NED University has been one of the pioneer universities among higher educational institutes of Pakistan which has introduced community service course as mandatory in all undergraduates’ programmes since 2017. The basic philosophy is to inculcate following spirit among the students...

NED University has been one of the pioneer universities among higher educational institutes of Pakistan which has introduced community service course as mandatory in all undergraduates’ programmes since 2017. The basic philosophy is to inculcate following spirit among the students...

The Medical Department plays an active role in ensuring the medical wellbeing of University’s work force and its students. Following are some of the interesting statistics from this year...

The University is offering a total of 105 programmes (27 teaching departments from six faculties, offering 29 undergraduate, 54 masters and 22 Ph.D. programmes), in which 12,209 students are enrolled. It is worth mentioning that 36% of the University population in female which is an encouraging indicator for an Engineering University...

The University is offering a total of 105 programmes (27 teaching departments from six faculties, offering 29 undergraduate, 54 masters and 22 Ph.D. programmes), in which 12,209 students are enrolled. It is worth mentioning that 36% of the University population in female which is an encouraging indicator for an Engineering University...

NED University has two water filtering Units with the capacity of 10,000 gallons per day and 5,000 gallons per day respectively are continuously providing safe and filtered water to the students, employees and the residents of University Staff Colony...

The work on installation of 100 KW Solar Power Plant for Abul Kalam Library is currently in full swing. This project is donated by Engro Energy Limited (EEL) and the NED University acknowledges the invaluable support of Mr. Ahsan Zafar, CEO EEL, who is also an alumnus of this University...

Faculty members of NED University have been actively engaged with various institutions and organisations assisting through their expertise. Some of the salient representations are as follows...

The University houses twenty-three state of the art research centres, which are actively involved in conducting hi-tech and hi-impact research. These centres are...

Pedestrian Path Policy on Campus...

UNITWIN Programme, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris has approved the establishment of UNESCO Chair on “Sustainable Urban Regions” at NED University. This will serve as a stimulus for academic mobility and the rapid transfer of knowledge through twinning, networking, and other linking arrangements...

NED University while realizing its role of contributing towards the society – in addition to imparting quality education along with inculcating high ethics to the students – has continued its activities of previous years. More activities were also initiated this year under the domain of USR...

NED University continued planting trees of various species, in campus, taking the total count to over 8,500. This year (2021-22) plantation drive extended to various schools of Karachi as well through the support of Col. Zafar Uddin Ahmed...

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Seven Urban Forests have been established in this financial year through the generous contributions by Col. Zafar Uddin Ahmed, Chotani group and NEDIAN-NA...

The IT Department is responsible for providing, managing and planning all IT services at NED. We locally host complete data centre and private cloud, offering IT services to all campuses. These services include Enterprise Resource Planning software, Learning Management Systems, secured email service and various research journals fully automated management software...

NED and Pakistan Cables Limited signed MOU to jointly work for the promotion of research and development...
NED University has demonstrated a strong commitment to promoting sustainable development through its academic and research activities. By mapping seven key components, NED University has identified areas where it can contribute to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Through these efforts, NED University is making a significant impact towards creating a more sustainable future and promoting global progress towards achieving the SDGs.
The seven components mapped on SDGs include:
3,060 activities mapped on 17 SDGs with 4,541 mapping instances
SDG Legend
University Impact | Undergraduate Courses
During year 2022 and 2023, 804 courses at undergraduate level were offered. There were 1,447 mapping instances on SDGs. The following table shows the numerical mapping while the proportions are visualized below:
University Impact | Final year design projects
543 Final year design projects (FYDP) were carried out at undergraduate level during year 2022 and 2023. There were 1,075 mapping instances on SDGs. The following table shows the numerical mapping while the proportions are visualized below:
University Impact | Postgraduate courses
During year 2022 and 2023, 507 postgraduate courses were taught at the master level. There were 1,616 mapping instances on SDGs. The following table shows the numerical mapping while the proportions are visualized below:
University Impact | Masters theses
136 masters projects theses were undertaken during the year 2022-23. There were 333 mapping instances on SDGs. The following table shows the numerical mapping while the proportions are visualized below:
University Impact | University conferences, seminars and workshops
During year 2022 and 2023, 113 activities including international conferences, seminars, workshops and other co- and extra-curricular activities were held across NED University campuses. These activities had 245 SDG mapping instances. The following table shows the numerical mapping while the proportions are visualized below:
University Impact | Research publications
Mapping of NED University research publications across 1-16 sustainable development goals (SDGs) as per data provided by Scopus over the last five years is presented here. There were 859 publications mapping onto SDGs with 6,839 citations. The following table shows the numerical mapping while the proportions are visualized below:
University Impact | Externally funded research projects – 98 projects with 421 mapping instances
During year 2022-, 98 externally funded projects were being actively pursued by faculty members. There were 421 mapping instances of these projects on SDGs. The following table shows the numerical mapping while the proportions are visualized below: