The Medical Department plays an active role in ensuring the medical wellbeing of University’s work force and its students. Following are some of the interesting statistics from this year:
- Medical department has been continuously providing COVID-19 vaccination services to students/employees and their dependents, since 18th May 2021 to date.
- Since 23rd December 2021 booster/extra doses of vaccines i.e., Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca and Sinovac are also being administered, as provided to us by the town health office from time to time.
- 5,884: Total number of Vaccinated individuals so far.
- 255: Total number of individuals received booster doses so far.
- 763: Number of students have been treated in O.P.D. inclusive of patients of both peripheral medical sub-centres at LEJ and City campuses.
- 2,356: Number of employees and their dependents have been treated in O.P.D. inclusive of patients of both peripheral sub centres at LEJ and City campuses.
- 749: Number of employees and their dependents received inpatient treatment at both direct panel / enlisted reimbursement hospitals.
- Several diagnostic tests are also available at the medical centre. Additionally, patients are being counselled for stress reduction / management on time to time and case to case basis during OPD.
Activity Summary Graph
The following graph depicts the course offerings and other recent activities carried out at NED University of Engineering and Technology both at undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG), relevant to the requirements of sustainable development goal 3. A brief description of the same follows.

Undergraduate Courses
Following is the list of relevant courses currently being offered in different undergraduate programmes of the University. The credit hour detail of the same can be found in the University’s Undergraduate Prospectus, available at
1. | AU-416: Mechatronics |
2. | CN-427: Quality and Safety Aspects in Construction Engineering |
3. | CY-108: Analytical Chemistry |
4. | CY-109: Applied Chemistry |
5. | CY-110: Applied Chemistry for Engineers |
6. | CY-111: Applied Chemistry |
7. | CY-111: Basic Chemistry for Architects |
8. | CY-113: Inorganic Chemistry-I |
9. | CY-114: Organic Chemistry-I |
10. | CY-115: General Chemistry-I |
11. | CY-116: General Chemistry-II |
12. | CY-117: Physical Chemistry-I |
13. | CY-118: Industrial Chemistry Lab-I |
14. | CY-119: Industrial Chemistry Lab-II |
15. | CY-120: Analytical Chemistry-I |
16. | CY-205: Inorganic Chemistry-II |
17. | CY-207: Industrial Chemistry Lab-IV |
18. | CY-208: Organic Chemistry-II |
19. | CY-209: Analytical Chemistry-II |
20. | CY-210: Physical Chemistry-II |
21. | CY-303: Reaction Kinetics |
22. | CY-305: Industrial Stoichiometry |
23. | CY-308: Unit Processes |
24. | CY-310: Industrial Chemistry Lab-V |
25. | CY-311: Industrial Chemistry Lab-VI |
26. | CY-312: Spectroscopy |
27. | CY-313: Polymer Science |
28. | CY-314: Natural Products |
29 | CY-315: Nuclear & Radiation Chemistry |
30. | CY-402: Environmental Chemistry |
31. | CY-403: Beverage Technology |
32. | CY-404: Separation Techniques |
33. | CY-406: Fat & Oil Processing |
34. | CY-408: Polymer Technology |
35. | CY-411: Surface Coatings |
36. | CY-413: Surfactants and Cosmetics |
37. | CY-414: Pharmaceutical Chemistry |
38. | CY-415: Industrial Chemistry Project |
39. | DS-203: Human Development |
40. | DS-312: Public Health |
41. | CH-405: Industrial Safety & Maintenance Management |
42. | CH-417: Industrial Safety & Maintenance Management |
43. | FD-304: Food Microbiology |
44. | FD-402: Food Quality Control |
45. | FD-430: Food Engineering Project |
46. | ME-420: Operations Management |
47. | MG-499: Final Year Project |
48. | MM-416: Biomedical and Functional Materials |
49. | PP-403: Plant Utilities & Safety |
Postgraduate Courses
Following is the list of relevant courses currently being offered in different postgraduate programmes of the University. The credit hour detail of the same can be found in the University’s Postgraduate Prospectus, available at
1. | AR-603: Studies in Architectural Research |
2. | AR-612: Methods in Urban Planning Research |
3. | AR-629: Advanced Urban Sociolog1 |
4. | AR-648: Architecture and the Cit1 |
5. | AR-698: Thesis |
6. | BM-450: Anatom1 and Ph1siolog1 for Engineers |
7. | BM-5002: Thesis |
8. | BM-541: Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation |
9. | BM-543: Mechatronics S1stem Design |
10. | BM-544: Mathematical & Computer Modeling of Ph1siological S1stem |
11. | BM-545: Biomedical Ethics for Engineers |
12. | BM-547: Medical Robotics |
13. | BM-550: Advanced Medical Imaging |
14. | BM-552: Clinical Gait Anal1sis |
15. | BM-553: Advanced Biomaterials |
16. | BM-554: Design of Implants/ Artificial Organs |
17. | BM-555: Advanced Biomechanics |
18. | BM-567: Regulator1 Framework for Medical Devices |
19. | CE-548: Occupational Health & Safet1 in Construction |
20. | CH-5002: Thesis |
21. | CH-523: Process Safet1 Management |
22. | C1-506: Electroanal1tical Techniques |
23. | C1-523: Nano Chemistr1 |
24. | C1-524: Laborator1 Qualit1 Assurance |
25. | EL-507: Fuzz1 Logic and Intelligent Electronics Control S1stems |
26. | EN-5002: Thesis |
27. | EN-502: Environmental Applied Science |
28. | EN-508: Environment Impact Assessment |
29. | EN-510: Process D1namics in Environmental S1stem |
30. | EN-511: Environmental Management |
31. | EN-513: Industrial Waste Treatment and Disposal |
32. | EN-514: Water Resources Management |
33. | EN-515: Air Pollution and Control |
34. | EN-518: Sustainable Development & Appropriate Technolog1 |
35. | EN-520: Marine Pollution and Control |
36. | EN-521: Special Topics in Environmental Engineering |
37. | EN-523: Anal1sis of Environmental Contaminants |
38. | EN-524: Wastewater Engineering |
39. | EN-525: Ph1sico Chemical Processes |
40. | EN-526: Solid Waste Management |
41. | EN-527: Environmental Health and Sanitation |
42. | EN-531: Environmental Qualit1 Management |
43. | EN-537: Water Qualit1 Management |
44. | EN-540: Health, Safet1 & Environmental Management |
45. | EN-541: Remote Sensing in Environmental Management |
46. | EN-542: Sustainable Waste Management |
47. | EQ-532: Fire Safet1 and Management |
48. | ME-586: Health Safet1 and Environment |
49. | MT-5002: Thesis |
50. | MT-501: Differential Equations |
51. | MT-503: Applied Statistics |
52. | MT-534: Statistical Method and Data Anal1sis |
53. | PH-525: Medical Radiation |
54. | PH-525: Medical Radiation Ph1sics |
55. | PH-550: Research Methodolog1 |
56. | PP-533: Process Safet1 and Loss Prevention |
57. | SE-503: Software Testing and Qualit1 Assurance |
Undergraduate projects
Following is the list of relevant Final Year Design Projects (FYDP) thesis carried out at undergraduate level in the University.
- Senior citizens and urban infrastructure: Do Karachi city provide an inclusive living environment to senior citizens?
- Adjustable arm support
- Design and development of a mobile patient transfer lift
- Design and development of postural supports for wheelchair
- Design of migraine management device
- Wearable heat stroke prevention device
- Influence of visual and auditory stimuli on default mode network dynamics
- Designing and development of surgical diathermy
- IOT based infant incubator
- Development of degradable polymeric films mimicking cartilage tissue
- Development and characterization of novel bio-ceramic based root canal sealer having potential in dental restoration
- Comparative study of novel silicate and borate bio-glass hydrogels for skin tissue regeneration.
- Neuromodulation for essential tremors
- Genetic polymorphism in SOD1, a possible risk for osteoarthritis
- Diabetic foot assessment device (Aims Diabsole)
- Posture assessment system
- Designing and testing of dynamic podoscope for kinematic analysis of gait
- Development at portable domestic, wastewater treatment plant for recycling
- Spatio-temporal analysis of urban pollution based on arterial type
- Analysis of fatigue in passenger vehicle drivers
- Preparation of the toothpaste from natural sources
- A blockchain based data privacy protection and sharing for electronic medical records
- Traceability and verifiability of vaccination record using blockchain
- Design of a framework for analysis of EEG signals by using brain computer interface
- Fake pandemic news detection using artificial intelligence
- Novel synthesis of nano composite stabilized by unique thiadiazine derivatives for Biological and environmental applications.
- Facile synthesis of silver nanohybrid stabilized by novel pyrimidine derivatives for textiles, biological and environmental applications.
- Synthesis of the derivatives of steroidal triterpene
- Synthesis of the derivatives of a triterpenoid
- Preparation and characterizations of dihydro pyrimidine based hetero cycles of bio-interest via coupling reactions.
- Modification and characterizations of bio-interesting dihydro pyrimidines of biginelli type via coupling reaction
- Green synthesis of nanoparticles by using plant extract
- Synthesis of mixed ligand complexes and their application
- Synthesis of Schiff bases and their application in search of therapeutics agent
- Production, partial purification and characterization of protease by Aspergillus Niger.
- Optimal design of primary and secondary network
- Research and marketing strategies for the relaunch of Chicky Meal
- Impact of inflation on standard of living in Pakistan
- Implementation of item management process and recognition of edible food in a fridge using computer vision and IoT
- Vision with action: Introducing user friendly electronic stethoscope
- AI techniques for DR analysis and prediction (using deeplearning algorithm)
- Portable patient monitoring system
- Design and development of haptically interfaced robotic arm
- Smart helmet
- Assistive vocalizer using Image processing for hand gesture recognition
- Identify the sustainable, economical option for automation of FAT storage and transportation system without hampering product quality and process time.
- Study on application of edible coating from sugarcane waste on vegetable/fruit under control environment for quality assessment.
- Extraction of bioactive compounds and its application in food product development.
- Design and fabrication of UV treatment unit for shelf life extension of fruits (apples and oranges).
- Design and fabrication of ultraviolet treatment unit for the shelf life extension of coconut water.
- Design and fabrication of detoxification device for aflatoxin in red chilies using UV radiation.
- Design and fabrication of solar based oven for improved quality of bread.
- Application of computational linguistics modeling: A comparative analysis of Pakistani media outlets and public tweets on covid-19 vaccination
- Fabrication of narrow channel medical catheter capable of exhibiting snake like motion for the purpose of ventriculostomy procedure
- Design and fabrication of a small scale urban air purification tower
- FEA analysis of human knee joint.
- Design a social distancing and mask monitor drone for COVID prevention
- Surface modification of magnesium alloys through advanced coating processing for biomedical applications.
- Synthesis and characterisation of microporous bioactive glass for soft tissue re-generation.
- Synthesis of ZnO and titania nanostructured for the removal of effluent in Karachi.
- Enhancement of thermal stability as well as antibacterial properties in the edible packaging films.
- Electrophoretic deposition of bioactive layer on Ti alloy.
- Investigate the effect of Cu on titanium based manganese alloys for bio-medical applications
- Synthesis and characterization of Ti alloy for biomedical applications.
- Formulation of an environment friendly hybrid nano drilling fluid using aloe-vera gel and nano scale Sio2
- Synthesis and evaluation of an environmental friendly acidizing fluid laced with activated carbon for carbonate rocks
- The verification of monitor unit calculation of 3D conformal radiotherapy for various cancer sites
- To study the effect of field geometry on the dose delivery with different field area
- Synthesis of tamoxifen-loaded monolayer NLCs for breast cancer treatment.
- Careful review of conventional and multiple fields 3D CRT planning for various pelvic malignancies
- The effect of scattered radiation on the junction areas of different tissue types with 6MV photons
- All in one health application
- Cura Doc
- Meal proof- A blockchain based application for tracing food industry supply chain
- MediSol
- Remote healthcare monitoring and data analysis of patients- SEYB
- Virtual school- A real time AI supported teaching platform
- My health application
- Auto mask detector and temperature scan entry system.
- Smart virtual training mirror
- Prediction of air permeability of multilayered textile structures
- To investigate the effects of different chemical finishes on properties of cotton twill fabric
- To estimate the sound transmitting properties of textile materials
- Eco-friendly dyeing of cotton using salt-free multifunctional dyeing approaches
- Manufacturing and characterization of bicycle helmet
- Development of odorless clothing
- Hand-gesture controlled, textile actuator glove for rehabilitation applications
- Thermal characterization of printed heating elements and performance enhancement
- Development of sensing platform embedded shirt for ambulatory monitoring of vital signs
- Removal of particulate matter (PM) with biomass-based air filters
Postgraduate Projects
Following is the list of relevant thesis carried out at postgraduate level in the University.
- Municipal solid waste management and the role of informal sector: a case study of Quetta city
- Household waste in a city: a case study of Sibi, Baluchistan
- Mri based anthropometry of lower limbs of adult population
- Impact of binaural beats on dementia patients
- Beta neurofeedback for attention enhancement
- Impact of pore size and porosity on properties of PCL scaffolds
- Elastographic evolution of thyroid in healthy population
- Effectiveness of TDCS in improving sleep cycle
- Non-invasive acoustic stimulation for mental health
- Evaluation of chair-mounted passive trunk orthosis through inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensor
- Facile fabrication of poly methyl methacrylate based substitute for hard tissue
- Sustainable plumbing solutions in high-rise buildings for water distribution and soil and waste management
- Analysis of printing residual solvents and their oxygen and water vapor transfer rates in flexible packaging for food contact materials.
- Analysis of mental health counseling conversation using natural language processing
- Detection of alzheimer’s disease using machine learning
- Machine learning based traffic pollution classification and prediction
- Prediction of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in apparently healthy attendants and assessments of its severity
- Predictive healthcare analysis through data mining
- CNN approach for detection of lung cancer
- Prediction of heart disease using data mining and machine learning
- Machine learning approaches for prediction of nutrition deficiency among women of different age groups
- Exploring machine learning approaches to identify students attentiveness in classrooms
- Forecasting model for multiple sun spots locations
- Study of physical parameter of inclusion complex of beta-cyclodextrin and thiadiazine
- Syntheses and characterization of inclusion complex of thiadiazine and β-cyclodextrin
- Formulation and characterization of metal oxide nanoparticles to impart multifunctional properties on polyester knitted fabric
- Method validation of tramadol HCL
- Validation and development of method for the estimation of levertiraacetam in sterile dosage form using UV visible spectrphotometer
- Optimization and validation of liquid chromatographic method for quantitative determination of baricinitib in pharmaceutical drug substances.
- Synthesis and characterization of quercetin mediated bimetallic nano sensors for selective recognition of pharmaceuticals
- Facile synthesis of hybrid silver doped silica nanoparticles by using novel short chain organic thiol derivatives and determination of its applications
- Functionalized silver nanoparticles as calorimetric sensor for the detection of heavy metals and other pollutants
- Facile one pot synthesis of short chain ethyl 6-methyl-4-phenyl-2-thioxo-1,2,3,4- tetrahydropyrim-idine-5-carboxylate stabilized silver nanoparticles as promising nano-hybrid with potential impact in environmental and biological applications
- A facile and efficient bulk electrochemical reduction method for graphene oxide
- Ion exchange membranes based on graphene oxide - cellulose acetate nano composites: synthesis, characterization and physicochemical properties
- Optimization of grounding system design based on IEEE standard 80:2013 using machine learning models
- Development of smart device for bovine diseases detection (MSD)
- Fire detection and alert system using network surveillance and machine vision
- A time dependent sir model for covid-19 with undetectable infected persons
- Solutions to a functional differential equation arising in a cell growth model
- A study on analytical solution to a functional differential equation arising in a cell growth model
- The commissioning and validation of monaco treatment planning system and evaluating the beam matching accuracy of twin elekta versahd linear accelerators.
- Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy for elemental analysis (trace elements) in aluminum foil.
- Evaluation of a 3D-printed, inhomogeneous anthropomorphic, head and neck water phantom using film dosimetry
- Investigating low cost tissue compensators for radiation therapy
- Assessment and re-designing of under-shielded radiotherapy bunkers
- Development of flexible hand exoskeleton system based on seamless actuators for dical applications
- Analysis and optimization of thermal performance of electrically heated textiles
Externally Funded Research Projects
Following is the list of relevant research projects funded by external agencies, which are currently being carried out in the University.
- A spatial mapping for Arsenic (As) concentration hotspots towards generating water quality profile and development of sustainable prototype water treatment system for Larkana Division, Sindh
- Working women mobility and employability
- Community based inventorying of intangible cultural heritage in Tharparkar, Sindh
- Seismic assessment and retrofitting of a major hospital in Karachi
- Microwave assisted synthesis, characterization and performance evaluation of flavonoid capped bimetallic nanoparticles as colorimetric nano sensors for pharmaceutical applications
- Solar powered atmospheric plasma system for treatment of contaminated wastewater
- Smart City Lab, National Center for Artificial Intelligence
- Deforestation in Pakistan: Combating through wireless sensor networks (DePWiSeN)
- Mobility for bilateral stakeholder mapping for creating IoT networks for climate change
- Monitoring and prediction of cows’ health in dairy farms
- Establishment of National Centre of Robotic and Automation (DF-1009-31)
- Municipal waste in Pakistan and identification of underlying factors and key drivers
- Designing of a versatile prototype based on the application of ion exchange membranes, for efficient and cost effective recycling of industrial waste.
- Plasma electrolytic oxidation of Ti6Al4V in order to develop bioglass r-based composite layer for biomedical application.
- Disaster resilience improvement in Pakistan (DRIP)
- A-eye diagnostics
- Development project of IoT circuit for electrical BLDC fans, dashboard and mobile app
- De-burdening healthcare support via a fully automated point-of-care screening process for diabetic retinopathy
- RoboDoc: A social robot to protect healthcare professionals dealing in contagious diseases
- Radiographic detection of traumatic chest injuries by machine learning tool versus conventional radiologist in emergency department, a cross-sectional study
- Water condensation from tropospherical humidity for water insecurity via hydro-solar nexus
- Neurofeedback: A technology enabled system to improve brain performance of healthy individuals
- Bioactive and antibacterial microarc oxidation layer on biodegradable magnesium alloys for biomedical implants
- Plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) of TiAlV alloy in order to develop bioglass based composite layer for bone and dental applications
- Production characterization and surface modification of dental implants
- Recycling of polymeric materials; plastics and elastomers
- Fabric based soft actuators for wearable applications
- Development of smart shirt for ambulatory monitoring of human body vital signs
- Neurocomputation Lab, National Center for Artificial Intelligence
- Assessing introduction and impact of TCV into routine immunization in GAVI eligible African and Asian Countries
- Beyond the routine CBC: hematology analyzer generated morphometric parameters driven artificial intelligence techniques for diagnosis of common anemia and their potential role in elective blood bank practices.
Events and Curricular Activities
A number of relevant activities are being carried out from time to time in the University, both by the departmental administrations and the students. Some significant activities are as follows.
- Blood donation drive
- The NED international cricket Tournament - peace tolerance and inclusivity in society
- Blood donation camp
- The qalandars (meet & greet)
- Sports event “Olympiad”
- Reproductive health with a focus on gender equality marital rights and planning a healthy family
- Training session on how to drive safely
- Motivational session on Ramzan, Roza, Quran and us, by Mr. Shujja Uddin Sheikh
- Seminars held on various topics including
- Effective Interviews
- Importance of Software Skills in Chemical Engineering
- Interpersonal Skills Seminar
- Occupational Health and Safety Seminar
- Safe transportation of Hydrogen
- Use of accelerating rate calorimeter
- 1st international biomedical and digital health conference