NED University while realizing its role of contributing towards the society – in addition to imparting quality education along with inculcating high ethics to the students – has continued its activities of previous years. More activities were also initiated this year under the domain of USR
- The two water filtering Units with the capacity of 10,000 gallons per day and 5,000 gallons per day respectively are continuously providing safe and filtered water to the students, employees and the residents of University Staff Colony.
- Wastewater treatment plant at NED University is being fully utilized for the treatment of complete wastewater produced within the University and its colony with its effluent being used for watering the greens paces of the University.
- Additionally, the University recycles the NED mosque’s ablution water for the green areas around the mosque. The University plans to expand this facility in future to augment for the increase in water requirements owing to growing green spaces.
Activity Summary Graph
The following graph depicts the course offerings and other recent activities carried out at NED University of Engineering and Technology both at undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG), relevant to the requirements of sustainable development goal 12. A brief description of the same follows.

Undergraduate Courses
Following is the list of relevant courses currently being offered in different undergraduate programmes of the University. The credit hour detail of the same can be found in the University’s Undergraduate Prospectus, available at
1 | AR-431: Environmental Design and Systems-III |
2 | AR-451: Construction and Materials-V |
3 | AR-473: Studies in Critical Regionalism |
4 | AR-503: Architectural Design Project |
5 | AR-522: Comprehensive Environmental Design |
6 | AR-552: Construction and Materials-VI |
7 | AR-561: Professional Practice |
8 | AU-201: Automotive Power Plants |
9 | AU-212: Computer Programming and Applications |
10 | AU-225: Fundamentals of Analogue and Digital Electronics |
11 | AU-241: Automotive Propulsion |
12 | AU-311: Manufacturing Engineering II |
13 | AU-313: Combustion, Emission and Pollution |
14 | AU-314: Vehicle Dynamics |
15 | AU-431: Vehicle Thermal Management |
16 | AU-433: Automotive Health Safety and Environment |
17 | AU-441: Product Development and Operations Management |
18 | AU-442: FEM and FVM: Applications in Automotive Engineering |
19 | AU-444: Hybrid Vehicles & Drives |
20 | AU-499: Automotive Engineering Project |
21 | DS-307: Agricultural Development |
22 | DS-309: Linear Programming |
23 | DS-406: Environmental Issues in Development |
24 | DS-408: Sustainability in Development |
25 | DS-421: Corporate Social Responsibility and Applications in Development |
26 | EC-308: Business Research Methods |
27 | EC-309: Financial Management |
28 | EC-407: Industrial Economics |
29 | FD-304: Food Microbiology |
30 | FD-402: Food Quality Control |
31 | FD-407: Food Packaging |
32 | FD-408: Food Regulations and Legislation |
33 | FD-430: Food Engineering Project |
34 | IM-203: Manufacturing Processes |
35 | IM-208: Materials Engineering |
36 | IM-209: Mechanics of Materials |
37 | IM-211: Machine Design |
38 | IM-212: Computer Aided Engineering Design |
39 | IM-213: Metrology and Quality Control |
40 | IM-303: Production Management |
41 | IM-307: Advance Manufacturing Processes |
42 | IM-310: Tool Design |
43 | IM-402: Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) |
44 | IM-405: Finite Element Analysis (FEA) |
45 | IM-408: Automation & Robotics |
46 | IM-409: Manufacturing Engineering Project |
47 | IM-411: Methods Engineering |
