- The work on installation of 100 KW Solar Power Plant for Abul Kalam Library is currently in full swing. This project is donated by Engro Energy Limited (EEL) and the NED University acknowledges the invaluable support of Mr. Ahsan Zafar, CEO EEL, who is also an alumnus of this University.
- 70 KW Solar Power Project has been installed at the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Feb 2022 through a valuable donation of Engr. Ashraf Habibullah, worth USD 50,000. This is an addition to an earlier gift of 36 KW Solar Power Project which was installed at the Department of Electrical Engineering in Feb 2021 worth USD 20,000.
Activity Summary Graph
The following graph depicts the course offerings and other recent activities carried out at NED University of Engineering and Technology both at undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG), relevant to the requirements of sustainable development goal 7. A brief description of the same follows.

Undergraduate Courses
Following is the list of relevant courses currently being offered in different undergraduate programmes of the University. The credit hour detail of the same can be found in the University’s Undergraduate Prospectus, available at https://www.neduet.edu.pk/prospectus.
1 | AR-431: Environmental Design and Systems-III |
2 | AU-112: Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics |
3 | AU-113: Introduction to Automotive Systems |
4 | AU-212: Computer Programming and Applications |
5 | AU-222: Automobile Instrumentation |
6 | AU-231: Manufacturing Engineering-I |
7 | AU-311: Manufacturing Engineering II |
8 | AU-313: Combustion, Emission and Pollution |
9 | AU-314: Vehicle Dynamics |
10 | AU-315: Design of Machine Elements |
11 | AU-415: Vehicle Design |
12 | AU-416: Mechatronics |
13 | AU-431: Vehicle Thermal Management |
14 | CH-106: Applied Chemistry |
15 | CH-107: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics-I |
16 | CH-208: Analytical Chemistry |
17 | CH-210: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics-II |
18 | CH-307: Heat Transfer |
19 | CH-310: Fuel & Energy |
20 | CH-311: Mass Transfer |
21 | CH-406: Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals |
22 | CH-413: Gas Engineering |
23 | CH-416: Petroleum Refinery & Petrochemical |
24 | CN-428: Sustainable Construction |
25 | CY-108: Analytical Chemistry |
26 | CY-109: Applied Chemistry |
27 | DS-304: Urban Development |
28 | DS-406: Environmental Issues in Development |
29 | DS-408: Sustainability in Development |
30 | FD-201: Thermodynamics |
31 | FD-307: Heat & Mass Transfer |
32 | FD-430: Food Engineering Project |
33 | IM-105: Thermofluids |
34 | IM-312: Applied Thermo Fluids |
35 | TE-307: Utilities for Textile Industry |
36 | TE-319: Heat & Mass Transfer |
37 | ME-110: Basic Mechanical Engineering |
38 | ME-112: Thermodynamics |
39 | ME-221: Fluid Mechanics-I |
40 | ME-224: Internal Combustion Engines |
41 | ME-302: Solid Mechanics - II |
42 | ME-311: Manufacturing Processes |
43 | ME-314: Fluid Mechanics-II |
44 | ME-316: Fluid Mechanics-II |
45 | ME-320: RAC and Heat Transfer Lab |
46 | ME-321: Power Plant Engineering |
47 | ME-323: Machine Design |
48 | ME-409: Mechanical Engineering Project |
49 | ME-420: Operations Management |
50 | ME-426: Plant Maintenance |
51 | ME-428: Health, Safety & Environment |
52 | ME-429: Water Treatment & Desalination |
53 | ME-430: Mechatronics |
54 | ME-431: Tribology |
55 | ME-432: Health, Safety and Environment |
56 | ME-435: Operations Management |
57 | ME-436: Mechanical Vibrations |
58 | ME-437: Machine Design and Vibration Lab |
59 | ME-438: AI and Internet of Things |
60 | MM-413: Nuclear Materials |
61 | MY-206: Furnaces and Refractories |
62 | PE-103: Fundamentals of Petroleum Engineering |
63 | PE-304: Reservoir Engineering-I |
64 | PH-102: Heat & Thermodynamics |
65 | PH-105: Electricity & Magnetism |
66 | PH-304: Electromagnetic Theory-I |
67 | PH-309: Electromagnetic Theory-II |
68 | PP-106: Thermodynamics-I |
69 | PP-209: Thermodynamics-II |
70 | PP-305: Fuels and Combustion |
71 | PP-308: Heat Transfer |
72 | PP-309: Mass Transfer |
73 | PP-412: Environmental Engineering |
74 | PP-414: Petroleum Refinery Engineering |
75 | UE-361: Planning & Design of Transportation System |
Postgraduate Courses
Following is the list of relevant courses currently being offered in different postgraduate programmes of the University. The credit hour detail of the same can be found in the University’s Postgraduate Prospectus, available at https://www.neduet.edu.pk/prospectus.
