud Forensic Scheme
- Investigating Challenges of Cloud Data Provenance in Blockchain
- Customer Object Interaction
- Crime Analysis Using Machine Learning
- Sign Language interpretation using Computer Vision
- Driving Behaviour Analysis & Comparative Analysis of Vehicle Health
- Forcasting Model For Multiple Sun Spots Locations
- Optimization of grounding system design based on IEEE Std. 80:2013 Using Machine Learning Models
- Color based region proposals for traffic light signal detection using CNN (MSD)
- Developing an architecture SCADA/ DCS incorporating Industry 4.0 for Process Industry (IE)
- DC motor speed control using extended Kalman fiter based on Fuzzy PID (IE)
- Autonomous Canteen Handler Robotic Unit (IE)
- Cotton Crops Disease Detection using CNN Convolution Neural Network (IE)
- Design of Air conditioning system using Solar Energy
- Estimation of energy potential for harnessing wind energy using Offshore Wind Farm in Arabian Sea
- Generalized Angstrom – Prescott coefficients and estimation of solar radiation on horizontal and tilted surface using sky models for different regions of Pakistan
- Modeling and Performance Evaluation of a Bi-Facial PV System.
- HVAC Design and Energy Modelling of NED Auditorium using Green Building Guidelines
- Fire Detection and Alert System using Network
- Surveillance and Machine Vision
- Assessment of Net Energy Contribution of Buildings by Rooftop Photovoltaic Systems in Karachi
- Performance Analysis of Hybrid
- Design of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
- using CFD Approach
- Scheduling and Managing Infrastructure of a Hospital Using CPM and PERT
- Effect of Moringa Oleifera Leaves on Thermal and Mechanical Properties of
- Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
- IOT Assisted Ad-hoc Network using Software defined Radios
- Real-Time Data acquisition using IOT for Ground Bird smart Farming
- To Investigate The Effects Of Various Process Parameters And Their Optimization For Pretreatment And Dyeing Of Cationic Dyeable Polyester (CDP) Knitted Fabric
Externally Funded Research Projects
Following is the list of relevant research projects funded by external agencies, which are currently being carried out in the University.
- A spatial mapping for Arsenic (As) concentration hotspots towards generating water quality profile and development of sustainable prototype water treatment system for Larkana Division, Sindh
- Investigation & Evaluation of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) Bars in Civil Infrastructure Applications in Pakistan.
- Development of thermal block as sustainable and energy efficient material
- Toyota Road Improvement Project
- Community based inventorying of intangible cultural heritage in Tharparkar, Sindh
- Afloat for Centuries: The Flat-bottomed Indus Boats - An Abode, an Agency for Livelihood and an Expression of Cultural Identity, Sindh, Pakistan
- Seismic Assessment & Retrofitting of a Major Hospital in Karachi
- Development of sustainable building material for restoration and conservation
- Green Energy Source and Environmentally friendly lead-oxide free piezoelectric ceramics for energy harvesting devices
- High Energy Density Lead Free Ceramic Capacitors for Power Pulsed Applications at High Temperatures
- NB-IoT ProSe: Proximity Services enabled NB-IoT for Reliable and Critical Communication in Low- Powered Applications
- Optimization of Tooling and Machining Parameters for Enhanced Quality of Holes in Composite Laminates
- Development of Additively Manufactured Low-cost Moulds for the Manufacturing of FRP Products
- Framework Development and Risk analysis of logistics network in Pakistan to make supply chains network resilient in the wake of Pandemic Crisis
- Bench-Scale Demonstration of an Integrated Waste-to-Energy Process for Municipal Solid Waste Management: A Step Toward Sustainable circular economy”
- “Investigation of the Distortion and Surface Integrity of Aluminum Aerospace Grade Alloys during High Speed CNC Milling Machining Operations
- Solar powered atmospheric plasma system for treatment of contaminated wastewater
- Development of Energy efficient housing design
- Technology Enabled Performance Monitoring and Virtual Digitization of CPEC Infrastructure for Sustainable Maintenance Decision-Making
- Development of Thermal Block as Sustainable and Energy Efficient Construction Material
- NCAI Smart City Lab
- Deforestation in Pakistan: Combating through Wireless Sensor Networks (DePWiSeN)
- Collection & Analysis of Malnutrition facts in Tharparkar using ML
- Extension of “Exascale Open Lab” won as a part of national center of “Data Analytics and Cloud Computing”
- Mobility for bilateral stakeholder mapping for creating IoT networks for Climate Change
- Prototype development of high dimensional quantum key distribution system for a highly secure free-space communication system
- Monitoring and Prediction of Cows’ Health in Dairy Farms
- Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Screening of Crown Ethers/ Thia- Crown Ethers/ Aza Crowns and their Complexes
- Establishment of National Centre of Robotic and Automation (DF-1009-31)
- Design and Development of Universal Smart Robotic Manipulation System for Packaging Industry
- Municipal Waste in Pakistan and Identification of Underlying Factors and Key Drivers.