48 | IM-413: Plant Engineering |
49 | IM-416: Management Information System |
50 | IM-417: Health, Safety & Environment |
51 | IM-419: Project Management |
52 | ME-202: Solid Mechanics - I |
53 | ME-218: Solid Mechanics-I |
54 | ME-222: Dynamics |
55 | ME-224: Internal Combustion Engines |
56 | ME-322: IC Engine and Power Plant Lab |
57 | ME-419: Stress Analysis |
58 | ME-420: Operations Management |
59 | ME-425: Finite Element Analysis |
60 | MG-311: Product & Brand Management |
61 | MG-313: Business Ethic & Corporate Social Responsibility |
62 | MG-316: Consumer Behaviour & Marketing Management |
63 | MG-451: Green Supply Chain Management |
64 | MG-460: Marketing Strategy |
65 | MG-462: Introduction to Advertising |
66 | MG-463: Corporation & Consumer Behaviour |
67 | MG-464: Personal Selling and Public Relation |
68 | MG-465: Trade and Consumer Promotions |
69 | MG-466: Advertising Management |
70 | MG-499: Final Year Project |
71 | MY-208: Mineral Processing |
72 | MY-407: Design, Selection and Characterisation of Engineering Materials |
73 | TE-111: Textile Chemistry |
74 | TE-113: Introduction to Textile Engineering |
75 | TE-205: Pre-treatment of Textile |
76 | TE-206: Fluid Mechanics for Textiles |
77 | TE-207: Machine Design |
78 | TE-208: Material Science |
79 | TE-211: Textile Yarn Manufacturing Processes |
80 | TE-224: Polymer & Fibre Science |
81 | TE-234: Polymer & Fibre Science |
82 | TE-305: Quality Control In Textiles |
83 | TE-307: Utilities for Textile Industry |
84 | TE-312: Textile Fabric Manufacturing Processes |
85 | TE-313: Textile Product Evaluation-I |
86 | TE-318: Textile & Environment |
87 | TE-319: Heat & Mass Transfer |
88 | TE-326: Textile Dyeing |
89 | TE-406: Textile Production Management |
90 | TE-408: Textile Engineering Design Project |
91 | TE-413: Textile Product Evaluation-II |
92 | TE-424: Textile Printing |
93 | TE-451: Automation & Control in Textile |
94 | TE-452: Textile Finishing |
95 | TE-453: Garment Manufacturing |
96 | TE-454: Textile Merchandizing |
97 | TE-454: Textile Merchandizing & Management |
98 | TE-455: Advanced Garment Manufacturing |
99 | TE-461: Advanced Yarn Manufacturing Mechanism |
100 | TE-462: Advanced Fabric Manufacturing Mechanism |
101 | TS-102: Textile Raw Materials-I |
102 | TS-108: Textile Raw Materials-II |
103 | TS-109: Introduction to Textiles |
104 | TS-119: Introduction to Textiles |
105 | TS-205: Pre-Spinning Processes |
106 | TS-206: Yarn Production Processes |
107 | TS-207: High Performance Fibres |
108 | TS-208: Weaving Preparatory Processes |
109 | TS-209: Colour Science |
Postgraduate Courses
Following is the list of relevant courses currently being offered in different postgraduate programmes of the University. The credit hour detail of the same can be found in the University’s Postgraduate Prospectus, available at
1 | AR-603: Studies in Architectural Research |
2 | AR-604: Architectural Theor1 |
3 | AR-608: Green Architecture: Concepts and Applications |
4 | AR-613: Landuse Planning and Anal1sis |
5 | AR-617: Advanced Studies in Urban Design |
6 | AR-635: Case Studies in Architectural Conservation and Restoration in Developing Countries |
7 | AR-648: Architecture and the City |
8 | AR-698: Thesis |
9 | BM-5002: Thesis |
10 | BM-543: Mechatronics S1stem Design |
11 | BM-553: Advanced Biomaterials |
12 | BM-555: Advanced Biomechanics |
13 | BM-565: Research Methodolog1 |
14 | CE-5002: Thesis |
15 | CE-5016: Fundamentals of Environmental Laws for Construction Industr1 |
16 | CE-5017: Construction Specifications writing and Documentation |
17 | CE-5021: International Perspectives of Construction Law |