1 | AR-601: Advanced Architectural Design-I |
2 | AR-602: Advanced Architectural Design-II |
3 | AR-603: Studies in Architectural Research |
4 | AR-608: Green Architecture: Concepts and Applications |
5 | AR-614: Infrastructure Planning |
6 | AR-617: Advanced Studies in Urban Design |
7 | AR-626: Remote Sensing |
8 | AR-629: Advanced Urban Sociolog1 |
9 | AR-648: Architecture and the Cit1 |
10 | AR-698: Thesis |
11 | BM-542: Finite Element Method |
12 | BM-543: Mechatronics S1stem Design |
13 | CE-5002: Thesis |
14 | CE-501: Advanced Structural Anal1sis |
15 | CE-5016: Fundamentals of Environmental Laws for Construction Industr1 |
16 | CE-506: Finite Element Method |
17 | CE-514: Design of Tall Structures |
18 | CE-519: Advanced Cementitious Materials |
19 | CH-5002: Thesis |
20 | CH-501: Chemical Thermod1namics - III |
21 | CH-502: Advanced Reaction Engineering |
22 | CH-503: Transport Phenomena |
23 | CH-504: Advanced Process Control |
24 | CH-506: Applied Chemical Thermod1namics |
25 | CH-507: Thermal Process Engineering |
26 | CH-508: Process Design Simulation |
27 | CH-509: Reactor Design and kinetics |
28 | CH-511: Pol1mer Processing |
29 | CH-513: Advanced Composite Materials |
30 | CH-514: Petroleum Refining Engineering |
31 | CH-515: Computational Fluid D1namics |
32 | CH-520: Advanced Heat Transfer |
33 | CH-521: Process D1namics and Control |
34 | CH-522: Advanced Refining and Gas Engineering |
35 | CH-523: Process Safet1 Management |
36 | C1-500: Qualit1 Assurance and Automated Anal1tical Methods |
37 | C1-5002: Thesis |
38 | C1-505: Advanced Spectroscopic Techniques |
39 | EE-5002: Thesis |
40 | EE-501: Linear Control S1stems |
41 | EE-502: Optimal Control S1stems |
42 | EE-503: Random Variables and Stochastic Processes |
43 | EE-504: Adaptive Control S1stems |
44 | EE-505: Digital Control S1stem |
45 | EE-512: Advanced Digital Signal Processing |
46 | EE-521: Power S1stem Anal1sis-I |
47 | EE-522: Power S1stem Anal1sis-II |
48 | EE-523: Power S1stem Protection |
49 | EE-524: Electrical Power Distribution S1stem Engg.-I |
50 | EE-525: Electrical Power Distribution S1stem Engg.-II |
51 | EE-526: Electrical Power Transmission S1stem Engineering |
52 | EE-527: Power S1stem Stabilit1 |
53 | EE-528: Computer Methods in Power S1stem Anal1sis |
54 | EE-529: Power S1stem Reliabilit1 |
55 | EE-531: Embedded Power Generation |
56 | EE-532: Reactive Power Control |
57 | EE-543: Solid State DC Drives |
58 | EE-561: Power Generation Economics |
59 | EE-562: Energ1 Audits |
60 | EE-563: Energ1 Conservation |
61 | EE-564: Power S1stem Restructuring |
62 | EE-565: Distributed Generation |
63 | EE-566: Reliabilit1 Engineeering |
64 | EE-567: Energ1 Planning |
65 | EE-570: Advanced Electrical Power S1stems |
66 | EE-571: Advanced Power Electronics |
67 | EE-572: S1nchrophasor Technolog1 |
68 | EE-573: Smart Grid Technologies and Applications |
69 | EE-574: Data Anal1tics for Smart Grid |
70 | EE-575: Electricit1 Markets |
71 | EE-576: Communication S1stem for Smart Grid |
72 | EE-577: Energ1 Storage S1stems |
73 | EE-578: Renewable Energ1 Integration with Electrical Networks |
74 | EE-579: Smart Grid S1stem Securit1 |
75 | EL-402: Introduction to Mechatronics |
76 | EL-403: Introduction to Power Electronics |
