Collaborations and Linkages

- NED and Pakistan Cables Limited signed MOU to jointly work for the promotion of research and development.
- Agreement between NED University and Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) took place on 29th August 2021.
- A working agreement between NED University and Pakistan Post was signed.
- MoU between NED University and Bank Alfalah was inked to launch Credit Card Payment Gateway system on 9th September 2021.
- MoU between Confucius Institute, University of Karachi and NED University was signed to continue operating Chinese Language Compulsory Program in October 2021.
- MoU between NED University and U-Tech Digital Education was signed to promote STEM among school going children. The MoU was signed on 15th October 2021.
- Universitas Sumatera Utara and NED University signed MoU on 12th November 2021 to collaborate on higher education learning, mobility, and research.
- NED University and Byco Petroleum Pakistan signed MOU on 1st December 2021 that will lead the academic industry linkage towards greater heights.
- An MoU between NED University and Pakistan Institute of Labour Education & Research, Karachi was signed on 17th December 2021.
- An MoU was signed between NED University and Pakistan Machine Tool Factory in the area of technology incubation.
- The Asia Foundation, Islamabad signed MoU on 1st December 2021 to promote entrepreneurial
- activities for female graduates.
- NED University and AKD Group Holdings (Pvt.) Ltd. entered into an agreement to jointly work towards the promotion of technology incubation and commercialization on 10th January 2022.
- NED University signs MoU with Anjuman-e-Taraqqi Urdu Pakistan to embark on Project: "Bringing Urdu in Digital Age" in February 2022.
- Mind Storms Studios signed MoU with NED University in February 2022 to promote Game development in Pakistan.
- An MoU was signed on 9th February 2022 between NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi and Sivas University of Science and Technology, Turkey.
- NED University and H.H. Nizam Din & Sons (Pvt) Ltd entered a MoU signed on 16th February 2022.
- Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College, China and NED signed MoU to collaborate on promotion of international exchange on 7th March 2022.
- Nunami Systems (Pvt) Ltd. and NED University entered an agreement to work on IC design as part of the soft launch of NED Technology Park initiative on 1st March 2022.
- A MoU between NED University and Saman-e-Shifa Foundation, Pakistan was signed for academic cooperation in March 2022.
- Aviation City Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd signed a MoU with NED University in April 2022 to build capacity in Aerospace Design Research and Development.

Some of the organizations with whom Directorate of Industrial Liaison remained engaged during the past year.
Prominent Visitors
- Faizan Mansoor, Chairman Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority visited NED University to discuss potential collaborations with the University leadership.
- On 2nd July 2021, Air Marshal Ahmad Hassan, HI(M), Deputy Chief of the Air Staff (Engineering) visited NED University along with the Pakistan Airforce delegation to discuss technical cooperation with the University leadership.
- Brigadier Syed Vaqar Haider Rizvi, Commander Anti-Narcotics Force Sindh visited NED University on 7th September 2021 for an awareness and prevention session.
- On 8th November 2021, Dr. Hiroshi Jogasaki, JICA Technical Adviser visited the University ICT related research centres and the National Incubation Centre. He also met with the University leadership to explore collaboration avenues mutually beneficial to Pakistan and Japan.
- On 24th November 2021, the first secretary of the Embassy of Belgium, Mr. Sylvain Vanrie along with trade commissioner Belgium visited NED University in connection with the project progress of the Fire lab.
- On 10th January 2021, Dr. Masoom Yasinzai, Rector International Islamic University Islamabad visited NED University to discuss potential areas of collaboration in learning and research.
- On 11th January, Mr. Asim Shahryar Husain - Ignite CEO visited NED University and met with the University leadership for discussing areas of mutual interest and collaboration.
- Sadia Shakil, founder of Axtrion, and German Consul General for Karachi, Holger Ziegler joined the NICK community for a session on 'Industry 4.0' on 2nd March 2022.
- Mr. Yauseef Hasan Farooqi, Chairman NEPRA visited the NED University on 11th of March 2022; met with the University leadership and also delivered a key note address to faculty members, researchers and students.
- On 12th March 2022, a delegation of University of Nottingham led by Dr. Mohamed Elmaghrbi visited NED University and met the leadership to discuss future areas of cooperation including Exchange Programs.
- On 17th March 2022, Christian Testot (Consul General of France), Luc Boyer (Deputy Head, Economic Department French Embassy), and Gregoire Brault (Director, Alliance Francaise) visited the National Incubation Centre and conducted meeting with the NICK team and select startups.