18 | CE-5024: Tort in Engineering |
19 | CE-503: Advanced Reinforced Concrete |
20 | CE-505: Prestressed Concrete Design |
21 | CE-506: Finite Element Method |
22 | CE-518: Mathematical Methods for Engineers |
23 | CE-519: Advanced Cementitious Materials |
24 | CE-536: Soil Stabilisation |
25 | CE-589: Suppl1 Chain Management in Construction Industr1 |
26 | CE-595: Tech Entrepr and The Mang. & Mark. of Const. Serv |
27 | CE-596: Public Infrastructure Management |
28 | CH-498: Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering |
29 | CH-5002: Thesis |
30 | CH-501: Chemical Thermod1namics - III |
31 | CH-502: Advanced Reaction Engineering |
32 | CH-503: Transport Phenomena |
33 | CH-504: Advanced Process Control |
34 | CH-506: Applied Chemical Thermod1namics |
35 | CH-507: Thermal Process Engineering |
36 | CH-508: Process Design Simulation |
37 | CH-509: Reactor Design and kinetics |
38 | CH-511: Pol1mer Processing |
39 | CH-513: Advanced Composite Materials |
40 | CH-514: Petroleum Refining Engineering |
41 | CH-515: Computational Fluid D1namics |
42 | CH-520: Advanced Heat Transfer |
43 | CH-521: Process D1namics and Control |
44 | CH-522: Advanced Refining and Gas Engineering |
45 | CH-523: Process Safet1 Management |
46 | CS-568: Decision Support S1stems |
47 | CT-512: Principles of Marketing |
48 | C1-402: Ph1sical Chemistr1 |
49 | C1-403: Instrumental Methods and Techniques |
50 | C1-415: Mathematics and Statistics |
51 | C1-500: Qualit1 Assurance and Automated Anal1tical Methods |
52 | C1-5002: Thesis |
53 | C1-501: Unit Operations |
54 | C1-502: Advanced Chemical Kinetics |
55 | C1-503: Chemical Thermod1namics |
56 | C1-504: Industrial Chemical Anal1sis |
57 | C1-505: Advanced Spectroscopic Techniques |
58 | C1-506: Electroanal1tical Techniques |
59 | C1-507: Advanced Chromatographic Techniques |
60 | C1-511: Research Methodolog1 |
61 | C1-512: Drug and Heteroc1clic Chemistr1 |
62 | C1-513: Organic S1nthesis |
63 | C1-517: Corrosin Chemistr1 |
64 | C1-522: Water Treatment |
65 | C1-523: Nano Chemistr1 |
66 | C1-524: Laborator1 Qualit1 Assurance |
67 | EE-5002: Thesis |
68 | EL-402: Introduction to Mechatronics |
69 | EL-403: Introduction to Power Electronics |
70 | EL-501: Solid State Materials and Devices |
71 | EL-502: Analog Integrated Circuits |
72 | EL-503: Advanced Digital Electronics & Interfacing Techniques |
73 | EL-504: Electronics Design Automation |
74 | EL-507: Fuzz1 Logic and Intelligent Electronics Control S1stems |
75 | EL-511: Digital VLSI Design |
76 | EL-512: Analog VLSI Design |
77 | EL-514: Light wave Engineering |
78 | EL-521: Measurement & Calibration of Electronic S1stems |
79 | EL-523: Industrial Control S1stems |
80 | EL-524: Advanced Power Electronics |
81 | EL-525: Sensors and S1stems |
82 | EL-526: Robotics and its Application of Industrial Electronics |
83 | EM-504: Project Management Framework and Tools |
84 | EM-505: Operations Research |
85 | EM-511: Total Qualit1 Management |
86 | EM-512: Project Evaluation and Feasibilit1 Anal1sis |
87 | EN-502: Environmental Applied Science |
88 | EN-508: Environment Impact Assessment |
89 | EN-510: Process D1namics in Environmental S1stem |
90 | EN-511: Environmental Management |
91 | EN-513: Industrial Waste Treatment and Disposal |
92 | EN-514: Water Resources Management |
93 | EN-515: Air Pollution and Control |
94 | EN-518: Sustainable Development & Appropriate Technolog1 |
95 | EN-520: Marine Pollution and Control |
96 | EN-521: Special Topics in Environmental Engineering |
97 | EN-523: Anal1sis of Environmental Contaminants |
98 | EN-524: Wastewater Engineering |
99 | EN-525: Ph1sico Chemical Processes |
100 | EN-526: Solid Waste Management |
101 | EN-527: Environmental Health and Sanitation |
102 | EN-531: Environmental Qualit1 Management |
103 | EN-537: Water Qualit1 Management |
104 | EN-540: Health, Safet1 & Environmental Management |
105 | EN-541: Remote Sensing in Environmental Management |
106 | EN-542: Sustainable Waste Management |
107 | IM-5002: Thesis |
108 | IM-501: Suppl1 Chain Management |
109 | IM-503: Maintenance Management |
110 | IM-506: Business Process Re-engineering |
111 | IM-513: Six Sigma Methodologies |
112 | IM-515: Agile & Lean Manufacturing |
113 | IM-526: Facilities Planning and La1out |
114 | IM-552: Logistics Management |
115 | IM-554: Procurement Management |
116 | IM-557: Managing Suppl1 Chain Inventor1 |
117 | IM-559: International Trade |
118 | IM-563: Warehouse Management and Ph1sical Distribution Network |
119 | MC-5002: Thesis |
120 | MC-503: Elements of Machine D1namics and Design |
121 | MC-504: Mechanics of Materials and Processes |
122 | MC-505: Thermo Fluidics |
123 | MC-511: Sensors and Actuators |
124 | MC-513: Control Theor1 & S1stems |
125 | MC-514: Kinematics & Rigid Bod1 D1namics |
126 | MC-515: Industrial Automation & Robotics |
127 | MC-523: Mechanical Design of Mechatronics S1stems |
128 | MC-537: Reliabilit1 Engineering |
129 | MC-539: Micro-& NAno-Electromechanical S1stem |
130 | MC-541: Digital Image Processing & Machine Vision |
131 | MC-546: Data Acquisition and Microcontroller |
132 | MC-547: Mechatronics S1stem Design |
133 | ME-5002: Thesis |
134 | ME-501: Engineering Design |
135 | ME-502: Advanced Stress Anal1sis |
136 | ME-503: Computer Aided Design |
137 | ME-504: Finite Element Anal1sis |
138 | ME-505: Mechanical Vibrations |
139 | ME-507: Power Plant Design |
140 | ME-521: Automation & Controls |
141 | ME-522: Computer Aided Manufacturing |
142 | ME-523: Operations Research |
143 | ME-524: Reliabilit1 & Qualit1 Engineering |
144 | ME-525: Advanced Manufacturing Processes |
145 | ME-527: Human Factor Engineering |
146 | ME-530: Maintenance Engineering |
147 | ME-541: Advanced Thermod1namics |
148 | ME-542: Energ1 Management |
149 | ME-544: Advanced Heat Transfer |
150 | ME-547: Advanced Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration |
151 | ME-548: Advanced Fluid Mechanics |
152 | ME-550: Numerical Methods in Heat Transfer |
153 | ME-551: Introduction to Computational Fluid D1namics |
154 | ME-555: Advanced Thermod1namics |
155 | ME-574: Fluid D1namics |
156 | ME-585: Reliabilit1 and Asset Management |
157 | ME-587: Building Services Engineering |
158 | MT-5002: Thesis |
159 | PH-400: Classical Mechanics |
160 | PH-401: Electromagnetic Fields-I |
161 | PH-406: Modern Ph1sics - I |
162 | PH-407: Modern Ph1sics - II |
163 | PH-500: Mathematical Ph1sics |
164 | PH-5002: Thesis |
165 | PH-504: Electromagnetic Fields-II |
166 | PP-5002: Thesis |
167 | PP-512: Advanced Pol1mer Processing |
168 | PP-513: Pol1mer Reactor Engineering |
169 | PP-514: Rheolog1 of Complex Fluids |
170 | PP-515: Pol1mer Structure-Propert1 Relationships |
171 | PP-525: Advanced Pol1mer Composites |
172 | PP-527: Pol1mer Adhesives and Coatings |
173 | PP-531: Pol1mer Characterization |
174 | PP-532: Pol1mer Degradation, Stabilit1 and Rec1ling |
175 | PP-533: Process Safet1 and Loss Prevention |
176 | SE-501: Advanced Requirements Engineering |
177 | SE-504: Software Measurement and Metrics |
178 | SE-510: Advanced Software Project Management |
179 | TE-553: Textile Brand Managemental and Marketing |
Undergraduate projects
Following is the list of relevant Final Year Design Projects (FYDP) thesis carried out at undergraduate level in the University.
- Integrating Construction Process Simulation in BIM
- nD BIM Modelling for Infrastructure – A Case Study of Airport
- Development at Portable Domestic, Wastewater Treatment Plant for Recycling
- Analyzing Energy Consumption of Drinking Water Treatment Operation
- Behaviour of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Beams Subjected to Variable Loading
- Design of Concrete Flexural Members Using Bamboo Reinforcement
- Green Rooftops Using Hydroponics and Recycled Water
- Design of Low-cost Residential Housing Units Using Lightly Reinforced Masonry
- Surveying and Mapping of Potential Clay Reserves in KPK Region
- Behaviour of Beams Prepared with Recycled Aggregate Concrete Subjected to Torsion
- To Study the Rutting Susceptibility of Flexible Pavement Using Recycled Concrete Aggregates
- Effect of Curing on the Strength of Geopolymer Concrete at Ambient Temperature
- Heat Exchanger Fouling Model and Preventive Maintenance Scheduling Tool
- Solvent De-Asphalting for 200,000 Barrels per day Refining based on DAS (UAE) Blend Crude
- To Simulate and Design a Control Technique for Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM) Processing Plant
- To Study the Effect of Baffle Configuration on The Thermal and Hydraulic Performance of a Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
- Preparation of the Toothpaste from Natural Sources
- Synthesis and Application of Bio-Mediated Nano-Particales as Plant Modifiers
- Development of a blockchain-based car-pooling mobile application
- Developing a car-pooling application focusing automated authenticity of users
- Secure wireless internet sharing application using smart routers
- Design and development of a web application for automating the process of reading electric meters
- Robustness testing for simultaneous determination of Amlodipine besalyte, Perindopril and Atorvastatin calcium drugs.
- Production, partial Purification and characterization of protease by Aspergillus Niger.
- Production, partial Purification and characterization of amylase by Aspergillus Niger.
- Production, partial Purification and characterization of invertase by Aspergillus Niger.
- Integration of Hybrid Super Capacitors and Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery in Battery Management System (BMS)
- Formulating variuos Neural Network Models for Phtovolataic fault detection and their performance bcomaprision
- Optimal design of primary and secomdry network
- Design and implementation of 3-axis CNC machine for Electrical Panel Foaming at Accrescent Engineers (Pvt) Ltd.
- Smart Design of 5-Axis CNC Machine for Industrial Applications
- Design of Low Cost, Medical, Portable Oxygen Concentrator
- Humanoid Robotic Arm
- Design and analysis of improved oxygen percentage of low cost oxygen concentrator
- Design of a gait control algorithm for a Quadruped Robot
- Design and development of CPAP/BiPAP respiratory assistive device
- Relationship between Supply Chain Management Practices and Firm Performance: An investigation on the economic benefits of retail businesses from consumer perspective
- Analysing the supplier’s reliability and lead time of manufacturing firm
- The possible wats of e-billing and its acceptability in customers – A case of SSGC
- End to end optimization of supply chain processes using CPFR industry 4.0
- Impact of digital finance on household consumption
- study on applicatoin of edible coating from sugarcane waste on vegetable/fruit under control environment for quality assessment.
- Fabrication and design optimization of solar energy food dryer.
- Design and fabrication of detoxification device for aflatoxin in red chilies using UV radiation.
- Reduction of Wastages in Stitching Department using Lean Principles
- Productivity Enhancement and Lead Time Reduction
- Lead time reduction in processing
- Manufacturing Waste Reduction in a Garments Industry
- Productivity Improvement of Copper Tubing Line (Split-AC) by Lean Tools
- Design and Implementation of Optimized Inventory Management System
- Development and implementation of Quality Management System in SOORTY textile mills
- Implementation of Supply Chain Principles in Textile Industry
- Import Parts Receiving and Operation Design to track Stock Movement
- Implementation of Lean Manufacturing in Assembly Line
- Optimization of Accessories Stores Inventory through Lean Manufacturing
- Warehouse & Material Handling Management
- Implementation of Lean Manufacturing in Denim Industry
- To identify and improve bisque quality by reducing defects from production process
- To improve the alignment and manage the warehousing system of the industry
- Using Lean methodology to reduce wastage and increase efficiency
- Rule Development and Process Standardization for Inventory Handling
- To study and design the system to conserve the utility consumption (natural gas) of the Grid Casting Shop of Atlas Battery Limited supported by Heat Transfer calculations and simulations.
- Production and Development of Solar Module using Pervoskite Material
- To Design a Vertical Lift to carry 20 TPH of Oil Seeds.
- Design and Fabrication of a Small scale Garbage Energy Generator.
- Synthesis and optimization of mechanical behavior of polymeric composite material strengthened using nanoparticles
- Geothermal Cooling Assessment in Karachi through model vapour compression water cooled A/C
- Perform an energy audit of the main auditorium of NEDUET.
- Design and development of shear thickening fluid based fiber reinforced composite for impact resistance applications.
- Design and Development of Composite Materials for Engineering Applications Trough Recyclable Materials
- Characterisation and development of low and ultra-low cement high alumina castable by using a portion of recycled materials
- Study on root-cause analysis of crack observed during press forging in low alloyed steel ingots.
- Enhancement of thermal stability as well as antibacterial properties in the edible packaging films.
- Effect of chlorine-based environment on boiler tubes steel grades in waste to energy plant
- High-Temperature study of diffusion aluminide coated martensitic stainless steel
- Studying and enhancing the corrosion resistance of outer body panel of car.
- Prevention of Mud Dephasing due to cement contamination during COC.
- Effect of carbonates 〖(CO〗_3) and Bi- Carbonates 〖(HCO〗_3) or clay shale swelling
- Efficient Solar Power System in House Hold Application
- Smart Blinds (Intensity Sensitive)
- Effect of Cocoa Nucifera on thermal and mechanical properties of High Density Polyethylene.
- Development of Polynaphtalene Sulfonate concrete admixture.
- Recycling of HDPE and re use in FMCG.
- Organic filler reinforced polymer
- Effect of Modified bio filler for sustainable reinforcement polymer composite.
- Development of third generation admixture with enhanced slump retention capabilities using super plasticizer.
- Gasification of lignite coal with plastic waste blends for syn gas production using ASPEN PLUS
- Bit Bulletin-A News Summarize using NLP
- Meal Proof- A Blockchain based Application for tracing Food Industry Supply Chain
- Smart Water Management using IOT devices
- Energy Efficient Appliance Automation through Heat Registry
- Non-Destructive Classification of Woven Fabric using Machine Learning
- High Performance textile based composite system for retrofitting application group members.
- Hybrid composites based on woven fiberglass and bagasse fiber reinforcement
- To investigate the effects of different chemical finishes on properties of cotton twill fabric
- Optimization of Effluent treatment plant
- Development of reactive inks for Digital printing of cotton.
- Fabric simulation by using CGI
- To analyze the effect of bleach washing on elastane in cotton fabric
- To investigate the effect of fibrous materials on performance of asphalt mixtures
- Investigation and optimization of process parameters of self-cleaning denim fabric using metal oxide nano particles
- To Investigate the seam performance of laundered garment
- Experimental investigation of polyester-fibre reinforced cement composites
- Sustainable development of waste wrapper fabric
- Effect of Sportswear Fabric Parameters on its Functional Properties
- Manufacturing & Characterization of braided composite
- Comparative analysis of washed gaments subjected to different types of stones
- A sustainable transition for Pakistan Manufacturing and packaging of disaster relief blankets
- Investigate The Effects Of Various Process Parameter On Dyeing And Printing Of Low Temperature Dyeing Polyester (Pbt) Knitted Fabric
- Development of eco-friendly water repellent finish for durable washing
- Application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Operational Planning of Textile Production
- Softening of Lingo Cellulosic Fibers for Textile Application
- Design and Implementation of Mobile Application for Archeological Sites
- Design and Implementation of Automated Customized Class Timetable
- Investigation of heat of hydration of calcined caly based concrete
- Structural Behaviour of light weight aggregate column
Postgraduate Projects
Following is the list of relevant thesis carried out at postgraduate level in the University.
Development of Foamed Cementitioous Composite Blocks for Light Weight Infilled Walls
- Evaluation of Liquefaction-Induced Lateral
- Displacement Using Standard Penetration Test
- Accuracy Assessment of the Soil Erosion and Sediment
- Yield Model of QNSPECT using SWAT
- Experimental Study on Continuous Concrete Beams Reinforced With BFRP Bars
- Flexural Behaviour of BFRP Reinforced Concrete Slabs
- Sustainable Procurement Framework for Introducing Environmentally Friendly Material in Construction Industry of Pakistan
- Simulation study of steam gasification of waste bank notes for synthesis gas production.
- Waste energy utilization during p-xylene oxidation to generate low/extra low pressure steam for power generation
- Analysis of printing residual solvents and their oxygen and water vapor transfer rates in flexible packging for food contact materials
- Product Recommendation System Using Deep Learning Approach
- Trend forecasting using Data Analytics for a New E-commerce Business
- A Machine Learning Approach to Demand Forecasting in Retail
- Development of a Predictive Model for PET Resin Grading
- Synthesis of Nano-Material Induced Ion Exchange Membrane For Specific Application of Recycling of Industrial Chemical Waste.