77 | EL-501: Solid State Materials and Devices |
78 | EL-502: Analog Integrated Circuits |
79 | EL-503: Advanced Digital Electronics & Interfacing Techniques |
80 | EL-504: Electronics Design Automation |
81 | EL-511: Digital VLSI Design |
82 | EL-512: Analog VLSI Design |
83 | EL-514: Light wave Engineering |
84 | EL-521: Measurement & Calibration of Electronic S1stems |
85 | EL-523: Industrial Control S1stems |
86 | EL-524: Advanced Power Electronics |
87 | EL-525: Sensors and S1stems |
88 | EL-526: Robotics and its Application of Industrial Electronics |
89 | EN-5002: Thesis |
90 | EN-502: Environmental Applied Science |
91 | EN-508: Environment Impact Assessment |
92 | EN-510: Process D1namics in Environmental S1stem |
93 | EN-511: Environmental Management |
94 | EN-513: Industrial Waste Treatment and Disposal |
95 | EN-514: Water Resources Management |
96 | EN-515: Air Pollution and Control |
97 | EN-518: Sustainable Development & Appropriate Technolog1 |
98 | EN-520: Marine Pollution and Control |
99 | EN-521: Special Topics in Environmental Engineering |
100 | EN-523: Anal1sis of Environmental Contaminants |
101 | EN-524: Wastewater Engineering |
102 | EN-525: Ph1sico Chemical Processes |
103 | EN-526: Solid Waste Management |
104 | EN-527: Environmental Health and Sanitation |
105 | EN-531: Environmental Qualit1 Management |
106 | EN-537: Water Qualit1 Management |
107 | EN-540: Health, Safet1 & Environmental Management |
108 | EN-541: Remote Sensing in Environmental Management |
109 | EN-542: Sustainable Waste Management |
110 | IM-503: Maintenance Management |
111 | IM-515: Agile & Lean Manufacturing |
112 | IM-526: Facilities Planning and La1out |
113 | IM-552: Logistics Management |
114 | MC-501: Electrical and Electronic for Mechanical Engineers |
115 | MC-503: Elements of Machine D1namics and Design |
116 | MC-504: Mechanics of Materials and Processes |
117 | MC-505: Thermo Fluidics |
118 | MC-511: Sensors and Actuators |
119 | MC-513: Control Theor1 & S1stems |
120 | MC-514: Kinematics & Rigid Bod1 D1namics |
121 | MC-515: Industrial Automation & Robotics |
122 | MC-523: Mechanical Design of Mechatronics S1stems |
123 | ME-5002: Thesis |
124 | ME-501: Engineering Design |
125 | ME-502: Advanced Stress Anal1sis |
126 | ME-503: Computer Aided Design |
127 | ME-504: Finite Element Anal1sis |
128 | ME-505: Mechanical Vibrations |
129 | ME-507: Power Plant Design |
130 | ME-521: Automation & Controls |
131 | ME-522: Computer Aided Manufacturing |
132 | ME-541: Advanced Thermod1namics |
133 | ME-542: Energ1 Management |
134 | ME-544: Advanced Heat Transfer |
135 | ME-545: Renewable Energ1 |
136 | ME-547: Advanced Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration |
137 | ME-548: Advanced Fluid Mechanics |
138 | ME-550: Numerical Methods in Heat Transfer |
139 | ME-551: Introduction to Computational Fluid D1namics |
140 | ME-555: Advanced Thermod1namics |
141 | ME-556: Renewable Energ1 S1stems |
142 | ME-557: Energ1 Economics, Polic1 and Assessment |
143 | ME-558: Energ1 Modelling and Forecasting |
144 | ME-559: Process and Energ1 Integration |
145 | ME-560: Energ1 Management and Conservation |
146 | ME-562: Photovoltaic S1stems |