- Mr. Nasir Rizwan Hashmi, CEO AKD Group Holdings Ltd., met with the Vice Chancellor NED University on 18th March 2022 to discuss matters of mutual interest including technology incubation.
- On 25th March 2022, Dr. Salman Azhar, William A. Hunt Endowed Professor at Auburn University, USA visited NED University to meet and explore potential areas of collaborations.
- On 31st March 2022, Honourable Turkish Consul General, Mr. Cemal Sangu visited NED University to attend the inauguration of Turkish language classes at NED University.
- Mr. Steffen Kaeser, Division Chief, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, along with Mr. Nima Bahramalian, Industrial Development Expert at UNIDO paid visit to NED University on 31st March 2022 to conduct technical discussions with the Vice-Chancellor.
- On 9th April 2022, a delegate of Algoma University, Canada led by the Vice-Chancellor, Asima Vezina visited and met with NED University leadership to discuss areas of potential collaborations.
Activity Summary Graph
The following graph depicts the course offerings and other recent activities carried out at NED University of Engineering and Technology both at undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG), relevant to the requirements of sustainable development goal 17. A brief description of the same follows.

Undergraduate Courses
Following is the list of relevant courses currently being offered in different undergraduate programmes of the University. The credit hour detail of the same can be found in the University’s Undergraduate Prospectus, available at
1 | AR-442: Communication and Allied Skills-VI |
2 | AR-461: Research Methodologies |
3 | DS-211: Development Economics |
4 | DS-231: Theory and Practice in Development Work |
5 | DS-243: Computer Applications in Development-II |
6 | DS-244: Statistical Applications in Development-I |
7 | DS-245: Statistical Applications in Development-II |
8 | DS-246: Participatory Development |
9 | DS-302: Development Planning Workshop-I |
10 | DS-304: Urban Development |
11 | DS-306: Public Administration |
12 | DS-308: Development Planning Workshop-II |
13 | DS-316: Gender and Development |
14 | DS-401: Development Studies Project |
15 | DS-402: Development Planning Workshop-III |
16 | DS-410: Development Planning in Pakistan |
17 | EC-302: Mathematical Economics-I |
18 | EC-303: Econometrics-I |
19 | EC-305: Comparative Economic System |
20 | EC-306: Mathematical Economics-II |
21 | EC-307: Econometric-II |
22 | EC-402: International Trade Theory |
23 | EC-403: Applied Economics |
24 | EC-406: Urban Economics |
25 | EC-411: International Finance |
Postgraduate Courses
Following is the list of relevant courses currently being offered in different postgraduate programmes of the University. The credit hour detail of the same can be found in the University’s Postgraduate Prospectus, available at
1 | AR-615: Economic Development and Regional Planning |
2 | AR-623: Computer Applications in Planning |
3 | BM-5002: Thesis |
4 | BM-541: Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation |
5 | BM-544: Mathematical & Computer Modeling of Ph1siological S1stem |
6 | BM-547: Medical Robotics |
7 | BM-550: Advanced Medical Imaging |
8 | BM-552: Clinical Gait Anal1sis |
9 | BM-554: Design of Implants/ Artificial Organs |
10 | BM-563: Advanced Digital Signal Processing |
11 | BM-567: Regulator1 Framework for Medical Devices |
12 | CE-5013: Construction Contracts and Procurement Law |
13 | CE-5016: Fundamentals of Environmental Laws for Construction Industr1 |
14 | CE-5018: Construction Law Case Studies |
15 | CE-502: Advanced Mechanics of Solids |
16 | CE-503: Advanced Reinforced Concrete |
17 | CE-504: Advanced Engineering Mathematics |
18 | CE-515: Design of Steel Structures |
19 | CE-518: Mathematical Methods for Engineers |
20 | CT-5002: Thesis |
21 | CT-501: Software Project Management |
22 | EC-524: Research Methodolog1 |
23 | EL-526: Robotics and its Application of Industrial Electronics |
24 | EM-513: Research Methods in Engineering Management |
25 | EQ-5002: Thesis |
26 | HS-410: Introduction to Linguistics |
27 | HS-412: Language Teaching Methodologies |
28 | HS-421: S1llabus Designing & Testing |
29 | HS-503: Research Methodolo1 in Applied Linguistics |
30 | HS-511: English for Specific Purposes |
31 | HS-512: Teaching English for Academic Purposes |