- Residential Load scheduling of Conventional Grids via an AI-Based Algorithm
- To reduce Technical Losses of K- Electric Distribution system using Network reconfiguration
- Optimization of grounding system design based on IEEE Std. 80:2013 Using Machine Learning Models
- The Prevalence of Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) among Workers in the Automotive Industry.
- The Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) in Online Education during COVID-19 Pandemic in Pakistan.
- Integrating Vsm And Waste Relationship Model In Order To Increase Productivity At An Organization.
- Evaluation of critical factors/components for the implementation of Industry 4.0 in third-world countries.
- Industry 4.0 based Maintenance Management System.
- Development of a industry 4.0 based systems for quality control in a garment manufacturing.
- Impact of green washing on consumer buying decision and brand image
- To explore the awarness and sustainability of Lean Manufacturing Practices: Collective case study on Automotive Industries of Pakistan.
- To design a digital transformation framework using Industry 4.0 technology to improve the productivity in the Pakistani garment manufacturing industry.
- Investigation of Energy Management Practices in Steel Sector of Pakistan
- Energy, Energy, Economic and Environmental (4E) Analysis of Wind Farms in Pakistan
- Automotive Paint Defect Detection using Image Processing & Machine Vision
- Challenges in Online Social Networks (OSNs) Deal With Machine Learning Algorithms
- A study on development of sustainable and water efficient processes in denim fabric finishing
Externally Funded Research Projects
Following is the list of relevant research projects funded by external agencies, which are currently being carried out in the University.
- Development of Additively Manufactured Low-cost Moulds for the Manufacturing of FRP Products
- Solar powered atmospheric plasma system for treatment of contaminated wastewater
- Smart City Lab, National Center for Artificial Intelligence
- Design and Development of Universal Smart Robotic Manipulation System for Packaging Industry
- Designing of a Versatile Prototype based on the application of Ion Exchange Membranes, for Efficient and Cost Effective Recycling of Industrial waste.
- Design and development of efficient energy storage solution
- Cost-Effective Synthesis of Tetraethylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether(TEGDME) for the Development of Highly Efficient Energy Storage Devices
- Artificial intelligence as a pathway to reduce industrial Downtime cost through hybrid predictive maintenance (ADVICE)
- Development Project of IoT Circuit for Electrical BLDC fans, dashboard and mobile app
- EV System Development
- Pakistan Energy Outlook
- Energy Finance Outlook
- Solar Testing
- Dynamic Analysis of Nanostructured Thin Films for Smart Energy
- Indigenous development of high-performance textiles based composite structural reinforcement system for Civil Infrastructure.
- Development of Cost-Effective Structural Concrete Formulation using Limestone Calcined Clay-Based LC3 Cement Blend with Domestic Resources and its Application in a Pilot Project
- Development of Reactive Inks for Digital Printing
- Recycling of Polymeric Materials; plastics and elastomers
- Production of Highly Valuable sugarcane wax a way forward to sugarcane by product based industry
- Constitutive Modelling of Self-Healing PVA Fibre Reinforced Concrete (SHPFRC)
- Batch Extraction and characterization of sugarcane wax from sugar industry surplus: Application as an edible coating
- Uderolal Preidot Research Project
- Neurocomputation Lab, National Center for Artificial Intelligence
Events and Curricular Activities
A number of relevant activities are being carried out from time to time in the University, both by the departmental administrations and the students. Some significant activities are as follows.
- Awareness Session regarding Waste Management and Energy Conversation for the students of NED Cowasjee School
- Seminar on Solid Waste Management
- visit to Pakistan Cables
- visit to Alson Pvt Limited
- visit to KTDMC
- Ignite 7.0
- Participation in the ASME EFx 2023
- RC Car Workshop
- CAD Competition
- Engineering Carnival
- PLC wiring workshop
- 80. Robotrix
- 12th International Mechanical Engineering Conference (IMEC 2023)
- 2nd International Industrial Chemistry Conference
- International Conference on Sustainable Engineering & Development (ICSED-2022)
- 5th NED International Textile Conference 2022