147 | ME-563: Wind Energ1: Design and Integration |
148 | ME-564: Design of Wind Turbines |
149 | ME-574: Fluid D1namics |
150 | ME-587: Building Services Engineering |
151 | MM-5002: Thesis |
152 | PH-401: Electromagnetic Fields-I |
153 | PH-406: Modern Ph1sics - I |
154 | PH-407: Modern Ph1sics - II |
155 | PH-500: Mathematical Ph1sics |
156 | PH-5002: Thesis |
157 | PH-504: Electromagnetic Fields-II |
158 | PP-5002: Thesis |
Undergraduate projects
Following is the list of relevant Final Year Design Projects (FYDP) thesis carried out at undergraduate level in the University.
- Design and development of a battery management system of electric vehicle
- Design and simulate the electric drive train of a standard electric multi purpose vehicle
- nD BIM modelling for infrastructure – A case study of airport
- City and building information models for solar energy optimization in buildings
- Heat exchanger fouling model and preventive maintenance scheduling tool
- Energy, energy, economic and enviro-economic (4Es) analyses of CO2 capture from natural gas using hybrid physical and chemical solvents - A simulation study and intelligent modeling
- Municipal solid waste gasification with CO2 capture via process simulation approach-Karachi Based Study.
- Secondary condensate recovery system using hydro-cyclones.
- Techno-economics analysis of mixed refrigerant-based processes for the production of LNG.
- Comparison of pyrolytic product blends and co-pyrolytic products blends obtained by
- waste engine oil and waste cooking oil
- Catalytic co-pyrolysis of waste engine oil and waste cooking oil
- Catalytic pyrolysis of plastic/municipal waste to higher hydrocarbons
- Designing and fabrication of temperature control unit (ICU)
- Pilot scale production of soil conditioner through bio-chemical treatment of food waste
- Designing of a commercially viable waste recycling power plant (solid waste)
- Simulation of syngas production from banknote paper waste using apen plus
- Closed electric market fabrication at NED university with restructured optimized integration of hybrid super capacitors and lithium iron phosphate battery in battery management system (BMS)
- Digitization of anemometer and wind vane
- Electric power generation using wind turbine by applying the concept of doubly fed induction generator (dfig) where constant power output is achieved in variable wind conditions
- Designing and analysis of a reliable, protected and efficient industrial power system
- Modeling and voltage stability analysis of hybrid microgrid in the presence of electric vehicle charging station
- Designing of smart power protection system for gaba sons and initiation of battery energy storage system as an approach towards energy storage in industry
- Design and control of DC microgrid ith integration of renewables and BESS
- Methods of improving critical clearing time of IEEE-9 bus system
- Modelling, analysis and protection of carbon free AC microgrid
- Designing and simulations of fixed and variable tilted solar panel
- Electric vehicle charging station with AC grid power
- Air water generator
- Green energy harvesting from tiles
- Design and fabrication of ultraviolet treatment unit for the shelf life extension of coconut water.
- Fabrication and design optimization of solar energy food dryer
- Development of model smart factory based on industry 4.0 requirements
- Development of smart workstation 2.0
- Utilization of domestic waste to energy/steam directly and via refuse derived fuel (RDF) to fulfill Industrial demand
- Development of hybrid renewable energy based solutions using wind, solar and batteries for sustainable power generation and transmission capability of congested networks
- Development of solar based refrigerator
- Design of HVAC system for a multistory building with solar PV system and BIM
- Production and development of solar module using pervoskite material
- Experimental and numerical study of performance enhancement of parabolic trough system
- Techno-economic evaluation of integrating renewable energy sources with 660 mw coal fired power plant
- Fabrication and installation of 1 KW hydal river turbine at northern areas of Pakistan
- Design and fabrication of a small scale garbage energy generator
- Thermal performance parameters estimation of the solar cooker by using artificial neural network.
- Design and fabrication of vertical axis wind turbine VAWT.
- To design a mechanism that could extract energy from speed breakers.
- Techno-economic analysis of rooftop grid tied PV system under Pakistan’s feed-in tariff (FIT) scheme using HOMER.
- Modelling, analysis and fabrication of portable solar photovoltaic system
- Technical and economic analysis of solar integrated organic rankine cycle
- Study electrical and mechanical characterization of available peizo electric materials
- Design of tidal power plant
- Surface modification of magnesium alloys through advanced coating processing for biomedical applications
- Synthesis and characterization of nano structure coating materials for the improvement of wear and tear resistance of piercing plug for manufacturing of seamless pipes
- Design and development of efficient cathode for energy applications
- Design and development of automotive body using recyclable material and fiber (synthetic and natural) along with nano structures
- Investigation of transition metal derivative as an efficient hydrogen evaluation catalyst
- Development of MAX phases as precursors for catalysis in battery applications.
- Estimation of lifetime of thermally degraded instrument cable used in power plant.
- Development of functional ceramics for energy harvesting devices
- Assessment and characterization of electrical steels
- Effect of chlorine-based environment on boiler tubes steel grades in waste to energy plant
- Formulation of an environment friendly hybrid nano drilling fluid using aloe-vera gel and nano scalesio2
- Synthesis and evaluation of an environmental friendly acidizing fluid laced with activated carbon for carbonate rocks
- Efficient solar power system in house hold application
- Smart blinds (intensity sensitive)
- Lithium ion cells characterization and testing device
- Eco-friendly dyeing of cotton using salt-free multifunctional dyeing approaches
- Experimental investigation of polyester-fibre reinforced cement composites
- Development of textile based triboelectric nanogenerators for energy harvesting
Postgraduate Projects
Following is the list of relevant thesis carried out at postgraduate level in the University.
- Catalytic deoxygenation of waste cooking oil and non-edible oil to product biofuels
- Simulation Study Of Steam Gasification Of Waste Bank Notes For Synthesis Gas Production
- Optimization Of The Dual Mixed Refrigerant Process Of Natural Gas Liquefaction
- Heat exchanger fouling model and preventive maintenance scheduling tool using neural network
- Comparing the effectiveness of variours redox mediators in tegdme/litfsi electrolyte for the optimization of li-air batteries
- Waste energy utilization during p-xylene oxidation to generate low/extra low pressure steam for power generation
- A broad simulation model for the production of H2-rich syngas of biomass via air–steam gasification
- Residential load scheduling of conventional grids via an AI-based algorithm
- To reduce technical losses of K- Electric distribution system using network reconfiguration
- Optimal Planning Of Multiple Wind Energy Based Distributedi generation And Capacitors To Maximize The Loadability Of Distribution Network
- Framework development to analyze the relationship of CSFs with the KPIs to measure the success of supply chain projects.