- Smart IOT enabled ground Bird Farming
- Disaster Resilience Improvement in Pakistan (DRIP)
- CONSOLE: Machine vision based industrial Inspection system for quality assurance
- Artificial intelligence as a pathway to reduce industrial Downtime cost through hybrid predictive maintenance (ADVICE)
- Development Project of IoT Circuit for Electrical BLDC fans, dashboard and mobile app
- Hi-STEM FabLab
- De-burdening healthcare support via a fully automated point-of-care screening process for diabetic retinopathy
- RoboDoc: A social robot to protect healthcare professionals dealing in contagious diseases
- Pak France Peridot Research Project
- Pakistan Energy Outlook
- Energy Finance Outlook
- Water Condensation from Tropospherical Humidity for Water Insecurity via Hydro-Solar Nexus
- Solar Testing
- Dynamic Analysis of Nanostructured Thin Films for Smart Energy
- Indigenous development of high-performance textiles based composite structural reinforcement system for Civil Infrastructure.
- Exploring Invisible Diversity in the City of Lights
- Development of Cost-Effective Structural Concrete Formulation using Limestone Calcined Clay-Based LC3 Cement Blend with Domestic Resources and its Application in a Pilot Project
- Impact Behaviour of Ultra High Strength Concrete RC Structural Members
- Development of Reactive Inks for Digital Printing
- Recycling of Polymeric Materials; plastics and elastomers
- Production of Highly Valuable sugarcane wax a way forward to sugarcane by product based industry
- Fabric based soft actuators for wearable applications
- Constitutive Modelling of Self-Healing PVA Fibre Reinforced Concrete (SHPFRC)
- Batch Extraction and characterization of sugarcane wax from sugar industry surplus: Application as an edible coating
- Uderolal Preidot Research Project
- Neurocomputation Lab, National Center for Artificial Intelligence
Events and Curricular Activities
A number of relevant activities are being carried out from time to time in the University, both by the departmental administrations and the students. Some significant activities are as follows.
- Seminar on Solid Waste Management
- Slabex
- Site visit to Bahria Town
- Consaviour competition
- The Mendix Workshop
- IEEE's Envision'22 event
- The Data Integration Bootcamp
- AI Fest 4.0
- Seminars held on various topics 'Effective Interviews', 'Importance of Software Skills in Chemical Engineering', 'Interpersonal Skills Seminar', 'Occupational Health and Safety Seminar', 'Safe transportation of Hydrogen’ and ‘Use of accelerating rate calorimeter'.
- Exhibition for Flood Affectees – The fundraiser event
- International Building Energy Efficiency Symposium (iBEES)
- 2nd International Conference on CPEC: Joining hands for Sustainable Development (ICCJSD)
- 6th International Conference on Urban and Regional Planning (CURP)