32 | HS-514: Globalization and Spread of English |
33 | HS-515: Pragmatics & inter-cultural communication |
34 | HS-517: Language Teacher Education & Development |
35 | HS-519: Advanced Academic Reading and Writing |
36 | HS-526: Materials Development & Adaptation in ESL |
37 | HS-528: Technolog1 in Language Teaching & Learning |
38 | HS-529: Corpus Linguistics |
39 | IM-5002: Thesis |
40 | IM-501: Suppl1 Chain Management |
41 | IM-503: Maintenance Management |
42 | IM-506: Business Process Re-engineering |
43 | IM-513: Six Sigma Methodologies |
44 | IM-515: Agile & Lean Manufacturing |
45 | IM-526: Facilities Planning and La1out |
46 | IM-552: Logistics Management |
47 | IM-554: Procurement Management |
48 | IM-557: Managing Suppl1 Chain Inventor1 |
49 | IM-559: International Trade |
50 | IM-563: Warehouse Management and Ph1sical Distribution Network |
51 | MC-5002: Thesis |
52 | MC-503: Elements of Machine D1namics and Design |
53 | MC-504: Mechanics of Materials and Processes |
54 | MC-505: Thermo Fluidics |
55 | MC-511: Sensors and Actuators |
56 | MC-513: Control Theor1 & S1stems |
57 | MC-514: Kinematics & Rigid Bod1 D1namics |
58 | MC-515: Industrial Automation & Robotics |
59 | MC-523: Mechanical Design of Mechatronics S1stems |
60 | MC-537: Reliabilit1 Engineering |
61 | MC-541: Digital Image Processing & Machine Vision |
62 | MC-546: Data Acquisition and Microcontroller |
63 | MC-547: Mechatronics S1stem Design |
64 | MT-501: Differential Equations |
65 | MT-515: Transforms and their Applications |
Undergraduate projects
Following is the list of relevant Final Year Design Projects (FYDP) thesis carried out at undergraduate level in the University.
- Design of Migraine Management Device
- Synthesis and Application of Bio-Mediated Nano-Particales as Plant Modifiers.
- Automated Generation Of Data (Designs And Patterns) For Textile Industry Using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
- To Develop an electrical power system model of K-E feeder with arc flash boundries
- Relationship between Supply Chain Management Practices and Firm Performance: An investigation on the economic benefits of retail businesses from consumer perspective
- FPGA implementation of RISC-V processor
- Surface Modification of Magnesium Alloys Through Advanced Coating Processing for Biomedical Applications.
- Design and Development of Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC) Smart Films
- Effect of chlorine-based environment on boiler tubes steel grades in waste to energy plant
- Recovery Optimization in Gas Condensate Reservoirs
- Sensitivity and Economic Analysis of In-Situ CO2 EOR in Unconventional Tight
- Experimental investigation of the applicability of nanotechnology for Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Experimental study of Chemical Enhance Oil Recovery in Pakistan Oil Formations
- Integrating fundamental Laws of Natural science and Technology to tackle space debris catastrophe
- UNIPRO- A Social Community App
- SAP Integrated Service Request Portal
- Efficient Implementation of Ciphering for Wireless Communication
- Channel Coding Implementation on FPGA
- To Detect Suspicious Animal In Low-Level Light to avoid road accidents by using machine learning techniques
- An Efficient Approach for License Plate Identification and Recognition in non-standard environment
Postgraduate Projects
Following is the list of relevant thesis carried out at postgraduate level in the University.
- Effectiveness of TDCS in Improving Sleep Cycle
- Kinetic Evaluation of Chair-Mounted Passive Trunk Orthosis (CMPTO)
- Investigating the Relationship Between Trait Emotional Intelligence, English Self-Efficacy and English Language Performance of Undergraduate ELLs at an Engineering University in Pakistan
- Framework development to analyze the relationship of CSFs with the KPIs to measure the success of supply chain projects
- To Improve the Performance Indicators of CPEC Project By Analyzing the Success Factors of Logistics Network in Resilient Supply Chain
Externally Funded Research Projects
Following is the list of relevant research projects funded by external agencies, which are currently being carried out in the University.
- Investigation & Evaluation of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) Bars in Civil Infrastructure Applications in Pakistan.
- Toyota Road Improvement Project
- Working women mobility and employability
- Community based inventorying of intangible cultural heritage in Tharparkar, Sindh
- Afloat for Centuries: The Flat-bottomed Indus Boats - An Abode, an Agency for Livelihood and an Expression of Cultural Identity, Sindh, Pakistan
- Seismic Assessment & Retrofitting of a Major Hospital in Karachi
- Optimization of Tooling and Machining Parameters for Enhanced Quality of Holes in Composite Laminates
- Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education
- Framework Development and Risk analysis of logistics network in Pakistan to make supply chains network resilient in the wake of Pandemic Crisis
- Bench-Scale Demonstration of an Integrated Waste-to-Energy Process for Municipal Solid Waste Management: A Step Toward Sustainable circular economy
- Investigation of the Distortion and Surface Integrity of Aluminum Aerospace Grade Alloys during High Speed CNC Milling Machining Operations
- Security & Threat Intelligence Platform for the Capital Market of Pakistan
- National Center for Cyber Security
- Solar powered atmospheric plasma system for treatment of contaminated wastewater
- Cost Effective Synthesis of Tetraethylene Glycol Dimethly Ether (TEGDME) for Development of Highly efficient Energy Storage Device
- Development of Energy efficient housing design
- Technology Enabled Performance Monitoring and Virtual Digitization of CPEC Infrastructure for Sustainable Maintenance Decision-Making
- Smart City Lab, National Center for Artificial Intelligence
- Center of Excellence Project No. 65 - Multifaceted Crop Scouting using Industry 4.0
- Deforestation in Pakistan: Combating through Wireless Sensor Networks (DePWiSeN)
- Extension of “Exascale Open Lab” won as a part of national center of “Data Analytics and Cloud Computing”
- Pakistan English Access Microscholarship Program Award: SPK33018CA0018; Project No.: 102427.001.033
- Mobility for bilateral stakeholder mapping for creating IoT networks for Climate Change
- Prototype development of high dimensional quantum key distribution system for a highly secure free-space communication system
- Establishment of National Centre of Robotic and Automation (DF-1009-31)
- Design and Development of Universal Smart Robotic Manipulation System for Packaging Industry
- Municipal Waste in Pakistan and Identification of Underlying Factors and Key Drivers.
- Designing of a Versatile Prototype based on the application of Ion Exchange Membranes, for Efficient and Cost Effective Recycling of Industrial waste.
- Engineering Soft skills Training of Final Year (Bachelor of Engineering) Students to Meet Employment Challenges after Graduation
- PUAN Master Class in Creative Writing
- English for Workforce Development in Pakistan (Award SPK33018CA0037 FHI 360 Project No. 102479.001.002.025)
- Disaster Resilience Improvement in Pakistan (DRIP)
- CONSOLE: Machine vision based industrial Inspection system for quality assurance
- Artificial intelligence as a pathway to reduce industrial Downtime cost through hybrid predictive maintenance (ADVICE)
- A-Eye Diagnostics
- Bringing Urdu in Digital Age
- Hi-STEM FabLab
- Xcelerium
- Pak France Peridot Research Project
- Pakistan Energy Outlook
- Production Characterization and Surface Modification of Dental Implants
- Exploring Invisible Diversity in the City of Lights
- EV Development
- Development of Cost-Effective Structural Concrete Formulation using Limestone Calcined Clay-Based LC3 Cement Blend with Domestic Resources and its Application in a Pilot Project
- Modernization of curriculum of Textile Engineering and Textile Technology in Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan (SMARTEX)
- Production of Highly Valuable sugarcane wax a way forward to sugarcane by product based industry
- Batch Extraction and characterization of sugarcane wax from sugar industry surplus: Application as an edible coating
- Enhancement of global competitiveness of Pakistani textile export value-chains by capacity building and product diversification (KnowTex)
- Uderolal Preidot Research Project
- Neurocomputation Lab, National Center for Artificial Intelligence
- Assessing introduction and impact of TCV into routine immunization in GAVI eligible African and Asian Countries
- Beyond the routine CBC: hematology analyzer generated morphometric parameters driven artificial intelligence techniques for diagnosis of common anemias and their potential role in elective blood bank practices
Events and Curricular Activities
A number of relevant activities are being carried out from time to time in the University, both by the departmental administrations and the students. Some significant activities are as follows.
- 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering, (INTERACT-2023)
- 2nd International Conference on CPEC: Joining hands for Sustainable Development (ICCJSD)
- 3rd International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science & Software Engineering (ICONICS-2022)
- 1st International Biomedical & Digital Health Conference
- 6th International Conference on Urban and Regional Planning (CURP)
- 5th NED International Textile Conference 2022