- Impact of green washing on consumer buying decision and brand image
- To improve the performance indicators of cpec project by analyzing the success factors of logistics network in resilient supply chain
- Design of air conditioning system using solar energy
- Using artificial neural network technique to determine the optimum tilt angle and orientation of solar collectors with terrain shading effect
- Estimation of energy potential for harnessing wind energy using offshore wind farm in Arabian Sea
- Generalized angstrom – Prescott coefficients and estimation of solar radiation on horizontal and tilted surface using sky models for different regions of Pakistan
- Modeling and performance evaluation of a bi-facial PV system
- Life cycle assessment of a coal fired power plant
- Investigation of energy management practices in steel sector of Pakistan
- Energy, energy, economic and environmental (4E) analysis of wind farms in Pakistan
- Assessment of net energy contribution of buildings by rooftop photovoltaic systems in Karachi
- Characterization of perovskite materials and comparison with silicon solar cell
- Performance analysis of hybrid design of vertical axis wind turbine using CFD approach
- Facile synthesis of titania and zinc oxide nanostructures for energy & environmental application
- To investigate the effects of various process parameters and their optimization for pretreatment and dyeing of cationic dyeable polyester (CDP) knitted fabric
Externally Funded Research Projects
Following is the list of relevant research projects funded by external agencies, which are currently being carried out in the University.
- Development of thermal block as sustainable and energy efficient material
- Green energy source and environmentally friendly lead-oxide free piezoelectric ceramics for energy harvesting devices
- High energy density lead free ceramic capacitors for power pulsed applications at high temperatures
- Bench-scale demonstration of an integrated waste-to-energy process for municipal solid waste management: A step toward sustainable circular economy
- Smart potable water harvesting grid for adaptive social capacity in varying humidity and insolation regions
- Cost effective synthesis of tetraethylene glycol dimethly ether (TEGDME) for Development of highly efficient energy storage device
- Development of energy efficient housing design
- Development of thermal block as sustainable and energy efficient construction material
- Smart City Lab, National Center for Artificial Intelligence
- ES2: Energy smart switch
- Design and development of efficient energy storage solution
- Cost-effective synthesis of tetraethylene glycol dimethyl ether(TEGDME) for the development of highly efficient energy storage devices
- EV system development
- Pak France peridot research project
- Pakistan energy outlook
- Energy finance outlook
- Water condensation from tropospherical humidity for water insecurity via hydro-solar nexus
- Smart potable water harvesting grid for adaptive social capacity in varying humidity and insolation regions
- Solar testing
- Performance optimization of energy storage using Phase change materials
- Small scale solar based vapour absorption cycle system
- Dynamic analysis of nanostructured thin films for smart energy
- EV development
- Neurocomputation Lab, National Center for Artificial Intelligence
Events and Curricular Activities
A number of relevant activities are being carried out from time to time in the University, both by the departmental administrations and the students. Some significant activities are as follows.
- Awareness session regarding waste management and energy conversation for the students of ned cowasjee school
- Upcoming visit to K-Electric facilities and plant
- A industrial visit to K-Electric's 132KV Gulshan grid
- Seminar on offshore wind farms' power systems
- "Electrify your Future: Insights from Industry Experts" session
- Webinar on "Benefits & Challenges of a Renewable Energy Shift | Solar Energy Systems"
- A stage II visit to K-Electric's 132KV Gulshan grid
- Seminars held on various topics including:
- Effective Interviews
- Importance of Software Skills in Chemical Engineering
- Interpersonal Skills Seminar
- Occupational Health and Safety Seminar
- Safe transportation of Hydrogen
- Use of accelerating rate calorimeter
- 8th International Electrical Engineering Conference (IEEC 2023)
- International Building Energy Efficiency Symposium (iBEES)
- International Conference on Sustainable Engineering and Development (ICSED-2022)